Topic: Probability Sampling
抽样调查作业代写 The data collection method that would be the most appropriate for this study would be the survey which should be done through a……
Introduction 抽样调查作业代写
Sampling is a very important component of research. One of the methods of sampling is probability sampling which uses different random sampling methods to select a sample from the entire population. In probability sampling, every person in the population has the chance of getting selected for the research. And the selection is entirely random. This method gives the researcher the chance of getting a sample that truly represents the population.
There are different methods for probability sampling which include;
- Simple random sampling
- Systematic sampling
- Cluster random sampling
- Stratified random sampling
- Multi stage random sampling
Simple random sampling. As the name suggests is a completely random technique to select a sample that is representative of the overall population. Numbers are assigned to the subjects and then a random number generator is used to select the audience for the survey. Stratified random sampling on the other hand requires the population to be split up into groups which are known a strata. And then the members are selected randomly from each stratum. 抽样调查作业代写
Systematic sampling is even easier to do. As the researcher attains a list of the population and every nth person is selected to be part of the sample. For example, every 10th person could be selected to be part of the sample. Which makes the shortlisting of the audience for the survey a bit easier. And finally there is the method of systematic sampling which is basically an extension of simple random sampling. The researcher creates clusters from the population which can be based on location or accessibility and then randomly selects a sample from within that to conduct research.
The multistage random sampling could be a combination of the aforementioned techniques. Depending on the requirements of the research.
Target Population
For the cereal manufacturer who wishes to learn the breakfast habits and preferences of the general population the target audience should be male/ female. In the ages of 16 to 35 who wish to have a healthy breakfast that keep them fit and energized throughout the day. They are part of SEC A-, B+, B, and B-, anybody who wishes to eat healthy and are more conscious about their health. Plus they are people who have a busy schedule and cereals ensure that they have quick and healthy meal. 抽样调查作业代写
Data Collection Method
The data collection method that would be the most appropriate for this study would be the survey which should be done through a questionnaire. Along with focus groups held at different intervals. These focus groups would allow the researcher to observe the habits of the people along with getting to know their preferences. At the same time, it would be backed by a qualitative research which is the survey. Respondents will be requested to fill out a questionnaire that makes use of the flower pot approach to funnel down the questions from a broader to a specific scope.
Sampling Frame 抽样调查作业代写
In research the sapling frame refers to the source material. From where researches draw the sample of the population they have identified. This can be a list of household, individuals or even institutions. I think that the research study needs to be broken down into different strata based on age, therefore, households, and institutions such as companies employees can be selected.
While at the same time it should be conducted in educational institutions as well, since the target audience are situated in these places. Completely random people should be selected to fill out the questionnaire. This frame provides a list of everything and everyone that he research will include in order to study.
Sampling Method
As the data that needs to be collected is regarding the breakfast habits and preferences of the population. Then a method that allows the right and biggest sample to get selected should be used. 抽样调查作业代写
We suggest utilizing the stratified random sampling method as it will not only allow the right representatives from the population to get selected, but will also make it easier to conduct the research, simply because it creates strata that are highly representative of the population. The only drawback of this methods is that it is extremely time consuming, especially where a large sample is required.
This method would be the most effective in gathering information from the relevant audience while at the same time it will help in achieving the insights that will be helpful in building and growing the brand. Why consumers do things and what their habits are can be extremely helpful in determining the strategy for the brand.
Sample Size 抽样调查作业代写
The sample size should be at least 1500 participants. As it will help in assessing the behavioral patterns and preferences during breakfast. The reason for suggested this sample size is because in order to gauge the breakfast habits of the population. A large sample should be selected that would serve as a good representative so that relevant data can be obtained. Through which insights can be gained as well. Therefore, this would be a relevant size for the research to gain desired results. 抽样调查作业代写
Sampling Units
A sampling unit is a single section on which research is carried out so that statistics for the population i.e. The whole could be gathered and determined. The sampling unit for this research would therefore be three, i.e. students, as they are likely to consume cereals during the morning, working men and women, anybody who is working from part time to permanent working hours.
As they would be representative of those consumers who are present in this class, and finally the households. Which refers to whoever is at home, since they are the decision makers who decide which brand of cereal to buy as they are responsible for doing the groceries. These are the three sampling units that will be selected for this research because they will give a clearer picture of what kind of breakfast habits they have and how the company can use it to build their brand.
References 抽样调查作业代写
Dr. Rosalyn M. King, Types of Sampling, retrieved 7-4-18 from;
Probability Sampling: Definition, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages, retrieved 7-4-18 from;
Sampling Frame / Sample Frame Definition, retrieved 7-4-18 from;
Sampling Units, retrieved 7-4-18 from;
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