是否又听见教师在歇斯底里的喊着:”文章内容的Cohesion,Cohesion!“注重N很多遍了,大家依然做的不符合他意。近乎奔溃····· 那麼在Assignment创作之中,文章内容的Cohesion,(衔接性)到底是如何解决呢?大家又怎样在Assignment创作保证词意连贯性呢? 代笔组织为何就能保证呢?今日Enlunwen 我就带大家一起来看一下。
咳··在正式开始详细介绍以前,我们一起先看来2个事例。 The effects of the Global Financial Crisis were first felt in 2007.Stock markets fell sharply around the world.Australia has experienced a period of relative economic prosperity since 2007.Good business practices lessened the effect of the Global Financial Crisis.There has been a surge in mining investment. The effects of the Global Financial Crisis were first felt in 2007 as a result of a sharp fall in Stock markets around the world.However,Australia has experienced a period of relative economic prosperity in the same period.This can partly be attributed to good business practices as well as a surge in mining investment,which have lessened the effect of the economic downturn. 比较之下,第二段出示了大量的信息内容和更精确的表述。看完第一段,你很有可能会出现下列疑惑:是股市暴跌造成 了全世界金融风暴?還是反过来?第三句和第一句有分歧吗?第三句中的优良商业服务国际惯例是仅限加拿大還是全球其他国家?煤业项目投资的提高与以前的信息内容有什么关系? 第一段往往令人觉得不清楚,是由于第一段欠缺对接,不一样观念中间的联络不足清楚,而第二段则选用了一些对接方式,即对接来处理这种难题。对接方式就是指可以联接文字不一样一部分的词句和表达形式。比如,Causality, time series, comparison and comparison. 此外,第一段文字读起來也有一些反复。Cohesive devices不但能够降低反复,并且可以用更少的词语填补大量有效的信息内容,另外非常好地联接文字。
什么叫衔接性(cohesion) 下面,大家就为大伙儿详解Assignment创作如何提高衔接性。
Assignment代笔怎样提高衔接性:往前代指 我们在创作时必须明确提出文章内容的目标和內容,但常常反复一样的语句或句子,使文章内容读起來很枯燥乏味。 因此,大家必须采用cohesive devices来协助大家代指文字。例如: 人称代词:it,he,she,his,her,they,their etc. 指示代词:this,that,these,those 冠词:a,the 介词:previously,subsequently 举例说明:The Australian prime minister has called an early election.The date was selected to coincide with the start of the Olympic Games.This decision was based on the views of his ministerial advisors,who predicted that voter confidence in the government’s policies would be strong at this time.As previously mentioned,decisions on the timing of elections are based on predictions of voter confidence in the existing government.high quality essay writing service on hotessay.cn 分析:在这句话里边,the date指的是an early election,this decision代指的是加拿大国家总理进行了提早大选此项决策;his代指的是加拿大国家总理;this time指的是夏季奥运会的揭幕;而‘As previously mentioned’指的是前边所提及的全部有关election的信息内容。
Assignment代笔怎样提高衔接性:向后代指 大家常常用一些词和语句来提示阅读者新的信息内容。这有利于文章内容的內容从一个点挪动到另一个点。 那样的英语单词和语句包含:the following,as follows,below,next,subsequently。 举例说明:The following dates have been proposed for the forthcoming election:September 8,September 15 and 3 October. The results of the analysis of voter confidence are shown in Table 1 below. The next issue to be discussed is the influence of the media on voter confidence in the government.
Assignment代笔怎样提高衔接性:防止反复 为了更好地注重课文内容的一部分,大家有时候反复一样的英语单词或语句。但为了更好地防止太多的反复,大家应当挑选实际意义类似的词和语句,即近义词。 举例说明:‘The government’s election campaign commenced with a media blitz outlining a series of election promises.This beginning to the campaign sparked numerous media commentaries.’ 分析:在整几句话中,大家都提及了campaign这个词,可是第二句语句,大家用beginning替代了commenced,不但提升了表述的多元性,另外维持了话题讨论的一致。 同义词和含意相仿的语句还能够展现你批判性思考的工作能力。 举例说明:‘The conflict began in the Bay of Pigs in 1961.This unsuccessful invasion was…’ 分析:在这里句句戳心子之中,invasion这一次的应用,不但代指了前一句语句中的conflict,另外展现了这一异议的特性,及其表达了作者对这一恶性事件所采用的见解。另外,仅仅简易了加了一个‘unsuccessful’就很好地小结了这次恶性事件的結果。 除此之外,同义词还能够根据归类及其得出情况专业知识,协助阅读者能够更好地掌握你所探讨的话题讨论, 举例说明:‘…through the use of tariffs and import quotas.These forms of protectionism can…’ 分析:这儿protectionism代指了上文提及的tariff和import quotas,另外也能够更好地协助阅读者了解这二种对策。
Assignment代笔怎样提高衔接性:连词的应用 因此大家往往要用连词和语句是为了更好地把这种念头更清楚顺畅的联络起來。学术研究创作一般涉及到繁杂的观念。为了更好地让阅读者了解你的念头,了解不一样念头中间的关联。 例如:and–提升信息内容 however–表明转折点 therefore–表明逻辑关系 although–表明标准 because–表明逻辑关系 whilst–表明2件事另外开展 举例说明:Although the government was elected for a three-year term,the Prime Minister decided to hold an early election.At the same time,the opposition parties,which had anticipated this move,had been planning their own election campaigns,however,they had not expected such immediate public support.
Assignment代笔怎样提高衔接性:平行结构 反复或是平行面的构造一般说明这种语句中间是息息相关的。除此之外,反复还可以表明注重。 举例说明:When editing your writing,notice what you have repeated,what you have omitted and what you have not expressed clearly. 分析:我们可以学习培训一下在这个语句里边创作者怎样恰当地多次重复使用了“what”来说明见解。 举例说明:Just as overusing spices ruins a recipe,overusing a thesaurus can weigh down good writing.It is easy to spot injudicious use of a thesaurus. 分析:我们可以学习培训一下在这个语句里边“overusing”这一英语单词的恰当应用非常好地联接创作者探讨的二种状况:在烧菜的情况下过多应用调味品与在创作的应用过多应用同一个英语单词。
Assignment代笔怎样提高衔接性:学习培训Cohesion的方式 最终,使我们介绍一下学习培训对接的方式。 一 在你的主题风格中挑选一篇文章,如教材和期刊文章。 二 挑选一个自然段并标识该段中应用的全部对接机器设备。 三 哪样方式最常见?你认为最有效的方式是啥?你能挑选一些最有效的思索方法,并在自身的创作中多方面应用。 四 留意表述的多元性。大家提议你挑选大量的方式,做大量的训练。