经济quiz代写 Complete project report submission

Complete project report submission

经济quiz代写 The strategy of the research paper is to investigate the rates of crime and their evolution as liberalization took place. The

Good afternoon everyone, my name is Jun, now I am going to present with the Original Paper Economic Shocks and Crime: Evidence from the Brazilian Trade Liberalization.

SLIDE 3: Firstly, the Significance of Research Context  经济quiz代写

  • The research context is appealing since crime incidences highly feature the Brazilian trade liberalisation. The research study was also interesting since it proved that transitioning the economic conditions in the Brazilian trade liberalization had several effects on crime. The research confirmed this through the exploitation of the shocks brought about by the Brazilian trade liberalization local economic episodes.

  • According to Dix-Carneiro, Soares, and Ulyssea (2018, p. 159), UNODC classified Brazil as the top country globally, facing numerous cases of homicides in 2012. This makes the research study appealing to illustrate the criminal activities that are highly linked in Brazil.

  • UNODC indicated that Brazil had over 50,000 homicide occurrences annually, with 25.2 homicides per 100,000 Brazilian inhabitants (Dix-Carneiro, Soares & Ulyssea 2018, p. 159).

SLIDE 4: Significance of Research Context

  • The strategy of the research paper is to investigate the rates of crime and their evolution as liberalization took place. The empirical strategy of the research makes it more interesting because it investigates the development of crime rates in every local Brazilian economy as liberalization occurred.

  • The study also analysed the direct impact of regional tariff transitions on crime and also evaluated it, indicating that areas with more significant trade shocks experienced increased crime rates.  经济quiz代写

  • Another reason why the study was appealing is that after evaluating the direct impacts of local economic shocks, the researchers analyzed the mechanisms used by the effects.

SLIDE 5: Significance of Research Context  经济quiz代写

  • Dix-Carneiro, Soares, and Ulyssea (2018, p. 158) research study reviewed the literature on;

  1. Conditions of the labour market.

  2. Economic cycles.

  • The research study illustrated the Great Recession's impact on renewing concerns that economic crisis increased renaissance in crime. The study considered the great recession that developed concerns that the economic shock increased the renaissance in crime.

  • They supported their research literature review by citing the source of a study performed by Chimeli and Soares (2017, p. 30-57). According to Chimeli and Soares (2017, p. 30), market illegality has a significant effect on violence.  经济quiz代写

  • Therefore, the study supports their research by illustrating that the illegality activities retreated in the 2000s, increasing the rate of violence. Hence transitions in local economic conditions relatively impact the rate of crime in a specific country.

SLIDE 6: Significance of Research Context

  • The economic reforms that lead to unemployment and job displacement increase the rates of crime.

  • The original paper adds more value to economic changes and crime information since it illustrates that job separation and unemployment increase the rate of criminal activities. Rose (2018, p. 1-50) study supported the original paper that illustrated that economic changes have a significant impact on criminal activities.

  • Bennett and Ouazad (2020, p. 1) performed a study to illustrate criminal activities among workers who lost their jobs using longitudinal data that developed a timeline for workers' job separation, unemployment, and criminal activities. According to Bennett and Ouazad (2020, p. 1), job loss among workers increases the rate of criminal activities among them.

SLIDE 8: Research Question(S) and Approach  经济quiz代写

The research question of their study is

How do transitions in economic conditions affect crime in Brazilian trade liberalization?

  • Dix-Carneiro, Soares, and Ulyssea (2018, p. 158-195) researched the economic shocks and crime, mainly focused on the impacts of crime due to the transition of economic conditions.

  • The research was based on evidence from trade liberalization in Brazil to illustrate economic shocks and crime.  经济quiz代写

SLIDE 9: Research Question(S) and Approach

The research question of their study:

How do transitions in economic conditions affect crime in Brazilian trade liberalization?

Research Approach:  经济quiz代写

  • The research study focused on data from the local economy shocks to provide insights on the impact of changes in the economic conditions on crime.

  • The research focused on Brazilian trade liberalization since it implemented a large-scale unilateral trade between 1990 and 1995, so that the research question was relevant to the research study. Therefore, the empirical approach of the study was well-suited and appropriate to provide information that answers the research question.

SLIDE 11: lastly, Main Finding

As you can see in the table, denote Regional tariff changes in region r as RTC r, denote crime rate in region r as CR r.  经济quiz代写

  • using the natural logarithm, so estimated responses can be interpreted as elasticities with respect to regional tariff changes,

  • and we can see in the highlight, first row indicates a negative and statistically significant relationship between the log changes in the crime rates and regional tariff changes.

  • Hence it’s the credible estimates of the impact of economic shocks on criminal activities.

And here are the references showed below.


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