Digital Media Usage: Effects of Varying Content of Media
数字媒体作业代写 Several studies have identified the negative effects of onset exposure to media in digital form on pre-school children
Electronic media use is growing and has become a more influential force in children's lives. It has become an integral part of the lives of today's youth. Children and adolescents enjoy a diverse selection of digital media devices as a form of entertainment. Rapid technological advances allow compression of an increasing variety and faster-paced stimuli into the users' experience. Which is easily available almost anywhere and at any time via mobile devices. 数字媒体作业代写
Several studies have identified the negative effects of onset exposure to media in digital form on pre-school children (Bozzola et al., 2018). Parenting is a difficult and morally charged undertaking, particularly in today's technologically advanced world. Parents should track and regulate their children's media interactions, according to popular culture, news stories. And children's groups (Mazmanian and Lanette, 2017).
Literature Review 数字媒体作业代写
Context is an integral part of all the events that take place. And without context sometimes things are misinterpreted or misleading. Especially in terms of digital media context will be the content being viewed. Content is an aspect which has been researched very little (Reid Chassiakos et al., 2016). As what type of content has adverse effects and which type of content benefits the viewer.
Researchers must abandon the approach of treating context as a variable to be adjusted for and instead develop more complex theories about the intertwined connection involving children, media. And context from the outset (Piotrowski, 2016). A study by Media Use in School-Aged Children and Adolescents (2016) states . That both social and traditional media can expose people to new concepts and evidence while also elevating concern about current affairs and concerns.
Interactive social media may also be used to encourage group involvement and public engagement.
Evidences collected over decades support ties between adolescent media consumption and health behaviors. Adolescent media exposure to alcohol, tobacco consumption. Or sexual habits are corelated with the onset of these behaviors at a younger age. (Media Use in School-Aged Children and Adolescents, 2016). Tobacco companies have traditionally dominated all forms of advertising and will most likely shift their attention to the internet.
According to Federal Trade Commission reports on tobacco advertisements and advertising expenditures. In the year 2000, tobacco companies invested $949 000 on the internet. Tobacco control proponents face many new opportunities and threats as a result of the internet (Ribisl, 2003). This suggest that the content being viewed has a correlation with the generated output in terms of behavior.
However, the question is does these both factors (content being viewed, output behavior) just co-occur or is there a causal relationship between them? Or it could be said that. Does content being viewed actually do produce these varying output of behavior include health issues, violence, raising awareness, alcohol and tobacco consumption, etc.?
Research Question 数字媒体作业代写
Is there a causal relationship between the digital media content being viewed and the varying output of behavior which include health issues. Violence, raising awareness, alcohol and tobacco consumption, etc.?
Analysis of opinions
The following section will be divided into three parts, the effect of media on infants. Adolescence and adults. A study by (Sosa, 2016) states that when compared to playing with books or conventional toys. Playing with electronic toys is correlated with lower quantity and consistency of language input. Electronic toy play should be avoided in order to encourage early language learning.
Centered on a longitudinal study by (Lev and Elias, 2020) that Ten families of children aged three months to two years were studied. That included in-depth discussions with the parents and a range of observations at the families' residences. Parents often subjected their children to electronic devices, according to the results. Which played a major role in their everyday parenting practices.
Regardless of their attitudes toward the influence of media on their young children. Most parents used electronic devices as a "background," a "babysitter," a "pacifier," and a "childcare toolkit." This may impart unhealthy screen usage habits in infants and effect their long-term development. Parents who were more interested in education were more likely to use mobile phones with their children and less likely to see their children use mobile phones on their own.
Children were expected to use mobile phones more often if their parents had less schooling. 数字媒体作业代写
Had more non-educational motives. And had more child psychosocial dysregulation in environment. Specific forms of electronic media usage, rather than total screen time, are correlated with emotional and behavioral issues. And the length of use is significant ((Mundy et al., 2017), (LeBourgeois et al., 2017)). According to Bozzola et al., 2018) and Levenson et al., (2017). Mobile devices can hindrance with learning, child development, well-being, sleep, vision, hearing. And the caregiver-child relationship.
There is substantial evidence that increased screen time is associated with a number of health risks for Children. With the most compelling evidence for obesity, poor nutrition, psychological distress. And life quality (Stiglic and Viner, 2019). Young children who devote more time on phones and tablets are more prone to develop mental distress, agitated signs, perceived stress, social withdrawal symptoms from society, concentration issues. And aggressive tendencies are all present. But communication delays are not (Lin et al., 2020). 数字媒体作业代写
Developmental symptoms are another side effect of screen time including porn viewing effects. And learning effects (Huber et al., 2018), (Lissak, 2018)). Increased household turmoil was correlated with heightened overall digital screen use and also device use patterns associated with interrupted nighttime sleep (Emond et al., 2018).
Dinleyici et al., (2016) concluded that There is a need for evidence-based parental advice on the use of the Media and internet.
And that parents should ensure that a strategy for the use of children's media is in place. Co-viewing alone, on the other hand, has a negative impact. As a result, Parents should talk to their children about media content. Particularly material or themes associated with violence, sex, drug abuse, physical appearance, and so on (Coyne et al., 2017), (Levine et al., 2019).
