教育论文代写 Essay format Academic English

Essay format

教育论文代写 These settings are good for this essay, except that I would prefer the lines to be justified (i.e. all the lines should be the same

  1. If you open a new Word file, you usually get default settings. On my computer, these are Font size: Calibri 11
    Margins: 2.54 cm top, bottom, left, right
    Spacing: like this section, which is complicated to describe.
    Justification: left. i.e. the lines look like this:教育论文代写

These settings are good for this essay, except that I would prefer the lines to be justified (i.e. all the lines should be the same length):

2. Please also add page numbers in the header or footer:  教育论文代写


Or doubleclick in the header or footer and click on Page Number:

  1. If your default settings are very different, please change them to match the ones above. You can do it like this:  教育论文代写
    Font size: Calibri 11


Margins: 2.54 cm top, bottom, left, right (or 2.5 cm if you set them yourself) Go to the Page Layout tab, then click on Margins:  教育论文代写


Then click on Normal to get 2.54 cm margins, or set the Custom Margins to 2.5 cm:


Spacing: 1.5  教育论文代写
Click on the spacing symbol:

Set the spacing to 1.5, with 12 points after each paragraph:



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