因为美国亚马逊主要是一个线上网络技术网址,她们比较严重依靠船舶公司来满足需求。仅在国外,美国亚马逊就会有大概7000万Prime服务项目客户。该企业还注意到,在未来两年里,顾客在航运业执行艰难层面的发展趋势。伴随着线上网络技术渗入每一个人的日常日常生活,对服务项目尽早交货商品的要求被证实是一个阻碍,即便 是对目前为止较大 的线上零售商之一。对联邦速递(FedEx)和协同包囊(UPS)等企业的依靠是亚马逊运营方法的关键构成部分。假如俩家企业中间的买卖出現难题,这很有可能会给这个互联网巨头导致极大损害,进而危害其服务承诺在任何时刻出示的贴心服务。除此之外,该企业遭遇的另一个挑戰是数据泄漏。如今,因为每日都是有上百万人到这一网址上买东西,这代表着透支卡基本上时时刻刻都是在被应用,一旦被入侵,很有可能会产生毁灭性的不良影响,或许美国亚马逊遭遇的较大 风险性是网络黑客。虽然沒有一家企业能彻底免遭这些要想在数据行业损害企业的本人的损害,但一旦产生侵入,对美国亚马逊而言将是一个极大的难题。很多像塔吉特那样的企业都经历过涉及到上百万透支卡信息内容失窃的规模性数据泄漏。想像一下,像美国亚马逊那样的佼佼者,其唯一的营销模式从一开始就取决于互联网技术,它公布了一个涉及到其三亿多客户基本的数据泄漏。伴随着新技术应用被引进销售市场,我们的日常生活好像早已被电子设备所耗费,以致于大家做为人一天都离不了移动设备。美国亚马逊以往乃至认可,为了更好地维护顾客信息内容而开发设计的系统软件提升了避免 内容丢失的作用,在今天的网络环境中,这不是一个愚昧的证实。
澳大利亚企业管理学作业代写 美国亚马逊
Since Amazon is primarily an online e-commerce site, they heavily rely on shipping companies to keep up with demand. In America alone, Amazon has about roughly 70 million subscribers to the Prime service alone. The company also noticed trends in shipping fulfillment difficulties for consumers in the next several years. As online e-commerce seeps its way into everybody’s daily life, the need for the service to deliver products as quickly as possible proves to be an obstacle, even for one of the largest online retailers to date. Reliance on companies like FedEx and UPS is an essential part of how Amazon operates. If deals go sour between the companies, this can cause a large bruise to the tech giant, which can affect their quality service that it promises to provide at all times. In addition, another challenges the company faces, are data breaches. Now since millions of people shop on the website every day, that means credit cards are being used almost every second of the day, which can spell catastrophic consequences if ever broken into, Perhaps the biggest risk facing Amazon is hackers. Though no company can be completely safe from individuals who wish to cause harm to companies in the digital space, it can be a huge problem for Amazon if a breach were to occur. Many companies like Target, have experienced large data breaches involving the theft of millions of credit card information. Imagine a behemoth like Amazon, whose sole sales model relied on the internet since their inception, announcing a data breach involving their 300 million plus user base. As new technologies get introduced into the market, it seems like our lives has been consumed by electronics to the point where we as people could not go a day without using our cellular devices. Amazon even has admitted in the past that it developed systems for the purpose of protecting consumer information with added features of preventing data loss cannot be a fool proof in today’s cyberspace.