MM303 – Strategy and International Business
国际贸易作业代写 Explain clearly the characteristics of this organizational structure and support your answer with examples for the characteristics
Turnitin 的主题标题和您工作的电子文件应记录如下:您的全名、团队编号和指定的公司(例如 George_Cameron_A1_Texas_Instruments)。
The subject heading of Turnitin and the electronic file of your work should be documented as follows: your full name, team number, and the assigned company (e.g. George_Cameron_A1_Texas_Instruments).
(您需要做的就是将链接剪切并粘贴到 Google 中以搜索 UK Companies House 网站。当您在 UK Companies House 网站时,您将能够找到指定的子公司。请确保您使用的是准确的在“搜索注册”标题下的框中输入时指定的子公司名称)
12.B1队全体成员 国际贸易作业代写
子公司:Euroapi UK Limited(原名健赞有限公司)——注册号(公司编号)——01556886
Answer the following five questions. Your answers need to be consistent across the questions, so once you have identified a strategy in question 1, please do not change this in subsequent answers otherwise you will be penalised. Present and explain suitable diagrams for questions 1, 2 and 3.
1.This question is related to the parent firm in the home country. In which cell of the integration/ responsiveness (I/R) theoretical framework will you place the strategy of the parent firm? Explain clearly why it is placed in a particular cell, and support your answer with one specific well-explained example for the I dimension and one specific well-explained example for the R dimension.
2.What is the appropriate organisational structure for the parent firm consistent with the strategy which you identify in Question 1? Explain clearly the characteristics of this organizational structure and provide examples to support the characteristics that you describe. Present a diagram of the firm’s organizational structure in business reality and briefly explain it. 国际贸易作业代写
3.Use Rugman & D’Cruz’s flagship framework to discuss the parent firm’s flagship relationships which may exist with its network partners. Support your answer with one specific well-explained example for each type of business partners in the flagship network.
4.This question is related to the subsidiary in the United Kingdom. Briefly describe the business activities of the subsidiary. Explain clearly what and how the subsidiary has implemented the I/R strategy of the parent firm which you identify in question 1. Support your answer with one specific well-explained example for the I dimension and one specific well-explained example for the R dimension of the I/R strategy at the subsidiary level.
This question is related to the subsidiary in the United Kingdom. Critically analyse all the major financing sources of your subsidiary for each year of the five-year period (2015-2019) and present a table of supporting data. Examine and make plausible arguments whether or not the parent firm has used various mechanisms to potentially manipulate profits (profit shifting) in the subsidiary in this five-year period. Support your answer with specific well-explained evidence, data and facts.
回答以下五个问题。您的答案需要在所有问题中保持一致,因此一旦您在问题 1 中确定了策略,请不要在后续答案中更改此策略,否则您将受到处罚。提出并解释问题 1、2 和 3 的合适图表。
1.这个问题与母国的母公司有关。您会将母公司的战略置于整合/响应性 (I/R) 理论框架的哪个单元格中?清楚地解释为什么它被放置在一个特定的单元格中,并用一个针对 I 维的具体解释清楚的例子和一个针对 R 维的具体解释清楚的例子来支持你的答案。
- 与您在问题1 中确定的战略一致的母公司适当的组织结构是什么?清楚地解释此组织结构的特征并提供示例来支持您描述的特征。展示公司在商业现实中的组织结构图并简要解释它。
- 使用Rugman & D’Cruz 的旗舰框架来讨论母公司与其网络合作伙伴可能存在的旗舰关系。为旗舰网络中的每种类型的业务合作伙伴提供一个具体的解释清楚的示例来支持您的答案。
4.此问题与英国子公司有关。简要描述子公司的业务活动。清楚地解释子公司实施了您在问题 1 中确定的母公司的 I/R 战略的内容和方式。 用一个具体的 I 维度解释清楚的例子和一个 R 维度解释清楚的具体例子来支持你的答案子公司层面的 I/R 战略。
此问题与英国子公司有关。批判性地分析您子公司在五年期间(2015-2019 年)每年的所有主要融资来源,并提供支持数据表。审查母公司是否在这五年期间使用各种机制潜在地操纵子公司的利润(利润转移)并提出合理的论点。用具体解释清楚的证据、数据和事实来支持你的答案。
格式: 国际贸易作业代写
主体:您需要以问答形式涵盖所有问题。您提交的作品中的问题无需重写。您只需注明您的问题编号(例如问题 1 等)。这会给你更多的空间来展示你的答案。你可以简单介绍一下概念和框架,但不要花太多精力在上面。您需要证明您有能力应用这些概念和框架来批判性地分析母公司的国际业务战略和组织结构以及您正在学习的英国外国子公司的管理。本模块的优秀作品应侧重于基于您找到的硬数据、事实和示例的有说服力的分析和论证。此外,您需要针对问题提出一致且互动的论点,例如硬数据和详尽的解释可以支持您对公司战略和结构的分析。请参阅附录 1 中每个问题的详细指南。
- 研究技巧:找到相关的、有趣的、具体的、真实的例子、数据、信息和确凿的事实来支持你的答案。
- 洞察力:识别关键问题;明确而一致的重点。
- 分析:信息的展示,展示了对关键概念的理解和应用能力。逻辑和清晰地解释了基本原理和推理。
- 综合:各种概念和信息的相关结合。
- 外观:清晰简洁的组织和整体风格;良好的语法和拼写。
- 连贯性:文件必须显得连贯。
- 一致性:所有证据都应得到您的讨论的支持。
- 原创性:在研究和信息呈现方面具有创造性和创新性的能力。
结论:工作的基本论点/发现的简要总结。 国际贸易作业代写
- This question is related to the parent firm in the home country. In which cell of the integration/ responsiveness (I/R) framework will you place the corporate strategy of the parent firm? Explain why it is placed in a particular cell, and support your answer with one specific well-explained example for the I dimension and one specific well-explained example for the R dimension.
