Homework 4
数学Homework代做 Consider polynomials in R = Z2[x] and recall that non-constant polynomials in this ring have a unique factorization into
Read: Gallian, Chapters 17 and 18 (Omit the material on Euclidean domains) Problems: 数学Homework代做
These problems are due on Crowdmark by 6pm on Wednesday, February 16. The solutions will be discussed in tutorials that week.
- Consider polynomials in R = Z2[x] and recall that non-constant polynomials in this ring have a unique factorization into irreducibles. In homework 3 you found the irreducibles of degree at most 3.
(i) Find all irreducible polynomials of degree 4. Explain your answer. (There are 3 of them.)
(ii) Find the factorization into irreducibles of the following polynomials: 数学Homework代做
- Determine whether or not each of the following polynomials is irreducible over Q. Explain what method you used. 数学Homework代做
- Suppose that r is a non-zero real number such that the quantity r + 1/r is three times an integer. Show that r is irrational.
(i) Show that
(ii) Show that the elements 2 and 1 + √5 are both irreducible in R. 数学Homework代做
(iii) Show that R is not a UFD.