Brown - Cover Letter Writing Guide
求职信代写 dentify your most relevant skills and competencies. Then create “stories” from your experience that illustrate your competencies in the
Cover Letter Writing 求职信代写
401-863-3326 ! 167 Angell Street, Hemisphere Building, Providence, RI ! brown.edu/careerlab A successful cover letter “hooks” an employer in the first paragraph. Those first few sentences should show that you’ve done your research about the job or internship and the organization as well as make an employer want to learn more about you. A cover letter is also the first writing sample that an employer sees from you. Make every word count, and make sure the final version is polished and error-free. You can review student cover letter samples on our resources page.
- Research the position. What are its key responsibilities? What skills, knowledge, and qualities are needed?
- Research the organization. What is its culture? Its history? Its strategic goals? 求职信代写
- Identify your most relevant skills and competencies. Then create “stories” from your experience that illustrate your competencies in the required areas.
- Download and complete the Résumé/Cover Letter/Interview Prep Sheet from the CareerLAB website.
- Paper – Use bonded 8.5x11 paper – the same paper as your resume.
- Font – 10 to 12 point standard font (Times Roman, Garamond, Veranda, Helvetica, Arial, etc.)
- Spacing – Margins can be .5” all around. Center your letter on the page and left justify all text.
- Heading – Use business letter format, or use the same header as your resume to “brand” your documents.
- Be specific – Tailor the letter to each position and employer. This tells the employer that you are truly interested in the job and took the time to research the organization.
- Whenever possible, address the letter to a person – Spell names correctly.
- Be concise – Only one page. Be clear and avoid using flowery or boastful language.
- Complement your résumé – Don’t just repeat information from your résumé. Tell stories.
- NEVER be Negative – Don’t apologize for not yet possessing a skill they would like to see.
- Proofread, Proofread, Proofread – Typos signal a lack of attention to detail.
- Come to CareerLAB – Get a cover letter critique! For walk-in hours or to make an appointment, please visit our advising page. 求职信代写