澳洲护理学assignment代写 白蛋白

人体白蛋白是一种蛋白,在肝部中生成,在血液中成分数最多。它占身体蛋白总成分的50%。它在水中具备很强的溶解度,它是因为它具备一个生理学ph值的负电。它在保持恶性肿瘤工作压力中起着重要的功效。人体白蛋白参加类固醇激素、钠离子、配位和总胆红素的运送。临床医学上,高质量的这类蛋白非常少碰到,并在脱干的状况下由此可见。适度性具备更高的确诊使用价值,由此可见于肝脏疾病、胃肠道损害、发炎和肝腹水。在人体白蛋白测定试剂盒中,人体白蛋白与溴甲酚绿(BCG)显色剂融合。一种蛋白质-卡介苗络离子产生,其OD值在578nm处精确测量。试品中人体白蛋白的浓度值与一氧化氮合酶产生的色调的抗压强度正相关。线形一词就是指2个自变量中间存有线性相关。这种自变量全是增长的,是正相关的,因而数据信息将以平行线表明(Schneider et al., 2010)。在这类具体情况下,人体白蛋白测定试剂盒的线性开展了评定,生产商宣称该测定法的线性达到62.3g/l,这将获得认证。得出了80g/l人体白蛋白浓度值规范液,并对该规范液开展稀释液,认证了该方式的线性。每一标准物质的OD值精密零部件浓度值被标出。随后评定这两个自变量中间的关联,以检测生产商的叫法。CLSI文档EP15-A2的目地是认证试验室的特性是不是与生产商宣称的一致。认证生产商理赔的精确性。

澳大利亚护理专业assignment代笔 人体白蛋白

Albumin is a protein, synthesised in the liver and most abundantly found in plasma. It represents 50% of the body’s total content of protein. It is extremely soluble in water, as a result of it having a negative charge at a physiological pH. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining oncotic pressure. Albumin is involved in the transportation of steroids, calcium ions, ligands and bilirubin. Clinically, high levels of this protein are rarely encountered and are seen in cases of dehydration. Low levels possess greater diagnostic value and can be seen in hepatic disease, gastrointestinal loss, inflammation and ascites. In the Albumin Assay Kit that is utilised in this practical, the albumin binds to the bromocresol green (BCG) indicator. An albumin-BCG complex forms and the absorbance of this is measured spectrophotometrically at 578nm. The concentration of albumin in the sample is directly proportional to the intensity of the colour that is formed by the complex .The term linearity refers to there being a linear relationship between two variables. These variables that are both increasing, are directly proportional and so, the data will be represented in a straight line (Schneider et al., 2010). In the case of this practical, the linearity of the Albumin Assay Kit was evaluated and the manufacturer’s claim of this assay being linear up to 62.3g/l is to be verified. An 80g/l albumin concentration standard was given and dilutions of this standard were made to verify the assay’s linearity. The absorbance of each of the standards were plotted versus the concentration of each standard. The relationship between both variables was then evaluated to test the manufacturer’s claim. The CLSI’s document, EP15-A2 is intended to verify if the performance of a laboratory is consistent to that claimed by the manufacturer, i.e verification of the precision of the manufacturer’s claim.

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