

编写期刊论文的情况下,学员常常必须搜集对毕业论文很重要,但不值直接引用的情况类的內容。可是许多学员担忧的难题便是“怎样防止毕业论文turnitin论文查重时的高重复率?”。在这类状况下,学员必须开展英语论文改变,因此大伙儿何不把握一些paraphrase方法。“Paraphrase”,即“改述”,就是指用你自己的语汇获取并转述另一个源代码的语汇。那样,在保存原文的意思另外,能够防止生搬硬套全文用语的状况,进而减少查重率。但是,写多了以后,许多留学人员会感觉如果不照搬模拟题,都无法说话之道了。但假如你的毕业论文上都只应用好多个关键字,教师一看就了解你的英语词汇量很差、语言表达能力太弱。难题就来了,大家究竟该怎样paraphrase呢?怎样防止经常应用关键字 (key words)呢?今日大家paperdaixie.com留学生论文代写网来共享一下几类合理的句子改述方式和关键字更换方法,并且出示能够替代“造成 ”(to cause) 这一在期刊论文中较为常用语的单词表。我们一起来学“说话之道”!




1. 把文章内容细心读几次;

2. 找到它的关键点;

3. 随后把原文章内容放到一边;

4. 尝试在不要看全文的状况下要你自己得话再次写成关键点。也就是说,便是为自己解释一下你读的本文。

5. 写完后,把改述的文稿放到一边,继续看别的的物品,或是做别的的事儿。将你的专注力迁移到别的事儿上就可以了,这会使你与全文中间造成间距。还可以说,使你保持清醒一下,删掉对全文的记忆力。如果你回到回来,你能有一个全新升级的角度。你对全文的精确记忆力会在某种意义上消退,你能更非常容易致力于自身的用语和句子成分。

6. 这时,還是不要看全文,将你paraphrase的文稿润饰一下。在这个全过程中,你能发觉你一直在用自身的语言表达能力原文的意思。

7. 编写之后,将你改述的文稿与全文开展较为。看一下是不是你改述的文稿能精确传递原文的意思。也有他们的不同点是不是足够防止剽窃的行为。

这种流程会让你产生非常大的协助,使你提升 毕业论文的原創度,成功根据turnitin论文查重。下边大家来探讨改述的具体做法。


1. 把积极句变成被动句,相反把被动句变成积极句


2. 更改词性



Current political and economic incentives favor industry and other interest groups at the expense of health: consider the subsidies paid for corn-based agriculture and mass-produced processed foods, the tobacco revenue generated in countries with a government-owned tobacco industry, industrial growth in the face of environmental pollution, and the spread of the sedentary automobile-and-television culture.

(Source: Venkat Narayan, K.M., Ali, M.K., and Koplan, J. (2010, September 23). Global noncomunicable diseases – where worlds meet. The New England Journal of Medicine, 363; 13. 1196-1198. Retrieved from nejm.org at MIT Libraries.)

Acceptable Paraphrase: Changed Voice and Changed Parts of Speech

Researchers point out that in attempting to implement economic growth, industry is often favored over health: government may subsidize certain forms of agriculture and food production, contribute to tobacco consumption in nations where it owns the industry and otherwise promote growth of industries that pollute. (Venkat Narayan et. al, 2011).

3. 把从句改成语句,相反把语句改成从句



The prevalence and impact of non-communicable diseases continue to grow. Chronic diseases account for 60% of all deaths worldwide, and 80% of these deaths occur in low-or middle-income countries, where the toll is disproportionate during the prime productive years of youth and middle age.

(Source: Venkat Narayan, K.M., , Ali, M.K., and Koplan, J. (2010, September 23). Global noncomunicable diseases – where worlds meet. The New England Journal of Medicine, 363; 13. 1196-1198. Retrieved from nejm.org at MIT Libraries.)

