
另一个事例的技术性能够充分发挥关键的功效,协助学员摆脱她们的艰难和学术研究专业技能能够Bouck开展的科学研究中发觉,英勇的,弗拉纳根,Szwed, Bassette(2010)科学研究怎样合理pentop电子计算机(FLYPen)和撰写手机软件(专业为FLYPen)是在帮助残废学员创作。这一专用工具“类似一支典型性的签字笔,容积更高,顶端有一个插进手机软件打印机墨盒的扩展槽。”当应用为FLYPen制做的独特打印纸张时,笔杆电子计算机造成响声輸出,为学员出示各种各样主题活动的方位、提醒、加强和提醒。本科学研究挑选了三名年纪在15 – 18岁接纳幼儿教育的高中学生;2)有轻微智商或学习困难的学员;3)书面表达艰难的学员;从中小学初期就接纳幼儿教育服务项目的学员。数据显示,全部学员在应用FLYPen时,书面表达的品质都是有了基本的提升。她们觉得,技术性提高的程序流程推动器不但能使轻微残废学员的书面表达在品质和总数上获益,并且还能提升学员的创作方案工作能力,协助她们更单独地进行这种每日任务。尤为重要的是,老师触碰和把握能用的技术性,以适用学员的学术研究每日任务(拉斯金德,1994)。从逻辑性上讲,沒有了解到技术性在一般文化教育,尤其是幼儿教育中的有效性和运用的老师,将更不愿意应用技术性。因而,在幼儿教育老师的提前准备方案中包含技术性是很重要的;在这种新项目中,技术性应做为老师准备新项目的一部分,并包含课堂教学方面的关键技术。根据这类方法,幼儿教育老师将有着应用技术性的专业知识和工作经验,这将有利于在幼儿教育新项目中普遍应用技术性。

澳大利亚社会心理学作业代写 技术性輔助

Another example of the important role that technology can play in helping students to overcome their difficulties with academic skills can be found in the study conducted by Bouck, Doughty, Flanagan, Szwed, and Bassette (2010) to examine how effective a pentop computer (a FLYPen) and the writing software (specifically designed for the FLYPen) was in assisting students with disabilities in writing. This tool “resembles a typical pen, larger in size and includes a slot at the top where a software cartridge is inserted. When using special paper created for the FLYPen, the pentop computer produces voice output to provide directions, prompts, reinforcement, and hints to students for various activities” (p. 36). In this study, three high school students were chosen based on the following criteria: 1) high school students receiving special education services between 15 and 18 years old; 2) students with a mild intellectual disability or learning disability; 3) students having difficulty in written expression; 4) students who had received special education services since early elementary school. The results presented that all students experienced initial gains in the quality of written expression while using the FLYPen. They determined that technology-enhanced procedural facilitators not only can benefit the quality and quantity of written expression in students with mild disabilities, but it can also improve students ability to plan their writing and help them complete these tasks more independently. It is crucial that teachers are exposed to and have knowledge of the available technologies that could support students in their academic tasks (Raskind, 1994). Logically, teachers who do not realize and have not been exposed to the usefulness and applications of technology in education in general, and special education specifically, will be more reluctant to use them. It is therefore important that technology is included in preparation programs for special education teachers; in these programs, technology should be used as part of the preparatory program for teachers and cover technical applications at the classroom level. In this way, special education teachers will have the knowledge and experience in using technology that will contribute to the widespread of the use of technology in special education programs.

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