Lab Report
心理学paper代写 The results were generally random as every participant remembered particular words, and how the words were presented was random.
Abstract 心理学paper代写
A cognitive psychology experiment is an approach that subscribes to the theory of information processing and uses experimental designs to understand better how people understand things. The experiments concentrate on the memory and how individuals can remember given information. The primary aim of this experiment is to investigate the effects of word length on remembrance. The methods used in this experiment are both qualitative and quantitative. The extent to which one can recall words and the dots depends on some factors. The mind will most likely memorize words that they have prior knowledge about or are sure what they mean compared to words with multiple meanings or stand for instances such as magnify rather than the magnifying glass.
A cognitive psychology experiment is an approach that subscribes to the theory of information processing and uses experimental designs to understand better how people understand things (Zwaan et al., 2018). The experiments can also study the internal mental processes that play a critical role in behaviour development. Thus, cognitive psychology can be associated with studying the brain, mind and mental processes. It aids in discovering how people concentrate in the particular manner they are given and how they process the information. It elaborates how individuals obtain information and how they utilize it in response or actions. Some of the psychological processes utilized include thinking, perception, memory, language and attention. 心理学paper代写
This experiment concentrates on memory and how individuals can remember given information. Therefore, when one thinks of cognitive psychology, one contemplates one's behaviour, such as problem-solving, decision-making, and memory. In nature, cognition has a huge impact on one's life. One would comprehend that it is not necessary since most of human nature is based on cognition which is accustomed to us and is hard to realize (Oberauer, 2019). The primary aim of this experiment is to investigate the effects of word length on remembrance.
Methods 心理学paper代写
The methods used in this experiment are both qualitative and quantitative. Ideally, a given number of participants were presented with a questionnaire with different words. The primary aim was to evaluate how many words each participant could remember. The participants were divided into two groups in phase 1. The first group was presented with a list of 60 words presented one at a time. They were required to read each word aloud and remember as many words as possible. Similarly, either a red or a green dot in the list appeared very briefly below each word. The idea was that if a red dot appeared, the participants were required to make a checkmark on the sheet of paper. The second group was also presented with a list of 60 words they were supposed to read aloud and remember them.
The list of words was shown for around 30s one at a time. Since all the participants were class members, their ideal demographic was limited. It was assumed that everyone originated from one area to remove the logic of doubt for those who did not want to disclose their area of residence. The trials were limited to five trials where one was allowed to repeat the test until they got a great memory. However, before the test, the participants were presented with a draft of how the test will be done. Each participant was given a hard book that showed a sample of how the list would be given and what was expected of them. Similarly, one was only required to carry a piece of paper and a pen.
During the test, no one was required to communicate with one another.
The test was supposed to be done individually without any communication. This was to ensure that everyone would attain the results based on their thinking and creativity level rather than discussion answers. This was because the primary aim of the test was to find out how many words one would recall and how the length of the words would influence the memory capacity. The instructions were clear; concentrate on the words presented and determine how many words one would recall. The presentation of the words was random. One was allowed to write the words down depending on how they remembered. 心理学paper代写
Similarly, it was essential to determine which words were most remembered and less memorized. This depended on how much the words implied to the listener or how often they had come across the words.
Results 心理学paper代写
The results were generally random as every participant remembered particular words, and how the words were presented was random. One of the primary matters being tested was attention, mental imagery and memory. It was observed that the effect of attention on non-target (green) was for divided attention 21 and full attention 48. Similarly, the effect of attention on target (red) recognition was 21 for divided attention and 48 for full attention. These numbers signify that the attention rate for the red and green dots was radically the same. This shows that the participants had almost one level of memory recognition at this particular point.
The results generally show that the rate at which each participant was paying attention or their memory level was mostly at per. This is primarily because most students had an average score and remembered the words that had either target or non-target. However, the clarity of the results is redefined so that each student presented words in a different format from the other. The arrangement in which the words were presented showed that each participant remembered several words in a given arrangement rather than the original arrangement. Similarly, it was observed that the first ten words were mostly correct and systematic. This is generally easier to understand, and pay attention to first fewer words than more words. 心理学paper代写
The participants mostly remembered the first 20 and last 20 words. Similarly, it was observed that the most commonly used words were more memorized than other irrational words. Words that presented objects and things such as mushroom, water, camel, butter, and wallet were more memorized than words such as magnify, measure, decorate, and swing. Ideally, it is easier to memorize words that represent things people mostly come across than things learnt or never seen. The mind will most likely memorize words that they have prior knowledge about or are sure what they mean compared to words with multiple meanings or stand for instances such as magnify rather than the magnifying glass.
The arrangement of the information can be linked to schemata. 心理学paper代写
This concept helps one understand the internal mental processes such as information storage and coding between the input or stimuli and the response one makes (Gallace and Spence, 2020). In terms of decision making, the cognitive psychology research schemata show how prior knowledge influences how the new or attained information is selected, categorized, understood, inferred, coded, stored and retrieved (Agarwal and Roediger 2018). This notion shows the implication of why some words are much more remembered than others. It generally shows that the nature of the word compels their meaning which in broader terms steers how it is stored and how easily one could remember it.
Similarly to the prior literature concerning cognitive psychology, the results of cognition experimentation are hugely driven by one's nature and exposure to pre-identified knowledge (Ericsson, 2018). However, a factor such as the length of the words can also mean either a greater or lesser remembrance. Ideally, one would suggest that it is easier to remember a few words than lengthy words due to their simplicity. 心理学paper代写
However, it is much more difficult to categorize the words into two groups, mostly when dealing with more words. This is basically because no markers show why particular words are signified with either a red dot or a green dot. For instance, grouping the two would be much easier if the green dots categorized verbs and the red dots categorized nouns. However, when [resented with a random nominal manner, it might not be easy to group the words as either red or green dots.
Some of the repercussions of the experiment are that shouting the words loud can be confusing, as some people understand things much better when in a quiet environment. Similarly, the level of recall can be undermined by the shouting and the nature of the questions used. For a greater recall, future experiments can consider categorizing the words in a much more precise way rather than random to stimulate the memory. One is subjected to remembering easily when following a precise format rather than shouting the words out loud and randomly.
References 心理学paper代写
Agarwal, P. K., & Roediger III, H. L. (2018). Lessons for learning: How cognitive psychology informs classroom practice. Phi Delta Kappan, 100(4), 8-12.
Ericsson, K. A. (2018). Superior working memory in experts.
Gallace, A., & Spence, C. (2020). A memory for touch: The cognitive psychology of tactile memory. In Touch in Museums (pp. 163-186). Routledge.
Oberauer, K. (2019). Working memory and attention—A conceptual analysis and review. Journal of cognition.
Zwaan, R. A., Pecher, D., Paolacci, G., Bouwmeester, S., Verkoeijen, P., Dijkstra, K., & Zeelenberg, R. (2018). Participant nonnaiveté and the reproducibility of cognitive psychology. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 25(5), 1968-1972.