Performance and Reward Management
绩效与奖励管理论文代写 Conclusively, it is important to identify the factors that make an employee’s performance to be considered the best because it
Introduction 绩效与奖励管理论文代写
The study below will identify the employee rankings according to the case study with an evaluation of how their performance differs, resulting in the ranking. The essay will also demonstrate the methods and procedures that helped identify the rankings. There will be a demonstration of why the approach used was good and why the approach I used is more effective compared to other alternative approaches. It is also important to look at the assumptions behind the approach method used in ranking the employees and the strengths and weaknesses of the approach method.
- Matt Gibbons
- Walter Avery
- Sophia Barrow
- Lucia Concetta
- Grant Foster
- Daniel Ellis
- Sam Hammond 绩效与奖励管理论文代写
Having presented the employee rankings, I will now discuss the methods I used to achieve the ranking decision.
Ranking Method 绩效与奖励管理论文代写
The ranking methods and procedures used for the ranking above includes buying power index and employee performance. In the buying power index, there was an identification of aspects important for good performance of the employee (John week 1 lecture). Such aspects include problem solving skills, communication, time management and personal fitness.
The ranking method I used for this assessment was not supported by the employees' difference in wages and commission but their ability to show high motivation and appropriate character and performance (John week 2 lecture). Walter Avery’s second position was contributed by his ability to send updates, which showed his motivation for work. He also had a strong reputation from his clients and was very approachable. Which was a good character especially in maintaining clients.
Sam Hammond came to my list last because he showed no motivation to work. As though he did not belong to the working environment (Dolan et al., 2019).
This showed his inability to maintain the company and support its goals for a long time because his character and approach showed that he was not willing to stay in the company. 绩效与奖励管理论文代写
Employee performance was also an important aspect for this assessment with an identification of aspects that made it possible for employees to perform best as indicated in the rankings. Additionally, despite Daniel Ellis’ good reputation and high motivation to work, he was second last in my ranking because he showed physical inability to contribute to the company’s future. For example, in case he is unable to walk again. This would mean that he won't be able to perform his tasks well again (John week 2 lecture)). Which is one of the objectives of this assessment method, to rule out those who are likely not to contribute to the future of the company.
After discussing the methods I followed to rank the seven employees. I will discuss the rationale and reasoning behind the methods I chose for the rankings.
Rationale for the Approaches Above
Buying Power Index
Despite the tables in the case showing the actual performance in terms of commission and buying power, my ranking identified the employees ability to continuously support the company’s performance in the current and future times. According to (week 3 lectures), employee’s performance is identified by their ability to continuously improve their productivity such that they can promote the company’s performance. For example, employees who showed increased motivation and dedication also had a greater potential to contribute to the company’s future performance.
Diagram 1: Buying power index for the employees (Dolan et al., 2019)
Additionally, it was important to look at the energy employees used to perform their duties and the morale they also presented. For example, employees who maintained the first positions in the rank showed high motivation and morale for their work (John Week 3 lecture).
Employee Performance 绩效与奖励管理论文代写
Volante & Valenzuela, (2018) demonstrates the need to have a better performance strategy for a company which could help acquire high standards for the company. In this case, employees who show high standards both physically and performance wise with positive evidence in getting the desired company outcomes. It is more possible for the employees at the top of the ranking to achieve the company’s long-term and short-term goals compared to those at the bottom (John week 2 lecture).
With a close look at the rank. We can also identify that some employees at the bottom of the list did receive high salaries and high performance. But their inability to support the future of the company does not qualify them to the top of the list. Employees must also have a goal-oriented mindset to ensure they correctively support the company’s goals and success.
Diagram 2: Employee Performance table (Dolan et al., 2019)
Conclusion 绩效与奖励管理论文代写
Conclusively, it is important to identify the factors that make an employee’s performance to be considered the best because it supports the future performance of the company. Additionally, the list has been affected and influenced by the ability of the employees to show high motivation and support for the company’s goals.
Dolan, R. J., Shapiro, B. P., & Zaloshi, A. (2019). StepSmart Fitness. Harvard Business School.
John, S., week 1 lecture: performance and rewards basics
John, S., week 2 lecture: employee engagement and motivation
John, S., week 3 lecture: Defining and Measuring performance
John, S., week 4 lecture: performance review and development
Volante, P., & Valenzuela, S. (2018, May 31). Validation of an assessment centre process for the selection of school leaders in Chile. School Leadership & Management, 39(1), 26-47. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13632434.2018.1442325