Marketing工作一般 会规定学生们对某一企业开展剖析科学研究,这也就难以避免要在工作中采用许多marketing分析法。除开前边的SWOT剖析和PEST剖析,也有一种很重要的分析法便是波特五力剖析(Porter‘s Five Force Analysis),坚信许多同学们不清楚波特五力剖析是啥,文中就带大伙儿一起掌握。
波特五力分析法是麦克尔·珀特(Michael Porter)于八十年代初明确提出,对企业发展战略制订造成国际性的深刻影响,能够合理的剖析顾客的市场竞争自然环境。五力分别是:经销商的议价能力、消费者的议价能力、潜在性竞争对手进到的工作能力、代替品的取代工作能力、领域内竞争对手如今的市场竞争力。五种能量的不一样组成转变 最后危害领域盈利发展潜力转变。
Competitive Rivalry竞争者
Supplier Power经销商权利
Buyer Power买家权利
Threat of Substitution取代威协
Threat of New Entry新进到企业的威协
Apple Inc. Five Forces Analysis
(Porter’s Model)
Competitive Rivalry or Competition with Apple (Strong Force)
Companies like Samsung and LG aggressively compete with Apple. Such aggressiveness, observable in rapid innovation, aggressive advertising, and imitation, impose a strong force in the industry environment. Moreover, in terms of product differentiation, available products in the market are generally similar in fulfilling specific purposes. For example, many popular apps are available for Android and iOS devices, and cloud storage services from different companies are available to iOS users. In Porter’s Five Forces analysis model, this condition creates a strong force by making it easy for customers to switch to other sellers or providers. On the other hand, the low switching cost means that it is easy for customers to switch from Apple to other brands, based on price, function, accessibility, network externalities, and related concerns. The combination of these external factors in this part of the Five Forces analysis leads to tough competitive rivalry that is among the most significant considerations in Apple’s strategic management.
Bargaining Power of Apple’s Customers/Buyers (Strong Force)
It is easy for customers to change brands, thereby making them powerful in compelling companies like Apple to ensure customer satisfaction. On the other hand, each buyer’s purchase is small compared to the company’s total revenues. Porter’s Five Forces framework indicates that this condition makes customers weak at the individual level. However, the availability of detailed comparative information about competing products’ features empowers buyers to shift from one provider to another. This external factor enables buyers to exert a strong force on Apple and other brands. Thus, this part of the Five Forces analysis shows that Apple must include the bargaining power of buyers or customers as one of the most significant strategic variables in the business.
Bargaining Power of Apple’s Suppliers (Weak Force)
The global size of its supply chain allows Apple Inc. to access many suppliers around the world. In Porter’s Five Forces analysis context, the resulting high number of suppliers is an external factor that presents only a weak to moderate force against the company. In relation, the moderate to high overall supply of inputs, such as semiconductors, makes individual suppliers weak in imposing their demands on firms like Apple. Also, the ratio of firm concentration to supplier concentration further limits suppliers’ power and influence in the industry. This external factor reflects the presence of a small number of big companies like Apple and Samsung, in contrast to a larger number of medium-sized and big suppliers. Thus, this part of the Five Forces analysis shows that the bargaining power of suppliers is a minor issue in developing Apple Inc.’s strategies for supply chain management, value chain effectiveness, innovation, and industry leadership.
Threat of Substitutes or Substitution (Weak Force)
Some substitutes to Apple products are readily available in the market. For example, instead of using iPhones, people can use digital cameras to take pictures, and landline telephones to make calls. In Porter’s Five Forces analysis model, this external factor exerts a moderate force in the industry environment. However, these substitutes have low performance because they have limited features. Many customers would rather use Apple products based on convenience and advanced functions. This condition makes substitution a weak force in impacting the company’s business. Also, buyers have a low propensity to substitute. For instance, customers would rather use smartphones than go through the hassle of buying and maintaining a digital camera, a cellular phone, and other devices. This part of the Five Forces analysis shows that Apple does not need to prioritize the threat of substitution, specifically in management decisions in business processes like marketing, market positioning, and product design and development.
Threat of New Entrants or New Entry (Moderate Force)
Establishing a business to compete against firms like Apple Inc. requires high capitalization. Also, it is extremely costly to develop a strong brand to compete against large companies like Apple. These external factors make new entrants weak. However, there are large firms with the financial capacity to enter the market. For example, Google has already done so through products like Nexus smartphones. Samsung also used to be a new entrant. These examples show that there are large companies that have the potential to directly compete against Apple Inc. Thus, the overall threat of new entry is moderate. This part of the Five Forces analysis shows that Apple must maintain its competitive advantage through innovation and marketing to remain strong against new entrants’ moderate competitive force.
创建一个与美国苹果公司(Apple Inc.)那样的企业市场竞争的公司必须高资产。除此之外,开发设计一个强劲的知名品牌来与iPhone那样的大企业市场竞争,成本费极为昂贵。这种外界要素使新进到者越来越柔弱。殊不知,也是有一些大企业具有进到销售市场的会计工作能力。比如,Google早已根据Nexus智能机等商品保证了这一点。三星也以前是一个新的进到者。这种事例说明,有一些大企业有可能立即与美国苹果公司市场竞争,因而,新进到的整体威协是柔和的。这一部分的五力分析说明,iPhone务必根据自主创新和营销推广来维持核心竞争力,才可以在新进到者的适当市场竞争中维持强劲。