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時间迅速……2018也是一个新的本年度,许多 院校的出国留学申请也早已过告一个文章段落;大家也代笔Essay写到手简单软了……写到手抽筋的缘故并不是由于总数太多了,大家发觉如今的学员压根不清楚如何推广自身。广泛见到的难题以下:
1. 中国式家庭优秀作文,冗杂
自小院校教的创作方法便是起、承、转、合。许多 人到回应Essay的难题时就打从你一出世时逐渐交待,等回应到难题的关键后,早早已是5、6百字了。想一想,每个院校每一次招收都最少好几千份的文档要阅读文章,假如头30~60秒没见到关键,你的文档便会被搁在一边,那么你哪有没有什么机遇呢?
2. 文不对题
3. 表述过度委婉,不明白营销推广自身
4. 过多炫字
自然,一份好的Essay除开让他人能直截了当见到你的潜力及风采外,有深度的汉字遣词确实能让主审者见到你的英语工作能力。可是,许多 学员运用中文的意思来寻找能够表达的英文字,再从一堆英文字内寻找看上去最难的字来用;那样做经常让主审者一头雾水,由于一些古英文字汇已已不应用;或者英语自身的含意与汉语相差甚远,让用户彻底不明白你要表述的涵意。
5. 生搬硬套、免费模板爱用者
Beyond your impressive academic credentials and extracurricular accomplishments, what else makes you unique and colorful?
I am a typical Chinese student, born in China and raised by Chinese. However, my parents decided to move to Canada, so I studied for one year. At first, it was very hard. New environment, new language and new friends, everything is waiting for me to get used to. I soon found my way out by joining the year book club I made new friends there and improved my English in a relatively short time. After one year, I could totally fit in and decided to stay in Vancouver as long as I can. That was when I found that my mom was actually upset in living abroad although she never told me. She stayed in Vancouver to take care of me so she had to stop her business. Also, since my dad was busy running his company in China, they seldom the chance to meet. After deliberate consideration, I decided to tell my mom that I want to go back to China.Mom and Dad were surprised by my decision because they knew that I love Vancouver, but they still agreed so we came back to China. After one year abroad, I was not used to the pressure of China's high school any more. However, I was the person who made the decision, so I had to be responsible for it. I struggled and finally caught up with my classmates. My parents are sweet now and I am happy at school: I can not find anything more wonderful than that. And that is one thing unique about me which is the spirit of self-sacrificing.I struggled and finally caught up with my classmates. My parents are sweet now and I am happy at school: I can not find anything more wonderful than that. And that is one thing unique about me which is the spirit of self-sacrificing.I struggled and finally caught up with my classmates. My parents are sweet now and I am happy at school: I can not find anything more wonderful than that. And that is one thing unique about me which is the spirit of self-sacrificing.
1. 依据学员的初始稿,这名学员想表达什么?所表述的是不是立即回应了难题?
2. 依据学员的初始稿,你读到哪里才看到了关键?
3. 如果你是院校的主审者,你可以见到这名学员的优势吗?你能录用他/她吗?
What else makes me unique and colorful would be the strong capability to quick adjustment, the spirit of scarification, and the worldwide life experience. When I was young, my parents decided to send me to Canada for better education. The first year was so hard for me because of new language, new environment, and new learning. Fortunately, I made so many nice friends when joining the year book club. They not only help me to improve my English, but also taught me everything about Canada culture. After one year staying in Vancouver, I felt something changed to my mother. She seemed not happy at all because of the separation with my father and the sacrifice of her career. When I started to notice my mother's emotion, I realized that I couldn't be so selfish. My parents should not take any consequences for me. Therefore,I made a decision to return to China and spoke to my parents about my decision. Of course, they were so shocked by my considerate thought. But everything would be worth to have a completed family in China instead of to have a separated one in Canada . Even if I only spent one year in Canada, I felt that my life was more fun and experienced than other people at my age. My mind would be more open to new idea and new things. I believed that my quick adjustment capability, scarification spirit, and worldwide life experience would make added advances to my college life. And those are my unique values to your school.Even if I only spent one year in Canada, I felt that my life was more fun and experienced than other people at my age. My mind would be more open to new idea and new things. I believed that my quick adjustment capability, scarification spirit , and worldwide life experience would make added advances to my college life. And those are my unique values to your school.Even if I only spent one year in Canada, I felt that my life was more fun and experienced than other people at my age. My mind would be more open to new idea and new things. I believed that my quick adjustment capability, scarification spirit , and worldwide life experience would make added advances to my college life. And those are my unique values to your school.