soci assignment 2
社会学essay作业代写 ou MUST refer to at least one of the theories discussed in this course. You will need to use Harvard in-text referencing
Length: 1800 words (NOT including references, 10% leeway)
Aim: Develop skills in producing, sustaining, and coherently presenting a written and persuasive argument, using evidence from academic and other sources.
In writing your argument, you must use a minimum of 8 references, 6 of which are peer reviewed (See Study Guide for more information).
You will need to formulate the argument as an essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion. 社会学essay作业代写
You MUST refer to at least one of the theories discussed in this course. You will need to use Harvard in-text referencing (Last Name, year, page number), and you will need to include a References List in alphabetical order (not bulleted or numbered). See Rubric on Canvas for more details.
(In writing your persuasive argument, you must use a minimum of 8referencesfrom the following sources, 6of which are peer reviewed:·All relevant readings from the reader.·All relevant ‘other suggested readings’ from the reader.·Other additional academic sources that are relevant to your argumentandlocated using a library search. 社会学essay作业代写
·One or two popular representations of the issue under discussion, for example a document from the Liberal/Labor Party’s website, a document from the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission website, a magazine advertisement, an opinion piece in a newspaper.
·Relevant statistics sourced from credible sites (eg the Australian Bureau of Statistics).
You will need to formulate the argument as an essay with an introduction, body,and conclusion. You will need to use Harvardor in-text referencing (Last Name, Year, Page Number), and you will need to include a References List in alphabetical order.Freaking out? Use the Faculty of Arts Study Skills Supportteam and the Writing Centrefor help and support. The Counselling Servicestaff are also there to support you)
WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTSAll work must be typewritten in 11 Arial, Times New Roman 12 pointfontor equivalent. Leavea wide margin for marker’s comments, use 1.5 or double spacing, and include pagenumbers.·Word length: The word limit of all assessment items should be strictly followed –10%above or below is acceptable, otherwise penalties may apply.·Unless otherwise instructed your reference list does not count in the final word count.·Proof read your work because spelling, grammatical and referencing mistakes will bepenalised.·Harvard Referencing Style
Pick one question to answer from the questions below: 社会学essay作业代写
- Compare functionalism and conflict theory. How would the two differ in their understanding of inequality? Provide examples from contemporary society.
- According to Weber, bureaucracy is a form of organization superior to all others. Do you agree? Discuss in relation to modern Australian society.
- Has the reconciliation movement been effective in addressing the practical (law/policy) andcultural and symbolic features of social disadvantage faced by Australia’s First Nation people?
- In Australia we like to think we are all equal, but in practice we still have a class based social structure. Discuss.
- Weber offers a particular way of understanding modern society. Are his views more useful than those of Marx?
- Outline some of the changes and trends in family life in Australia over the last 50 years, and use sociological perspectives on gender and sexuality to critically discuss these changes and/or trends
- Critically examine the similarities and differences in the hopes and fears that the classical theorists had for the future of society? Specifically refer to alienation (Marx), anomie (Durkheim), and rationalisation (Weber).
- Is consumption always politically ‘bad’ or problematic? Why do we consume so much in our society? Use Bourdieu’s ideas (distinction, taste, habitus) to inform your argument.
- Racism in Australia has particular history and social context. Explain this history and discuss the implications of understanding racism as structural rather than individual or incidental. Discuss using critical race theory and/or whiteness studies.