留学文书代做 I feel confident that the staff and facilities in your institute will provide me with such an environment. I am well aware of
’For Knowledge Itself Is Power’. This is one of my favorite precepts and at this point in my life when I am about to complete my graduation and my future spreads in front of me like a dream, this adage has never influenced my life more than this before.
Knowledge and proper training are essential to succeed in today's highly competitive world. 留学文书代做
The best place where I can achieve this is in the United States of America - the undisputed leader in developing new products and processes. Not only is America the birthplace of my chosen field of study, it has also nurtured it for it's full growth and continuous development. To achieve my goals, I want to pursue a Master's program in Computer Science. It is the ideal way for me to gain the knowledge and skills to stand tall as a computer professional.
During my undergraduate studies, I acquired a comprehensive knowledge of computer hardware in all its complexity. I also learnt of diverse software and their applications. The highly dedicated teaching staff of my college taught me the various concepts involved in the field of computer engineering. Some of the subjects I studied were computer graphics, computer methodology and algorithms,logic circuits, principles of communication engineering, C programming, object oriented programming as well as programming using different tools. 留学文书代做
I take a keen interest in Networking and Database Management Systems.
As a part of my final year curriculum, I am working on a project with one of the India's finest web-site designing companies - MicroGiga Info. Sys. Ltd. The aim of the project is to create a web-site. The web-site, called "Jobs4All", aims to provide the user with a job depending upon his qualifications. Various database concepts', programming scripts and the maintenance of a server are some of the features included in our web-site. Some of the products and tools used are ASP scripts, Java scripts, Microsoft Access '97, Personal Web Server, etc. I am also interested in System Programming. For this very reason, I have selected Compiler Construction as the elective subject for my final year.
There is truly no end to learning, as this has become a world where a constant addition to abilities is the key to growth in a dynamic world. I am fortunate to belong to a family that places a high value of education. I have been given all the encouragement and facility to develop my talents and interests. I have completed several courses in public speaking and leadership training. Sports, music and reading also fill my life. I was also one of the organizer's for the Open Software competition in TECHNOMANIA '98, which is an inter-college festival annually, organized annually by my college. I am also an active participant in various events held in other institutes.
I seek to fulfill my goals in an environment that encourages creativity and motivation. 留学文书代做
I feel confident that the staff and facilities in your institute will provide me with such an environment. I am well aware of the demands of studying in the more competitive American environment. I am certain that I am mentally and physically competent to succeed at your school. I am basically a hard working and a sincere person. My enthusiasm and urge to excel will help me to make the best use of every learning opportunity.
In conclusion I would like to say that the knowledge gained from 4 years of engineering has provided me with a solid foundation. This will certainly help me in my desire to specialize in my chosen field. My country India has a thriving software industry. I aim to study abroad and return with the skill and competence to find my mark and be a vital part of this booming, futuristic industry. I assure you of my sincerity, dedication and hard work. 留学文书代做