Course Title China’s Modern Economy
Credit 3 Credit
48 credit hours
经济网课代上 The design of class discussion or exercise, practice, experience and so on: Students are encouraged to ask questions, and propose
Successful students will: 经济网课代上
- Understand the history and the characteristics of Chinese economy, culture
and politics; - Understand how to critically think about the effectiveness of Chinese
government policies; - Develop research ideas on Chinese economy
Course Description
Beginning in 1978, economic reforms guiding China from a planned economy toward a market-oriented one have promoted the GDP to grow at an over 8% annually. Today, China has become the 2nd largest economy in the world. We will start with the historical background of this transition process and then will cover selected post-reform topics, such as one child policy, hukou system, environmental challenges. We will first focus on the economic behavior and economic lives of Chinese households, then move to firm’s behaviors. Lastly, we will discuss the role of government in economic activities and the persistent effect of history.
Course Requirements:
- Introductory micro- and macro- economics;
- Basic statistics and econometrics
Teaching Methods:
Lectures (online live)
Course Schedule 经济网课代上
1-1 General Overview
1-2 Economic Reform
2-1 Labor Market/hukou system
2-2 Education and Health
2-3 One Child policy/Demographic Transition
2-4 Environmental Issue
3-1 Globalization
3-2 FDI and foreign firms
4-1 Government and Economic Activities
4-2 Persistence of History
The design of class discussion or exercise, practice, experience and so on: Students are encouraged to ask questions, and propose research ideas during the class.
Grading & Evaluation:
Class participation: 10%
Homework: 20%
Research proposal: 30%
Final exam(closed-book): 40%
Passing grade: 60
No make-up test
Teaching Materials & References: 经济网课代上
(1) Naughton, Barry. The Chinese Economy, 2nd Edition, MIT press, 2018.
(2) Brandt, Loren and Thomas Rawski. 2008. China’s Great Economic Transformation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(3) Economists Magazine has a lot of interesting articles, especially on China.
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