QUESTION: I want to be an “original thinker” and to have it reflected in my writing. Yet when I read one of my finished papers, it doesn't seem original at all. What is the key to academic originality?
We are veering into philosophy. A wise man long ago wrote that it is vain to believe that an “original thought” (or concept or statement) actually is original. The irony is that the wise man wrote down his observation as if it were something new! Perhaps he believed it needed repeating. The lesson there is that original truth indeed is quite rare, but rediscovered truth also is worthy of exposition.
这个问题就涉及到哲学领域了。很早以前,有一个聪明的人以前写到,觉得自身的「原創思索」(或者原創定义、原創宣言口号等)绝具艺术创意,实际上是非常自高自大的论调。讥讽的是,这名聪明人依然慎重其事地写成自身的观查与感受,好像里面的确拥有 分毫创意!或许他觉得这一观点非常值得反复一遍吧。但大家从初中到一件事,真实原創的念头实际上非常少见,但客观事实的再次研究亦具备复读的使用价值。
So in your papers, strive to produce something insightful, if not revelatory. Start at the earliest of stages—during topic selection. If a subject seems to have been examined from every angle, choose another one. Or when a topic is assigned, choose a proposition least visited by previous writers, and then rigorously dig into it. Academic writers who are willing to break ground in topic selection and research are more apt to produce a paper that breaks ground in its conclusions.
Finally, strive for originality in writing the paper. Even a tired topic or thesis has some hope of redemption if it is couched in fresh language. This means banning clichés and overused phrases, and using crisp, active language containing engaging imagery and lucid description. If there is a “key” to originality, it is to cultivate personal independence in thinking and writing. Think independently. Reject copycat language. Take the initiative. Be yourself. You are an original, aren't you?