Economics of Law and Public Policy
经济学exam代考 Where score is the test score, work is a dummy variable indicating working status and x contains all the control variables (those
Q11 经济学exam代考
- The significance of difference can be detected with the t test using the last column “diff mean”.
Test statistics is: diff/se
Critical value for the test given the large sample size can be normal approximation: 1.96
Therefore, the test statistics for the variables are: 经济学exam代考
The difference means that less female, more indigenous residents, individuals with non native parents are more likely to be of don’t work group. The difference for all variables except for number of family members are statistically significant.
Where score is the test score, work is a dummy variable indicating working status and x contains all the control variables (those shown in the table in previous question should all be included as control variables). 经济学exam代考
- The question indicates two channels that working affects score. I think the less time to study overweighs the learning of working skills and thus working during high school is harmful to test score. The sign is therefore negative.
- Yes, I expect it to be biased since family income is not included as control variables. There is an omitted variable issue as family income can be correlated with both the outcome and independent variable. Family income is positively related to school performance and negatively related to the chance of working during high school, thus the sign of bias is negative. 经济学exam代考
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