统计与运筹学代写 Master’s student in Statistics

Master's student in Statistics

统计与运筹学代写 Investigated major information organization and retrieval techniques used by Chinese and English Web search engines

EDUCATION  统计与运筹学代写

08/2003 --

Ph. D. student in Information and Library Science

School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Advisor: Dr. Gary Marchionini

08/2004 --

Master's student in Statistics

Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 09/2000 -- 07/2003

Master of Science in Information Science

Department of Library and Information Science, Peking University

Advisor: Prof. Maosheng Lai

Thesis title: Evaluating the Quality of Search Engines: User-Centered Discussions on Evaluation Schema and Comparative Studies on Chinese and English Search

Engines (96 pages; in Chinese)09/1996 -- 07/2000

Bachelor of Arts in English (Information Management Orientation)

English Program for Information Management Studies, School of English Language

Communication, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Thesis title: Problems in Existing Search Engines and Possible Solutions (20 pages;  统计与运筹学代写in English)


Microsoft - UNC Annotation of Structured Data Project

Research Team Member, August 2004 -

Principal Investigators: Dr. Gary Marchionini, Dr. Paul Solomon and Dr. Catherine

Blake (Funded by Microsoft Corporation)

  • Study how frequent users of structured data such as statistical files and databases make sense of and annotate information

  • Investigate the role annotations play in seeking and understanding information in electronic environments

  • Identify strategies and potential tools for annotating structured data

UNC TREC (Text Retrieval Conference) - HARD Track (High Accuracy  Retrieval of Documents)

Research Team Member, January 2004 -

Principal Investigator: Dr. Diane Kelly• Develop techniques for eliciting additional information from users (beyond a short query) about their information problems

  • Develop techniques for incorporating information about a user's search context into retrieval

Information Synthesis Project

Research Assistant, January 2004 - June 2004

Principal Investigator: Dr. Catherine Blake

  • Develop automatic methods to convert HTML files to text files and format them with certain tags that allow easy loading into database

User Centered Evaluation of Web Search Engine Quality

Research Team Leader, September 2002 - June 2003

  • Constructed theoretical framework for evaluating the quality of Web search engine

  • Developed empirical framework for user centered evaluation of Web search services

  • Designed user search experiment to test the framework

  • Analyzed both qualitative and quantitative data from the experiment and modified the framework

Comparative study between Chinese and English Internet portal  统计与运筹学代写

Graduate Research Assistant, February 2002 - June 2002

Principle Investigators: Dr. Xiaoying Dong and Prof. Zhanghua Ma (Funded by

UNESCO and Chinese National Foundation of Social Sciences)

  • Investigated major information organization and retrieval techniques used by Chinese and English Web search engines

An Investigation on Using Classification in Web Information Organization

Research Team Leader, March 2001- April 2001

  • Conducted survey on how classification was used by major Internet portals to organize information resources

  • Interviewed classification designers of two major Chinese Web portals to gain an understanding of their considerations and practical concerns

  • Proposed suggestions for improving classification design on Web portals.

Design of Need Based Chinese National Social Sciences Information System  in Network Environment  统计与运筹学代写

Team Assistant, January 2001 - March 2001

Principle Investigator: Dr. Lei Liu (Funded by Chinese National Foundation for Social Sciences)

  • Participated in designing survey questionnaire to investigate the information needs of social sciences researchers in China

  • Collected data from about 50 social sciences researchers in Beijing


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