
复述形容词是用于汇总、复述及其引入信息内容的。那麼,什么叫复述形容词呢?复述形容词是用于复述口头上或书面形式的阐述的,比如这种词say,write,ask,tell,state and wonder.
1.Johnson(2005.p.197)concludes that a person can be identified by name on the internet using age and address details.Johnson(2005.p.197)下结论,在互联网技术上,能够根据一个人名字来鉴别他的年纪和详细地址。
2.Previous studies on internet usage throughout the 1990s ignored the notion of internet security and focused mainly on the benefits of accessing information via the Internet(Black,2013,p.39).上世纪90年代对应用互联网技术的科学研究忽视了网络安全这一定义,而关键集中化在根据互联网技术访问记录的益处上(Black,2013,p.39)。
3.Smith et al(2012.pp.34-126)demonstrated that 90%of 2000 surveyed participants were concerned about violations of their privacy.Smith等(2012年,第34-126页)证实,2000名被调研的参加者中,90%的人担忧自身的隐私保护遭受侵害。
引入Sipher Roger在1977年12月19日,发布在《纽约时报》上第32页的《如果没有人想上学,那就不必上学了》文章内容的文本。
--"School should be for education,at present,they are only tangentially so.They have attempted to serve an all-encompassing social function.Try to be all things to all people.In the process they have failed miserably at what they were originally formed to accomplish.”
Roger Sipher concludes his essay by insisting that school have failed to fulfill their primary duty of education because they try to fill multiple social functions(para.17).
引入Sipher Roger在1977年12月19日,发布在《纽约时报》上第32页的《如果没有人想上学,那就不必上学了》文章内容的文本。
--“The solution to this problem is simple,abolish compulsory–attendance laws and allow only those who are committed to getting an education to attend.”(处理这一难题的方法非常简单,废止义务教育法,只容许这些想要接纳文化教育的人念书。)
应用引入以后,According to Roger Sipher,a solution to the perceived crisis of American education is to“Abolish compulsory–attendance laws and allow only those who are committed to getting an education to attend.”(para.3)(萨波•西弗觉得,处理美国教育危機的一个方法是“废止义务教育法,只容许这些着眼于接纳文化教育的人念书。”)
复述形容词有很多,应用哪一个要在于你要想传递的实际意义,也在于你对参考文献来源于的心态。比如,回绝是一个强感叹词,Smith et al,reject the proposal that…(Smith等,回绝……)。而商议则是一个弱感叹词,Smith et al,discuss the proposal that…(阿诗丹顿等,探讨的提议是……)
此外也有一些英语的语法标准必须考虑到。这儿是创作中最普遍的,复述形容词 that 关键见解。verbs that main ideas.比如,Peterson et all,(2013,para,36)acknowledge that internet privacy is a growing issue in the modern world of communication.这句话表述的是彼得森等(2013年,第36段)认可,互联网技术隐私保护难题在当代通信世界中是一个日益比较严重的难题。
除此之外,还必须遵照一个英语的语法标准是,复述形容词 某事/别人 连词 verbs something/someone connecting word (e.g.as,Because,by,in terms of,for,that)
比如,Jackson(2012.pp.23-38)refutes the claim made by Smith that…这句话表述是Jackson(2012.pp.23-38)反驳了Smith的叫法……
下一个事例Students by Campbell(2005,2008)highlight the disadvantages in terms of…告知大家Campbell的学员(2005,2008)注重了在……层面的缺陷……
最后一个Research by Smith et al(2006.para.36)validates the argument that…表述了阿诗丹顿等的科学研究(2006年,第36段)确认了……