Instructions for the academic essay
学术论文代做 For more information on academic integrity, please go to MyUni >Assignment Help in the left-hand column. “Academic Integrity” is one
You may collaborate with other students by way of discussing, but you must write up your own essay independently. Copying other people’s work, without clearly citing your source (whether it is a website, a book, a journal or a person), is, needless to say, forbidden and subject to penalties.
For more information on academic integrity, please go to MyUni >Assignment Help in the left-hand column. “Academic Integrity” is one of the options that appear. Clicking on it and it will take you to this module.
I encourage you all to go through the module. It is a worthwhile investment of a small amount of your time!
CHIN 3013 Essay topics: 学术论文代做
You are required to write a 1500 word academic essay in English on one of the following topics:
1.你能描绘一下你说的方言的语音、词汇和语法特征吗?Can you describe the phonological, lexical and grammar features of your dialect?
2.你觉得方言是一种落后的语言吗?你觉得方言会受普通话的影响或者其他语言的影响而消失吗?Do you think dialects are backward languages? Do you think dialects will disappear under the influence of Putong Hua or other languages?
3.汉语漫谈(汉语的历史和/或现状;汉语在海内外;汉语对其他语言的影响;其他语言对汉语的影响)On Chinese (The history and/or current status of Chinese; Chinese overseas; the influence of Chinese on other languages; the influences of other languages on Chinese 学术论文代做
4.把普通话里读第一、二、三、四声的字和你所熟悉的方言里的对应字进行比较,你发现有什么规律吗?Compare familiar characters with the first, second, third and fourth tone in Putong Hua and your dialect. Can you find any rules?
5.谈谈汉语网络词汇及其特征。Discuss Chinese network vocabulary and its features.
6.汉英对比(比如语音、词汇、语法和句式等)。Compare English and Chinese (e.g. phonology, lexicon, grammar and syntactic structure)
7.谈谈古今汉语的异同。Discuss the similarities and differences between Classic Chinese and Modern Chinese.
CHIN 3013Essay 学术论文代做
8.探讨对外汉语教学(比如虚词教学、诗词教学等等)。Explore/investigate/discuss Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (e.g. how to teach function words and poems; provide an in-depth analysis of two or three examples).
9.谈谈汉语在社会中的使用,如对公共标识语或者宣传语(如一些防疫标语)进行系统的分析。Explore/investigate/discuss the language(s) on public signage or in public slogans such as those slogans during the COVID-19 containment period in China. You can take a linguistic, social linguistic, and/or cultural approach or combine a few approaches to analyse your data.
10.调查一下目前汉语教学在澳大利亚的情况,比如调查一下哪些学校(小学,中学和大学)教授汉语,教什么程度的汉语,使用什么材料,拥有什么师资等等。找出澳大利亚汉语教学的一些特点以及有待提高的地方。Do an investigation into Chinese language teaching in Australian schools, institutes and universities. You may look at what levels do they teach, what materials do they use and what kind of staff resources or other support they have. Find out the features of Chinese language teaching in Australia and areas of improvement, if any. You need to have at least 5references. All papers should be submitted online via MyUni>Assignment>Academic Essay(please check MyUni for the due date). 学术论文代做
More information on the essay format and marking criteria are in Modules>Assignment resources: