Introduction to regression analysis
数据统计代写 dta pick a continuous dependent variable and create a model using appropriate independent variables. Try to pick a different..
Using the dataset assignment. 数据统计代写
dta pick a continuous dependent variable and create a model using appropriate independent variables. Try to pick a different dependent variable from the one we have been working with in the workshops. And you must include a dummy variable, a set of dummy variables representing a categorical variable and an interaction term in your model.
Introduce and justify your analysis, display and interpret your results. Then create a new binary dependent variable from your original continuous one, how you do this is up to you, but you might want to use a particular outcome, then create a binary version which takes a value of 1 if you are beneath or above a particular percentile in the distribution and 0 otherwise.
Run a probit model and display and discuss the results in terms of average marginal effects. Use the same independent variables as your OLS model. And introduce and justify your model and display and interpret your results in the same way. 数据统计代写
The text should be written as a continuous narrative 数据统计代写
Introducing the issue – what are you are looking at? And why is it important? What has other research found on the topic, what is your exact hypothesis? Introduce the data you are using to test your hypothesis and highlight any potential issues with the data. Show descriptive statistics that test your hypothesis and then discuss your regression models justifying your choice of model and highlighting any potential problems with it.
Show your two regression tables interpreting the results clearly and rel ating them back to your initial research hypothesis. Summarise your findings and discuss any implications they have for policy or future research. 数据统计代写
Work on making your narrative flow from start to finish, link your results into your text in a seemless way. Use the example interpretations you have been given in lectures and workshops. This should be written and displayed like a mini version of the academic papers you have seen presented in the module or that you have read. But remember journal papers are usually 5,000 words and your word count is 3,000. When you submit your assignment naming everything with your candidate number not your name. 数据统计代写