澳洲finance代考_Commercial Banking and Finance 代写

澳大利亚BFF2401代笔 Commercial Banking and Finance 代笔 近些年,里斯本金融机构管控联合会(Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)修定了《巴塞尔协议III》(Basel II),以制订《巴塞尔协议III》(Basel III)——这一架构将提高单独金融机构组织解决工作压力阶段的延展性,并对于全部商业银行的系统性风险。(一)简述金融企业无法妥当管理方法的关键风险性,及其在近期2007-2008年全世界金融风暴中造成 金融企业奔溃的一部分缘故。(10分)b.在哪种水平上考量和管理方法这种风险性(a一部分简述)在巴塞尔协议III中?(10分)c.调查2007-2016年加拿大的四家银行业,用图表说明并表述其负债表组成的转变(即全世界金融风暴以后。这种转变是不是代表着金融机构在风险性管理模式上越来越更为慎重了呢?

BFF2401 Commercial Banking and Finance
Written Assignment (20%)
Semester 1, 2017
Due date: Monday May 1st, before 11AM (Week 9)
This individual assessment task is designed to test a student’s achievement of objectives 1-6. The total mark is 30 marks (weight: 20% of total assessment). Word limit: 2,000 words (±10%), excluding references and appendices.
Topic: Basel III
In recent years, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has revised Basel II to develop Basel III – a framework that would enhance the resilience of the individual banking institution to periods of stress and also target system-wide risks across the whole banking sector.
a. Outline the major risks that have not been properly managed by financial institutions and were partly the cause of their collapses during the recent 2007-2008 global financial crisis. (10 marks)
b. To what extent is the measurement and management of these risks (outlined in part a) addressed in Basel III? (10 marks)
c. Examining four (4) Australian commercial banks during 2007-2016, illustrate graphically and explain the changes in their balance sheet composition (i.e., asset and liability composition) following the global financial crisis. Do these changes suggest banks have become more prudent in their risk management strategies or otherwise? (10 marks)
Suggested reference sources for part b: Discussion and policy papers on Basel III from Bank for International Settlements, Reserve Bank of Australia, and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.
Suggested data sources for part c: Banks’ annual reports 2007-2016, Orbis Bank Focus (access via Monash library database website, under the “Banking and Finance” tab)
Instructions to students
You are required to retain a copy of the assignment until results are finalised.
You are required to write down the name of your tutor, date and time of tutorial on the assignment cover sheet. Any query by email must be sent from your Monash student email address <Your.Name>@student.monash.edu. Any other email addresses will not be accepted.
Faculty Style Guide
Work submitted for this assessment must follow the ESSAY style as outlined in the Faculty Q Manual. Copies of this manual can be obtained at the bookshop or online at:
Submission date and time
The due date of the assignment is Monday May 1st 2017 before 11AM (week 9).
Assignments should be submitted both via Moodle (electronic copy) AND via the department assignment box at Building H, Level 3 (printed copy). Both submissions must be completed by 11AM on the due date. Note that the electronic submission link only permits ONE attempt.
Applications for extension of time
All applications for an extension of the time allocated to an assessment task must be made by completing the application form found at the following URL. The form must be submitted to the chief examiner for approval no later than 48 hours after the due date.
Penalty for late lodgement
An assessment is late if it is submitted after the due date, or after the extended due date if an extension has been granted. A penalty of 1% for the overall unit will be deducted for each working day the assignment is late (after the due date).
Assignments will NOT be accepted after 15 May 2017.
LATE submission: Late assignments must be submitted via Moodle (electronic copy) and via the chief examiner’s mailbox (printed copy). The student should also notify the chief examiner of their late submission via e-mail.
Assessment coversheet
Work submitted for assessment must be accompanied by a completed and signed assignment coversheet, available at URL:
Estimated return date
Marked assignments will be returned to you during tutorials. If you do not attend the tutorial you may collect your assignment from the Chief Examiner during consultation times.
Academic integrity
In order to ensure the academic integrity of your submission and to deter others from copying your work, your submission may be processed by text matching software such as Turnitin. For additional information, the University’s Student Academic Integrity Policy can be found at URL:
Criteria for marking
Overall, the work submitted for assessment will be graded in accord with the table showing examples of grades and corresponding achievement levels published in the Q Manual (2012, p. 6).