According to the findings by Przybylski and Weinstein (2017) to evaluate if Using caregiver and specialist tools to set clear limits is a smart idea, a vital cost–benefit analysis is required. Many children do not receive sufficient types of adult instruction from their parents, teachers, or other caregivers. Likewise, appropriate policy, legal. And regulatory systems do not always properly assist and protect children online (Vittrup et al., 2014), (Livingstone and Third, 2017).
Parental media mediation is a small but important indicator of a variety of child and adolescent media time could be spent on crime. 数字媒体作业代写
Drug use, and sexual outcomes are some examples. Low and middle income countries also suggest similar outcomes ((Banaji et al., 2018)). A significant body of research by Derenne and Beresin (2017) and Collier et.al, (2016) has shown that mass media has an effect on body image and disordered eating. Platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Group Me, Tinder. And Instagram have launched new features that enable users to communicate across physical boundaries.
However, since social media sites promote social acceptance and rejection among peers. They can have a negative effect on adolescent self-esteem, body image, and satisfaction. Due to these new age innovations. Pornographic materials can now be quickly circulated through vast online communities, reaching a larger number of teenagers (Shah et al., 2019). The prevalence of social networking platforms indicate that concerns have been posed among adolescents. That the frequency with which these networks are used could be linked to lower academic achievement (Marker, Gnambs and Appel, 2017).
The study by Memon et al..
(2018) supports the claim that more exposure to and involvement in self-harm acts is associated with increased time spent on online networking sites. In depressed adolescents, it also raises psychological instability and suicidal ideation. According to the study of Arendt, Scherr and Romer (2019) many Instagram users are exposed to self-harm content, which causes emotional distress in some users and is potentially linked to (possibly harmful) self-harm and suicidality-related consequences. 数字媒体作业代写
Parris et al., (2020present tentative evidence that social media contemplation is important in the association between bullying and youth torture. A closer look at cognitive dissociating and other resilient coping mechanisms that may be used to reduce social media rumination triggered by perceptions of ongoing peer/ companion victimization is needed. The results by Mascheroni and Ólafsson (2016) indicate the perseverance of digital inequality among adolescence. Illustrating how social injustice converge with access divides to result in discrepancy in online ventures, children who take advantage from greater and longer online access are also rising to the top of the table.
There is no evidence that the social media platforms have crossed geographical, ethnic, or race/ class lines to put people from diverse backgrounds together for the greater good. Could students and parents learn to use a school hashtag to participate in class subject discussions with students and teachers as part of a democratic school improvement dialogue with educators?
(Krutka and Carpenter, 2016).
The research by Lu, Hao and Jing (2016) aims to classify ranks of social media activity and contrast them between in-school and out-of-school contexts in order to better understand their dynamics. The findings of this particular study may help teachers support their students' social media activities, especially content creation activities. Teachers, on the other hand, face a difficulty in training students to use social media platforms correctly and efficiently in order to promote good learning. Suggesting how the content being viewed can produce different effects on the outcome.
Young girls and boys are consumers and protagonists of engagement in today's media society, and they find privileged opportunities to explore relationships, feelings, history, and to engage in new media. Adults fear the type of interaction that young people have with the Internet, web, and social media, and they appear to view technological change with apprehension because they are unable to fully grasp it because it is not part of their culture (Riva, 2018).
Strengths and weaknesses 数字媒体作业代写
Following the widespread adoption of the internet and other digital media in homes and schools, this article argues that it is past time for academics, policymakers, and parents to reconsider the current focus on harm in authoritative parenting analysis and guidance. Many parents are Internet-savvy.
And they use their expertise to help their children grow technological strengths and knowledge in ways that are responsive to the needs. While also incorporating safety concerns into an overall facilitating strategy. Many people who are unsure of their own or their child's digital abilities take a defensive stance, but they may be encouraged to improve their skills in the future to help their child take advantage of online opportunities and manage risks (Livingstone et al., 2017b).
Technological developments in the world today have the potential to have both pleasant and unpleasant effects, particularly on children.
The pleasant effects of modelling prosocial behaviors may include increased sensitivity and recognition of diversity, while the adverse effects may include violent behavior, risky sexual behavior, and drug abuse. 数字媒体作业代写
These issues highlight the importance of drawing special notice to children's rights to safety and treatment in relation to the use of modern technology. The aim of this reflection was to critically analyze how children adapt new social media and technological skills and how they respond to media influences.
According to the results, adaptive technology skills are expected to provide substantial instruction for the sake of child safety and thoughtful involvement with digital data as segment of their rights to innate progress and expansion (Miftachul Huda et al., 2017). Despite widespread enthusiasm for interactive media's educational potential for young kids. As well as reservations about overconsumption during this crucial period of paced brain growth. Research in this area is still minimal. (COUNCIL ON COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA, 2016).
Conclusion 数字媒体作业代写
It has been seen that there are adverse outcomes of digital media on the health of people, especially children, but if it is used in a constructive way under the supervision of parents it has shown the beneficial effects of digital media on the academic fields and general intellect. The debate about the role of digital media in psychological well-being will carry-on up until a larger scales of Meta - analyses are performed. several variables should be assessed across age ranges. There is much need of longitudinal studies in this field (Sharma, John and Sahu, 2020).
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