Present the I/R diagram (Refer to Lecture 6). The diagram must be presented in the format of word document, NO image.
Place the firm in a particular cell of the I/R framework.
Explain clearly why it is placed in a particular cell.
Support your answer with one specific well-explained example for the dimension of economic integration (I) and one specific well-explained example for the dimension of national responsiveness (R).
- 这个问题与母国的母公司有关。您会将母公司的企业战略置于整合/响应(I/R) 框架的哪个单元中? 解释为什么它被放置在一个特定的单元格中,并用一个针对 I 维的解释清楚的具体例子和一个针对 R 维的具体解释清楚的例子来支持你的答案。
- 展示I/R 图(参见第6 讲)。 图表必须以word文档格式呈现,无图片。
- 将公司置于I/R 框架的特定单元格中。
- 清楚地解释为什么将它放在特定的单元格中。
- 用一个关于经济一体化维度(I) 的具体解释清楚的例子和一个关于国家响应维度(R) 的具体解释清楚的例子来支持你的答案。
- What is the appropriate organisational structure consistent with the strategy which you identify in Question 1? Explain the characteristics of this organizational structure and provide examples to support your answer. Present the parent firm’s organizational structure chart in business reality and briefly explain it.
Make sure that your answer in question 2 about the parent firm’s organization structure must be consistent with your answer in question 1, otherwise you will be penalized (Refer to Lecture 8).
Explain clearly the characteristics of this organizational structure and support your answer with examples for the characteristics that you describe.
Present a diagram of the parent firm’s organizational structure in business reality, not a generic one from the textbook. You need to read the firm’s documents and websites, and then draw its organizational structure chart. You may refer to real world specific examples of the organizational structures in lecture 8 slides, which will help you to learn how to draw real world organizational charts.
Briefly explain the firm’s organizational structure chart.
The diagram must be presented in the format of word document, NO image. 国际贸易作业代写
- 与您在问题 1 中确定的战略一致的适当组织结构是什么?解释这种组织结构的特点并提供例子来支持你的答案。呈现母公司在业务现实中的组织结构图并简要说明。
- 请确保您在问题2中关于母公司组织结构的回答必须与您在问题1中的回答一致,否则您将受到处罚(参见第8讲)。
- 清楚地解释这个组织结构的特征,并用你描述的特征的例子来支持你的答案。
- 展示母公司在商业现实中的组织结构图,而不是教科书中的通用结构图。您需要阅读该公司的文件和网站,然后绘制其组织结构图。您可以参考第 8 课幻灯片中组织结构的现实世界特定示例,这将帮助您学习如何绘制现实世界的组织结构图。
- 简要说明公司的组织结构图。
- 图表必须以word文档格式呈现,无图片。
- Use Rugman & D’Cruz’s flagship framework to discuss the parent firm’s flagship relationships which may exist with its network partners. Support your answer with one specific well-explained example for each type of business partners in the flagship network.
Present a diagram of Rugman & D’Cruz’s flagship theoretical framework (Refer to Lecture 10, LVMH example). The diagram must be presented in the format of word document, NO image.
Insert specific real names of key network partners of the firm in the diagram. Don’t show a generic theoretical framework.
In the text, explain clearly the parent firm’s flagship relationships which may exist with its network partners (key suppliers, key customers, collaboration with key competitors (if any), and non-business institutions).
使用 Rugman & D’Cruz 的旗舰框架来讨论母公司与其网络合作伙伴可能存在的旗舰关系。为旗舰网络中的每种类型的业务合作伙伴提供一个具体的解释清楚的示例来支持您的答案。
- 展示 Rugman & D’Cruz 的旗舰理论框架图(参见第 10 讲,LVMH 示例)。图表必须以word文档格式呈现,无图片。
- 在图表中插入公司主要网络合作伙伴的具体真实姓名。不要展示通用的理论框架。
- 在正文中,清楚地解释母公司可能与其网络合作伙伴(主要供应商、主要客户、与主要竞争对手的合作(如果有)和非商业机构)存在的旗舰关系。
- 为旗舰网络中的每种类型的业务合作伙伴提供一个解释清楚的示例(例如,具体/真实姓名、事实、数字、公司数据(如果有)并讨论关系的互利(如果有))。
Provide one well-explained example for each type of business partners in the flagship networks (e.g. specific/real names, facts, figures, corporate data (if any) and discuss the mutual benefits of the relationships (if any)).
