编程原理quiz代考 MIS501 Principles of Programming

Subject Code and Title  MIS501 Principles of Programming

编程原理quiz代考 Apply an integrated development environment (IDE) using project management principles to create, compile, test and run codes

Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following Subject Learning Outcomes:
a) Synthesise the tenets of procedural programming into the object-oriented paradigm.
c) Apply an integrated development environment (IDE) using project management principles to create, compile, test and run codes to address business problems.
d) Employ object-oriented concepts to solve business problems and justify decisions.

Submission  编程原理quiz代考

This Online Test will be made available to students from Friday 12 noon (AEST) of Module 2.1 (Week 3) – Friday 12 noon of Module 2.2 (Week 4)


This assessment task is aimed at consolidating your knowledge from Module 1 and Module 2.1. You are required to answer 18 questions that will check your knowledge about sequential programming and conditional statements as identified in the learning resources. Having a sound grasp of these concepts is essential to your role in the industry.

Instructions 编程原理quiz代考

• This Online Test is made up of 18 questions.
• Review the learning resources for Module 1.1 – Module 2.1 before undertaking the Online Test.
• You will have 40 minutes to complete the attempt.
• The Online Test attempt will shut down at 40 minutes duration.
• If you leave the Online Test for a period of time prior to completion there will a forced completion.
• This Online Test comprises of multiple-choice questions.

The quiz will be graded automatically and you will receive your grade outcome instantly.

Academic integrity declaration

By attempting this quiz you agree to adhere to the full policies and procedures on Academic Integrity prior to, during and following this assessment.
I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at http://www.torrens.edu.au/policies-and-forms
Please note, all quizzes are closed book assessments and no learning materials are to be used in the completion of the quiz. 编程原理quiz代考

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