Thoughts after reading the article
文章观后感代写 The manner in which the journal has been written and the way each theory has been define. To show exactly why it ……
Topic: 文章观后感代写
Throughout this journal, different theories have been made use of. In order to help the client, undergo the transition of change. And help with the behavioral change adjustment. Numerous theories have been discussed in this journal. Some of which include the Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change). The theory of planned behavior, Transactional Model of Stress and Coping, Social Support and Social Network theory to name a few.
The manner in which the journal has been written and the way each theory has been define. To show exactly why it was used is interesting. The author made use of the stages of change model. In which he identified that the client was actually stuck on the preparation stage and needed motivation in order to progress further. This helped the client in getting mentally prepared for what is about to come. And set sights on the kind of diet he wanted to have in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle that prevented diabetes. 文章观后感代写
The theory of planned behavior on the other hand was used to access the client’s perceived power on his diet and hence the associated perceived behavioral control. Whereas. The transactional model of stress and coping was primarily used to help the client deal with the change that he was experiencing in his day to day activities.
The primary problem with the client is that he doesn’t have time to make himself healthy food, or even to opt for it.
Because of which he feels under stress if asked to take out time for healthy meal choices as well. The one thing that was done to make it easier for him was the installation of different apps which will not only remind him of having his meal. But also help him in making healthier meal choices.
All in all, from the report, it can be seen that the person was able to not only understand . How to make healthy meal choices. But also how to make food that was healthy for him instead of opting to consume snickers or junk food. From the charts that have been presented. It can be seen that the client progressed from week 3 onwards. In which the blood glucose levels were lower due to low consumption of junk food and replacing snickers with baby carrots. From week three it can be seen that little by little the client began to work on his habits and started making foods that took little of his time while remaining healthy and fulfilling.
During this entire process, there were numerous challenges which were faced by the client. 文章观后感代写
The first being the willingness to come to terms with changing his diet and eating habits. The second being overcoming the issue of dealing with the stress of change. And taking out the time to cook for himself. While switching from snickers to baby carrots was a much easier task. But the fact that he had to decide what to cook. And then make it was perhaps a more daunting task for the client.
Additionally, another challenge that the client had to overcome was the habit of putting off his health and focusing more on other work. He did not used to take out time for himself. In order to cook the meal. It was less about not having time and more about not taking out the time needed to make delicious yet healthy meals for himself. However, with the help of the iPhone apps and the guidance from his friend. He was able to develop a plan for himself and realize how beneficial home cooked meals are in order to avoid diabetes. 文章观后感代写