Acceptable paraphrase: Changed Clause to Phrase

The increasing spread of non-communicable diseases can be seen in figures that show these diseases are responsible for 60% of all deaths on the planet, and that in countries where the population is primarily of low or middle income, the impact is greatest, often focusing on those who are young or middle-aged (Venkat Narayan et. al, 2011).

4. 更改句子的结构


5. 把全部非通用性的英语单词应用近义词



Like drought, excess rainfall and flooding can also contribute to epidemics of waterborne infectious diseases, in this case due to poor sanitation resulting from runoff from overwhelmed sewage lines or the contamination of water by livestock.

(Source: Shuman, E., M.D. (2010, March 25). Global climate change and infectious diseases. New England Journal of Medicine; 362, 12, 1061-1063. Retrieved from nejm.org at MIT Libraries.)

Acceptable paraphrase: Used synonyms

An overabundance of rainfall can also be a factor in spreading infectious diseases carried by water, usually as a result of overflowing sewers and pollution from farm animals (Shuman, 2010).

Acceptable paraphrase: Changed sentence structure

When there is an overabundance of rainfall, two situations can occur: sewers can overflow and water can become polluted by the presence of livestock, both of which can lead to outbreaks of waterborne diseases (Shuman, 2010).


6. 之上五种方式的综合性应用



We do not yet understand all the ways in which brain chemicals are related to emotions and thoughts, but the salient point is that our state of mind has an immediate and direct effect on our state of body.

(Source: Siegel, B. (1986). Love, Medicine and Miracles (p. 69). New York: Harper and Row.)

Acceptable paraphrase #1:

Siegel (1986) writes that although the relationship between brain chemistry and thoughts and feelings is not fully understood, we do know that our psychological state affects our physical state.


  • 应用了近义词;

  • 更改了句子成分;

  • 把形容词变成处于被动方式;

  • 引入来源于。

Acceptable paraphrase #2:

Siegel (1986) writes that the relationship between the chemicals in the brain and our thoughts and feelings remains only partially understood. He goes on to say, however, that one thing is clear: our mental state affects our bodily state.


  • 应用了近义词;

  • 更改了句子成分 (一个繁杂的语句变为为2个简单句子);

  • 把形容词变成处于被动方式;

  • 更改了词性;

  • 引入来源于。



We do not yet understand all the ways in which brain chemicals are related to emotions and thoughts, but the salient point is that our state of mind has an immediate and direct effect on our state of body.

(Source: Siegel, B. (1986). Love, Medicine and Miracles (p. 69). New York: Harper and Row.)

Unacceptable paraphrase #1:

Siegel (1986) writes that we still do not know all the ways in which brain chemistry is related to emotions and thoughts, but the important point is that our mental state has an immediate and direct effect on our physical state.


  • 创作者保存了愿意句子的结构。

  • 创作者只应用了好多个近义词来更改原文的词语,别的词句全是在全文应用的。

  • 尽管在开始创作者标出全文的来源于,結果是剽窃。

Unacceptable paraphrase #2:

According to Siegel (1986), our mind affects our body quickly and directly, although we do not yet understand every aspect of how brain chemicals relate to emotions and thoughts.


  • 尽管创作者更改了句子的结构,他立即应用了全文的关键字;

  • 尽管在开始创作者标出全文的来源于,結果是剽窃。


毕业论文的开始、论点论据、论述和末尾这种关键一部分都必须紧紧围绕话题讨论的关键字去创作。可是,这并不代表着你的毕业论文应当由好多个关键字构成!如果我们常常反复同样的英语单词,这就能造成 毕业论文总分的罚分。教书评定你的毕业论文时,一定会有独立评定语汇的栏目,因而你应用的语汇越丰富多彩,得到高分数的机遇就越大。接下来大家讨论一下好多个关键字更换方法和事例。

1. 同同义词


government → authority

finance → fund

2. 同根词


government → governmental

art → artistic

finance → financial


3. 前后左右加润饰(介词、修饰词)


artists → creative artists/ art industry/ arts institutions

government → local/ central government

4. 主处于被动转换

大家原先那样读过:“政府部门应当适用造型艺术”。 有时还可以反向写:“造型艺术必须政府部门的补贴/ 造型艺术必须政府部门的适用”,或是“政府部门觉得别的层面必须大量补贴“,或是 ”谁非常值得接到政府部门的补贴“ 这些。

