ARTH 3021OL Research Essay (50%)
文学paper代写 Choose a question or topic that interests you and about which you feel you can argue coherently and convincingly. Pay careful
Instructions 文学paper代写
The Research Essay applies skills you have developed in both the Visual Analysis and Reading Review assignments. It requires you to demonstrate critical reading, thinking. And writing to express an informed and independent perspective (not mere personal opinion or likes or dislikes) in response to the question or topic. The discussion should develop a clear central argument and present a point of view that is justified and supported by the available academic literature and visual evidence.
It is important to avoid relying on quotes to complete sentences, pad the discussion. Or reproduce the content of academic sources as a form of description without any critical thinking of the major arguments contained within the academic sources (books, edited book chapters, peer reviewed journal articles).
An effective essay will develop a coherent independent response to a question or discuss a topic that is based on your research of credible. Relevant academic sources and critical thinking about the issues and ideas raised. The discussion will also. Where appropriate, establish the validity and substantiate your central argument through the integration of selective visual analysis of relevant works of art (digital images).
Write on ONE of the eight questions or topics listed below:
Questions 文学paper代写
- Until the mid-fifteenth century, drawing played a relatively minor role in art. Discuss the functions and innovations of drawing in Leonardo da Vinci’s creative practice.
For Leonardo da Vinci, everything he drew, from animals and plants to rocks and human figures. Was a potential microcosm, something with deeper, hidden ties to nature’s larger principles. Demonstrate this statement with reference to selected drawings and/or paintings by Leonardo focused on one of his following areas of study. Geology and botany, including water flow; bodies and anatomy; physiognomy and emotions.
In what ways did Leonardo da Vinci transform painting techniques in Italian Renaissance art and how did his use of sfumato impact his representation of sacred (religious) and secular (non-religious) genres and themes?
What role did patronage play in Leonardo da Vinci’s career and how did his patrons guide or push him in new creative directions? (Focus the discussion on at least two examples from the following list of major patrons: Lodovico Sforza; Cesare Borgia; Giuliano de’ Medici; Isabella d’Este; Francis I).
Discuss Leonardo da Vinci’s innovations in the genre of portraiture in reference to his portrayal of women compared to female portraits by Raphael and no more than one other Italian Renaissance artist working during the High Renaissance (1490-1530).
What value and purpose did Leonardo da Vinci’s theoretical military machines and weapons serve for his patrons given that many of these contraptions were impractical and unmade in his lifetime?
In what ways did mathematics form the link between art and science throughout Leonardo da Vinci’s career and his practice as an artist and engineer?
To what extent should the circumstances of Leonardo da Vinci’s biography and circumstances of his private life affect our understanding of his art and other creative practices?
Basic Bibliography
One of the key criteria in assessing your essays is whether they display a knowledge and understanding of the issues raised in the art historical literature. To meet this requirement. It is expected that you will undertake some independent research on the literature relevant to the topic. The Basic Bibliography lists selected academic sources, including eBooks, and electronic databases to help you begin this task. You can also consult Course Readings if they are relevant to your essay question or topic.
It should be stressed, however, that the basic bibliography is only intended to serve as a basic list of some of the most immediately relevant primary and secondary sources. It does include all items of importance for the questions or topics, particularly peer-reviewed journal articles. Therefore, it is expected that you find these additional sources for yourself to develop and demonstrate your research skills by using art historical databases, including Oxford Art
Online (OAO), and Getty Bibliography of Art (BHA).
For assistance in locating relevant academic sources, please contact the Barr Smith Library (BSL) liaison librarian for Humanities. Ursula Henderson: https://www.adelaide.edu.au/library/library-services/your-liaison-librarians#faculty-of-arts Quantity versus quality of academic sources
While there is no definitive number of books, eBooks, edited book chapters. And peerreviewed journal articles to read as part of your research for this assignment. 10-12 academic sources are recommended as a general guide. Quality of academic sources should be your priority.
Method of approaching the Research Essay 文学paper代写
• Choose a question or topic that interests you and about which you feel you can argue coherently and convincingly. Pay careful attention to the words used in the question.
• Do some preliminary reading to enable you to define more clearly the ideas you wish to discuss. Establish what the issues are and write them down. The read more specific sources (including primary sources) and be selective and methodical in your notetaking. As you do this, test the validity of your development argument on works of art by:
o Looking carefully at a wide range of visual material related to the question or topic. It is often useful at this stage to choose a limited number of key works of art which you will then use as examples to demonstrate how the ideas you are attempting to express are evident in the works of art themselves.
o Keep testing your reading and your emerging ideas against the visual material and vice versa, test the conclusions reached in your analyses against the commentaries in the literature.
• Notetaking should be purposeful, selective, and closely related to the argument you are trying to establish. Resist the temptation to take copious but unselective notes. In the hope that the essay will just evolve from the notes. Rather, move towards a definite position while notetaking. Clear and efficient notes are vital for a good essay.
• Remember to take down the relevant bibliographical details of the sources consulted.
• Once you are well into your reading, plan the essay by writing down the main points you wish to develop to sustain your central argument, and the evidence you will use (specific works of art and any relevant primary sources). Ensure that your visual observations and analyses are always focused and relevant to the arguments and ideas dealt with in your essay.
Presentation requirements
• Type on a word document for submission on Turnitin
• Use size 12 Times New Roman font
• Use double spacing and indent new paragraphs with a single tab space or separate with a single-space gap
• Sub-headings are optional and should be distinguished in bold
• Use footnote citations (preferably in the Chicago Style – refer to the version on MyUni)
• Footnotes should only list publication citations (not additional sentences with extra information – if the information is important, it should be included in the body of the essay discussion)
• The Bibliography should be placed after the conclusion on a separate page using the heading BIBLIOGRAPHY (please do not use Reference list or Citation list)
• Do not include URL website links for images in the Bibliography
• Include a numbered list of images (figures) with captions for works of art discussed in the essay after the Bibliography
Image research
Use recommended image databases to locate suitable works of art as your visual evidence; for example:
• Google Arts & Culture
• ARTstor (Digital Image Library – requires free registration and sign-in access using the BSL search catalogue)
• Museum and gallery websites (online collections)
• World Gallery of Art (WGA) – useful for images only (do not cite the textual information for some of the images as it is out of date and does not indicate the original sources or author)
Image presentation 文学paper代写
Please only include images for works of art (figures) that are analysed and discussed at length in the essay after the Bibliography (brief references to additional works do not require illustrations). Each image (including details if required) should include a figure number and caption (positioned underneath the image) noting the: artist’s name, title (in italics), date, medium, size, and location (museum or gallery collection), and image source URL or database; for example:
Figure 1. Raphael, St George Fighting the Dragon, 1503-05. Oil on wood, 31 x 27 cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris. Image source: https://www.wga.hu/html_m/r/raphael/2firenze/1/25drago3.html
How to refer to images in the discussion
When mentioning one of the works of art (Figure 1) in the discussion. Write, for example: In Raphael’s painting of St. George Fighting the Dragon (Figure 1), dated between 1503-1505. The eye of the viewer is drawn to the dynamic action of the rearing horse in the forefront of the composition.