The introduction of the task-based syllabuses
教育类essay代写 When teaching language, teachers can choose different syllabuses to tutor their students. Currently, there are four major types of
Introduction 教育类essay代写
When teaching language, teachers can choose different syllabuses to tutor their students. Currently, there are four major types of syllabuses for the language teaching including grammatical/structural syllabus, functional-notional syllabus, content-based syllabus and task-based syllabuses. A good and valid syllabus is effective to help teachers to demonstrate their knowledge to students, therefore, proper and appropriate implementation of syllabus in language teaching is undeniable (Moore, 2018). Personally speaking. I would regard task-based syllabuses best suits my own teaching context. In this essay, I will the reasons to choose the task-based syllabuses and suggest the ways that can increase the effectiveness of the implementation.
Brief introductions of syllabuses
In the grammatical/structural syllabus, it is also known as synthetic syllabus. It is one in which the various language components are taught independently and one at a time, allowing learning to be a process of piecemeal accumulation until the whole language structure has been built up. It includes a wide range of words, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, statements, questions, complex sentences, dependent clauses, past tense, and other linguistic characteristics like sound or morphology. 教育类essay代写
In a functional syllabus, while ideas are the conceptual meanings (things, entities, states of events, logical connections, and so on) represented via language, functions may be thought of as the communication goals for which we use language. Designers must go beyond linguistic concepts of simplicity and complexity when creating functional-notional syllabuses in order to grade products.
A content-based syllabus makes the assumption that language acquisition results from an emphasis on meaning—on memorizing a particular piece of relevant information. According to this method, language class activities are tailored to the subject matter being taught and are intended to encourage students to think critically and learn via the usage of the target language (Jalilzadeh & Tahmasebi, 2014). The integrated teaching of the four conventional language skills is extremely natural with such an approach.
A task-based syllabus includes a number of difficult and important activities that the students must or wish to do using the language they are learning (Ellis, 2003). In this method, the word task serves as the optimum unit for describing the subject matter of courses with a specified aim since it most accurately captures what language learners must do (Ducker, 2012).
Among the above four syllabus approaches, I choose task-based syllabus as the most suitable approach for me to implement language teaching in the future career.
The reasoning for task-based syllabuses, which has been articulated by SLA researchers and educationalists, rests on a range of considerations. which is the primary reason to pick the task-based syllabus method (Long, 2000). It is predicated first and foremost on the theoretical idea that training has to be in line with the cognitive processes involved in L2 acquisition (Long, 2000). Second, the significance of learner engagement is highlighted and tasks will be cognitively engaging and motivating as long as they provide a fair challenge (Ellis, 2003). Third, tasks function as an appropriate unit for defining learners' demands and subsequently for building courses with a defined goal (Ellis, 2003). 教育类essay代写
Additionally, I think the task-based syllabus approach is more practical which helps students to apply what they have learned in the course to improve the language. As language has the purpose to be used for communication tasks. The learners' exposure to the target language is greatly increased via task-based learning (Ducker, 2012). For instance, when I instruct my pupils in Chinese for English juxtapositions, lexical phrases, language patterns, and language forms, the task-based syllabus allow students to expose to these English knowledge points. When I gives complex and purposeful tasks to those language knowledge, the students can better perform and use these points when speaking and writing English.
Ways to increase the implementation effectiveness of the task-based syllabus 教育类essay代写
In teaching English for Chinese kids. There are some useful suggestions to improve the implementation effectiveness.
Firstly, when I design the tasks for the task-based syllabus, I should ensure tasks are built around themes that relate fairly directly to the school curriculum or aspects of school organisation. Such as the letteres of the alphabet, maps and school timetables (Moore, 2018). These tasks ensure that my syllabus is aligned with the curriculum and the school's education values. So that the tasks I design can also be aligned with the students' learning process.
Also, my syllabus tasks will reflect aspects of social life with which the students might be expected to be familiar, for example, family structures, gardens, buses, amusement parks as well as libraries (Bolen, 2018). These are places that students are familiar with and enjoy. And by incorporating their real lives and learning, students are better able to stimulate their interest in learning. In addition, when students go to these places again, they will be more likely to relate to the English knowledge I have taught them in class. 教育类essay代写
Secondly, to better motivate students to perform the tasks I have designed, planning some interactive and interesting activities.
Most kids can not concentrate on the pure learning for a long time, so using games and activities helping them to perform the tasks can be very useful (Bolen, 2018). Asking my students to choose a current incident is an engaging exercise that works well in my classrooms. They must next create a poster and give a brief presentation to the class about it. My students may choose any topic that is currently in the news, so they can essentially speak about whatever they want, in order to make the exercise more task-based. Moreover, the role play game is also applicable.
The activity requires the pupils to complete a certain activity. For instance, I may separate two students into one group and assign one of them to be the hotel staff and the other to be the customer to assist the students learn some new vocabulary related to travel. In the role play, they will inquire about availability and price at hotels, among other things. In all, using different activities allows me to motivate students to be interested in the English learning and apply English into practice.
Conclusion 教育类essay代写
Among different syllabus approaches, task-based syllabuses best suits my own teaching context. To better implement this approach, I should ensure the approach is related fairly directly to the school curriculum or aspects of school organisation. At the same time, I can also use more activities, such as role-play and using events to motivate students. However, there are many ways to perform task-based syllabuses which demands me to study further in the future.
Bolen, J. (2018). Task Based Language Learning and Teaching: Activities, Tips & More, retrieved from
Ducker, N. (2012). Enriching the curriculum with task-based instruction. Polyglossia, 22(1), 3-13.
Ellis, R. (2003). Task-based language learning and teaching. Oxford university press.
Jalilzadeh, K., & Tahmasebi, A. (2014). Content-based syllabus. European Scientific Journal, 223-231. 教育类essay代写
Long, M. H. (2000). Focus on form in task-based language teaching. Language policy and pedagogy: Essays in honor of A. Ronald Walton, 179-192.
Moore, P. J. (2018). Task‐based language teaching (TBLT). The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching, 1-7.
Rahimpour, M. (2010). Current trends on syllabus design in foreign language instruction. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 1660-1664.
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