大数据分析hw代写 MIS 609 Data Management and Analytics

MIS 609 Data Management and Analytics

大数据分析hw代写 Now using the PowerPoint, create a video collage in which your facilitator should be able to see you as well as the PowerPoint

Subject Code and TitleMIS 609 Data Management and Analytics
AssessmentAdvanced Data Analysis and Visualisation Presentation
Length10-15 Minutes
Learning OutcomesThe Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:

a)    Evaluate the broad concepts of data management.

b)   Elaborate how to manage data within organisations, teams and projects. Investigate techniques on how to collect,        store, clean and manipulate data.

c)    Explore advanced data analysis and data visualisation techniques and apply when and where applicable.

d)   Critically analyse and apply data issues in an organisational context.

e)    Effectively report and communicate findings to a business audience who are not necessarily IT professionals.

f)    Critically analyse and interpret data analytics, its principles and tools for organisational problem solving.

SubmissionDue by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 4.2
Total Marks100 marks


Assessment Task  大数据分析hw代写

In groups, apply advanced data analysis and visualisation skills, and create meaningful data visualisations for a public dataset. Then, create a 5-10-minute presentation as a short video explaining the findings of your visual analysis.


In Module 3, you learnt about Advanced Data Visualisations techniques. You have also explored         different analysis methods and the usage of statistics in data analysis. This group presentation gives  you the opportunity to select publicly available datasets, transform, perform analysis, use advanced visualisation techniques on the data, identify meaningful insight into what selected data has to offer.



Instructions  大数据分析hw代写

Step 1: Group formation and registration

Form groups of two members each.You may seek help from your learning facilitator.

Step 2: Find out the issues that the selected data has. Make note of all the identified issues. For every issue identified you should have a solid rationale.

Step 3: Analyse selected data using the selected tool and implement the advanced visualisation technique. Creating meaningful visualisations that give you more visual insight into data.

Step 4: Based on analysis using visualisation, identify important finding about that data. Step 5: Carefully identify your limitations.

Step 6: Now create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation having the following sections: Section1: Selected Dataset

Provide a link to data.  大数据分析hw代写

Explain why you selected this data.

Note: Section 1- May become optional if Pernix provides the dataset.

Section 2: Selected Advanced Data analytics technique/ Visual

Explain why you selected this analysis method/ visual

Provide a brief overview of the advanced analysis method                  Forecasting/Prediction, Trendlines, linear regression      Decision tree/Python in power BI

Usage of power query/DAX expressions

Provide a one/2 slide write up explaining the usage of the selected method

in the industry. You can reference any website or white paper or blog or video

What data transformations did you do to prepare the data?



Section 3: Visualisations (Diagrams)

On the PowerPoint slide, copy a diagram (visualisation) and beneath the

visual briefly explain what information/knowledge you obtained from the diagram.

Section 4: Findings and Limitations

Explain your findings about the selected data as a result of data analysis (/

visualisation) that you have performed.

Enlist your limitations.  大数据分析hw代写

Section 5: Group Work Distribution

Categorically explain how work was distributed between group members.


Step 7: Now using the PowerPoint, create a video collage in which your facilitator should be able to see you as well as the PowerPoint slides in the video. Please note that this 5-10-minute video is like an online presentation. Both members of the group should take part in the video equally. Please     ensure that you are objective in your presentation (PowerPoint and video). Plan and rehearse the   speech before creating the video.



Referencing  大数据分析hw代写

It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here:http://library.laureate.net.au/research_skills/referencing

Submission Instructions

Submit Assessment 2 via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS609 Data             Management and Analytics. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Academic Integrity  大数据分析hw代写

All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately   referenced and academically written according to theAcademic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure

and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct.  These areviewable online.        Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

Special Consideration

To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult theAssessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework   and ELICOSand, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completedApplication for Assessment  Special Consideration Formto your Learning Facilitator


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