管理分析代写 MIS 609 Data Management and Analytics

 MIS 609 Data Management and Analytics

管理分析代写 It can be observed that Animation has been performing well over the years as their percentage of rotten tomatoes have decrease from 96

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Hello everyone, believed that most of us love watching Hollywood Movies  - at least one of the Marvel series, right? But the question remains – out of all those movies we see companies making huge money out of it.  For example, the Titanic is still bringing in revenue for the company, and we also see some movies just can make a dime – talking about Nicolas Cage and most of his recent movies. Thus, we would like to apply data analysis and visualization techniques to find out the relationships between various genres of one movie and its profitability, to see which genre is related to a high profit.

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First of all, let’s talk about the dataset. The dataset is retrieved from Kaggle and contains some of the most profitable stories produced in Hollywood.  And each movie has various genre data associated with it, for example, the studios of the movie or rotten tomatoes scores. This dataset is chosen because it comes with a complete feature list of different movies thus the data visualization and analysis were made easy without the need to look for and compile from first-hand resources.

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However, each dataset will have some problems here and there, and there with this dataset, we selected, the major issue is a lack of variables.

The limitation on the number of included variables means some of the genres that we would like to investigate were not included. To be specific, we are looking for the location of the movie making as well as the overall audience count. Which are not supported by this data set. Also, we are looking for some monetary information in the data, for example, the worldwide gross amount for ticket sales, and the units were also missing.

The data’s granularity is also not perfect as it only offered a global view while there is no breakdown into city levels for each genre.


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In order to perform the analysis and visualization. Tableau is the tool we selected, and it has certain advantages.  管理分析代写

First of all, it is able to handle a dataset that is large in size.  it’s a data visualization that offers complex computations and beautiful visualizations, which is not possible if you have a lot of data in a spreadsheet.

Secondly, the ability to generate insights. It gives insights into data very easily and is feasible, according to McLean. Tableau has a drop and drag functionality which makes it easy to generate insights. Tableau also gives chart recommendations for data selected refraining us from using incompatible chart types.

Thirdly, user-friendly and easier learning curve. Tableau is easy to learn and implement compared to other visualization techniques with programming such as using python, while the generated report is much easier to understand.


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However, it also has certain disadvantages as well. Tableau doesn’t provide automatic refreshing abilities or scheduling abilities. Therefore there is a manual effort that is required to make the process a little smoother. Also, unlike tools such as PowerBI Tableau is not an open tool to import visualizations. It doesn’t allow any sources from outside, but any new visualizations have to be re-created from the beginning. Last but not least, there are limited options for customer formatting in Tableau. The limitation of the number of columns to be shown in a table doesn’t give flexibility to users.

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After a discussion of the software itself, let’s start with the result of the data analysis and visualization. Here we can see that Genre comedy was the highest among all the 4 genres to have produced the highest number of movies.  While action and fantasy have the lowest number of films. The second highest movie was made in romance and drama respectively.


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It can be observed that Independent lead studio has produced largest number of films in the romance genre. We can also see that fox studio only focused on making comedy genre movies. Interesting thing about this visual is that almost all the of the studios have made movies on comedy except 20th century fox.

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It can be observed that Animation has been performing well over the years as their percentage of rotten tomatoes have decrease from 96 in 2008 to 56 in 2011. Although comedy genre has the highest number of movies throughout the years their views rating has gone done significantly. In case of the genre fantasy movies only received bad ratings in the year 2008. On the other hand action movies were made in the year 2010 but have much better rating than rest of the genres.  管理分析代写

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Although we have seen that comedy has the highest number of movies but drams genre for independent studio has the highest profits over the years. Romance genre movies in comparison have low profitability in comparison to other genre and the number of movies made.

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We can see here that animation movies have the highest sales world wide while action genre movies have the lowest sales. Although comedy genre has the highest number of movies made it has the third highest world wide sales.  While on the other hand fantasy movie has the highest gross sales world wide.

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We can see here that comedy has the best audience score while drama has lower audience score. Animation has the highest audience score and that is right because it has received the least bad ratings from the views as we have seen before.

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In this video we can see that we have filter for years and genres. So when we select particular values from the filters all the visuals in the dashboard gets filtered accordingly. Also each visual has been added as a filter .  So if individuals selects any values from any of the visuals, then accordingly all the visual will filter to show the respective filtered value. In this case we can see when we select comedy as a filter in the visual all the other visuals change according to the selection.


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