媒体传播essay代写 Make specific claims. Try to LEAD each section of the body with a claim—an arguable statement constructed from your analysis
For your second paper, you’ll be“reading”television as a visual text.
Watch an episode of a scripted TV show of your choice broadcast via network, cable, public broadcast, or online channels. Then plan an analysis of the episode focusing on three elements of the show’s production. Write a 3 to 4-page paper that examines the parts of the show, and how they make the whole. 媒体传播essay代写
First identify the show’s target audience and purposes. Think about who the show was designed for primarily. What is the age, possible race or nationality, education level of its audience? Also, if the show was aired in the past, how did it speak to its audience in a specific moment in history. Almost all scripted TV aims to entertain, but how does it entertain? Does it entertain through drama, comedy, satire or something else? It is also possible that the show hopes to persuade or inform its target audience.
Now choose three elements of TV/film production discussed in class (script, set design, editing, art direction, costumes, music, etc.). How does each element aid the show in achieving its primary and perhaps secondary purpose?
(I suggest watching the show twice, once taking notes. It may also help to narrow your focus to one or two scenes from the episode. Writing hint: whenever you can narrow your focus, narrow your focus. The best papers don’t try to take on too much!!)
CHECKLIST: 媒体传播essay代写
ü 3-4 Pages
ü Summarize the plot/action of the episode VERY briefly. No more than 4-5 sentences.
ü Design a multi-faceted, specific thesis that governs the structure of the essay’s body. (Example: The“Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”episode ofMad Men helps early 21st century viewers re-examine the history of sexual dynamics in the workplace via dialogue, set design, and music.) Note: this thesis will most likely have 4 parts to it.
ü Make specific claims. Try to LEAD each section of the body with a claim—an arguable statement constructed from your analysis of evidence. Elaborate those claims. 媒体传播essay代写
ü Use specific evidence from the episode to support your claims. Note: you will want to find evidence FIRST, analyze it and then make a claim, but then you REVERSE the order in the paper by stating the claim first, elaborating it and then giving evidence.
ü “Read”the episode critically. Analyze how specific elements of the episode and how they are used to achieve the primary and secondary aims of the producers.
ü Proofread. Edit the essay carefully (read it aloud) or make an appointment at the Writing Center to have a tutor help you check for clarity and grammatical errors.
ü Follow MLA guidelines. Include a works cited for the episode and any sources you reference.
The paper is due on BLACKBOARD at the beginning of class on MONDAY, 12 APRIL. 媒体传播essay代写
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