Governments finance arts → artists require help from the state/ rely on governmental assistance

5. 场景设置


常见的句字开头是 if/ when/ because/with/ how/ whether/

When policy makers decide how to allocate budget, …

If governments need to make better budgetary allocation, …

6. 人→ 物


artist → art work/ creative works of artists

7. 表述


artists → people who are engaged in an activity related to creating art


题型:Multicultural societies bring more benefits than drawbacks for a country?

关键字:Multicultural societies



“TO CAUSE” 可以用什么词语替代?

“To cause”,即“造成 ”,是在英语论文中最经常用的词语之一,学生们可以用下述词句来替代这个词:

一般表述:lead to/ cause/ result in/ bring about;

高級表述:give rise to/ be responsible for/ account for;

高級更换:create/ breed/ produce/ induce/ generate.

大家来出示 5 个简单句子的事例,让大伙儿看一下如何应用所述的一些高級更换“to cause”的方法。那样就把简单的句子变为更为高級的句式。


简单句:Too much work can result in stress and poor health.

高級更换: Too much work are responsible for stress and poor health.

拓展:parenthesis which

推結果: Too much work, the most typical sign of modern life, is responsible for stress and poor health, which makes the working class burdened with a soaring medical cost.


简单句:Rising temperature causes the melting of the polar ice cap.

高級更换:Rising temperature accounts for the melting of the polar ice cap.

拓展:parenthesis which

推結果:Rising temperature, the most typical sign of climate change, accounts for the melting of the polar ice cap, which raises the sea level and contributes to the displacement of people living in coastal areas.


简单句: Living alone in an unfamiliar culture can cause homesickness.

高級更换:Living alone in an unfamiliar culture can breed homesickness.

拓展:parenthesis which

推結果:Living alone in an unfamiliar culture, the most typical experience of international students, can breed homesickness, which makes them more vulnerable to difficulties both in life and in study.


简单句: A water crisis could lead to political conflicts or even wars.

高級更换:A water crisis could produce political conflicts or even wars.

拓展:parenthesis which

推結果:A water crisis, the most typical challenge in underdeveloped nations, could produce political conflicts or even wars, which further worsens the living condition of the people in poverty there.


简单句:An unhealthy diet can cause various health problems.

高級更换:An unhealthy diet can give rise to various health problems.

拓展:parenthesis which

推結果:An unhealthy diet, the most common option for the working class, can give rise to various health problems, which may pose a threat to people’s longevity.



造成 成见:lead to prejudice;

造成 更改:bring a change;

造成 不幸:lead to a tragedy;

造成 心脏疾病:cause a heart attack;

造成 流言蜚语:cause tongues to wag;

造成 不成功:result in failures;

造成 身亡:lead to death;

造成 摧毁:result in the destruction;

造成 发展和变化:result in growth and transformation;

造成 耐药性:result in drug resistance;

造成 困境:bring a crisis.

总得来说,在编写英语论文的全过程中,学员毫无疑问必须效仿他人的语句和见解,因而,除开标出材料来源于以外,也要学好怎样paraphrase并恰当地开展别的学者的英文毕业论文改变。期待大家出示的句子改述方式、关键字更换方法及“to cause”更换词的剖析可以协助学员提升自己的写作能力,并且让查重率在达标范畴内。自然,连梳理好几页的毕业论文,都必须花销许多 時间和活力。假如你還是不愿花时间,但是想要令人满意的考试成绩,能够立即在线留言Academic Savioir技术专业essay代笔企业。大家杰出的权威专家在短期内内帮你进行高成绩的毕业论文,使你轻轻松松地根据turnitin论文查重!请随时随地在线留言的24 / 7网上客服。QQ:

