线性代数作业代写 Find the numerical entries of the reduced row echelon form of the augmented matrix of the linear system Ax = −2c1 + c4 + c5
Question 1 线性代数作业代写
(a) For x > 0, consider the homogeneous ordinary differential equation
for the dependent variable y.
(i) Introduce a new dependent variable z byand transform this homogeneous equation into a separable one for z.
(ii) Obtain the general solution of this separable equation in the form
G(x, z) = C
for some function G and arbitrary constant C.
(iii) Hence, obtain in the explicit form y = f(x) the unique solution of the homogeneous equation that satisfifies y = 5 when x = 1.
The hyperplane H ⇢ R4 tangent to the graph of a function g : R3 ! R at a point
is described by the Cartesian equation 线性代数作业代写
2x1 − 5x3 + 3x4 = 8.
(i) Find the value of the directional derivative gu(a, b, c) in the direction
(ii) Find a unit vectorˆv such that the directional derivative gˆv(a, b, c) in the directionˆv is equal
Question 2
(a)Find the unique solution of the system of differential equations 线性代数作业代写
that satisfifies the conditions
x(0) = −1 and y(0) = 7.
(b)Find the unique solution of the ordinary differential equation
that satisfifies the conditions
(c)Let c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 2 R4 denote the columns of a matrix A; that is,
A = (c1 c2 c3 c4 c5).
It is given that the reduced row echelon form of A is 线性代数作业代写
(i) Use the principle of linearity to fifind the general solution to the linear system
Ax = −2c1 + c4 + c5, expressing your answer in vector parametric form.
(ii) Find the numerical entries of the reduced row echelon form of the augmented matrix of the linear system Ax = −2c1 + c4 + c5, explaining your answer.
Question 3 线性代数作业代写
(a) Let E = {e1, e2, e3, e4} be the standard basis of R4 and let
Consider a function F : R4 ! R4 that maps v1 to e1, v2 to e2, v3 to e3, and v4 to e4.
Explain why F cannot be a linear transformation.
(b)Let T : R5 ! R5 be a linear transformation given by 线性代数作业代写
T(x) = Mx,
where M is a symmetric matrix whose determinant is equal to− 36. The transformation T has the property that T(x) = 2x for all x in the subspace S1 ⇢ R5 given by
and T(x) = 3x for all x in the subspace S 2 ⇢ R5 given by
Find an invertible matrix P and a diagonal matrix D such that M = PDP −1 , explaining your answer. You do not need to calculate M.