- This question is related to the subsidiary in the United Kingdom. Briefly describe the business activities of the subsidiary. Explain what and how the subsidiary has implemented the I/R strategy of the parent firm which you identify in question 1. Support your answer with one specific well-explained example for the I dimension and one specific well-explained example for R dimension of the I/R strategy at the subsidiary level.
Remember that this question is related to the UK subsidiary, not the parent firm (Refer to Lecture 6). 国际贸易作业代写
Make sure that your answer in question 4 must be consistent with your answers for questions 1 and 2, otherwise you will be penalized.
Briefly describe the business activities of the subsidiary: i.e. what the subsidiary does, and what business functions it performs.
Explain clearly what and how the subsidiary has implemented the I/R strategy of the parent firm which you identify in question 1, e.g. what specific actions the subsidiary has undertaken to implement the I/R strategy of the parent firm? Does the subsidiary develop any new FSAs and the nature of FSAs? What and how has the subsidiary developed new FSAs? If it does not develop any new FSAs, discuss what and how the subsidiary has used FSAs transferred from the parent firm.
Support your answer with one specific well-explained example for the I dimension and one specific well-explained example for the R dimension of the I/R strategy at the subsidiary level.
- 该问题与英国子公司有关。简要描述子公司的业务活动。解释子公司实施了您在问题1 中确定的母公司的I/R 战略的内容和方式。 用一个具体的
I 维度的解释清楚的例子和 R 维度的一个具体的解释清楚的例子来支持你的答案子公司级别的 I/R 策略。
- 请记住,这个问题与英国子公司有关,而不是母公司(请参阅第6 讲)。
- 请确保您在问题4 中的回答必须与您在问题1 和 2 中的回答一致,否则您将受到处罚。
- 简要描述子公司的业务活动:即子公司做什么,以及它执行什么业务功能。
- 清楚地解释子公司实施了您在问题1 中确定的母公司的I/R 战略的内容和方式,例如子公司为实施母公司的 I/R 战略采取了哪些具体行动?子公司是否开发任何新的 FSA 以及 FSA 的性质?子公司如何以及如何开发新的 FSA?如果它不开发任何新的 FSA,讨论子公司使用从母公司转移的 FSA 的内容和方式。
- 用一个I 维度的具体解释清楚的例子和子公司级别I/R 战略的 R 维度的一个具体解释清楚的例子来支持你的答案。
- Critically analyse all the major financing sources of your subsidiary for each year of the five-year period (2015-2019) by presenting a table of data. Make plausible arguments whether or not your parent firm has used various mechanisms to manipulate profits in your subsidiary in this five-year period. Support your answer with specific well-explained evidence, data and facts.
Refer to lecture 9 on international financial management in the MNE, the diagram of the sources of funds (Lecture 9 and the practical application exercise of Nestle United Kingdom Limited).
Read the UK subsidiary’s balance sheets and disclosure notes of the annual reports (2015-2019).
Critically analyse and explain clearly all the major financing sources of the subsidiary. Present a table of data of all the major financing sources for each year of the five year period (2015-2019). The table must be presented in the format of word document, NO image.
Use data as reported by the subsidiary (2015-2019) in absolute value and ratios (each type of financing sources over total assets expressed in percentage).
Remember the basic accounting equation assets = liabilities + owner’s equity.
Examine in detail all potential profit manipulation mechanisms (refer to Lecture 9). The availability of the types of information depends on the way the subsidiary discloses in the accounting notes.
Read the UK subsidiary’s annual reports, especially disclosure accounting notes.
Support your answer with data (2015-2019), facts and/or examples.
Examine the role of local legitimacy, relationships with host country government, corporate reputation of the subsidiary and the risks of profit manipulation.
Draw a conclusion whether or not profit manipulation is a prime motive for the parent firm in the relationship with your subsidiary. 国际贸易作业代写
- 以数据表的形式,批判性地分析您子公司五年期间(2015-2019)每一年的所有主要融资来源。就您的母公司在这五年期间是否使用各种机制操纵子公司的利润提出合理的论点。用具体解释清楚的证据、数据和事实来支持你的答案。
- 参见第9讲跨国公司的国际财务管理,资金来源图(第9讲和雀巢英国有限公司的实际应用练习)。
- 阅读英国子公司的资产负债表和年度报告(2015-2019)的披露说明。
- 批判性地分析和解释子公司的所有主要融资来源。提供五年期(2015-2019)各年主要融资来源数据表。表格必须以word文档格式呈现,无图片。
- 使用子公司报告的数据(2015-2019 年)的绝对值和比率(各类融资来源占总资产的百分比)。
- 记住基本的会计等式资产= 负债+ 所有者权益。
- 详细考察所有潜在的利润操纵机制(参见第9 讲)。信息类型的可用性取决于子公司在会计附注中的披露方式。
- 阅读英国子公司的年度报告,尤其是披露会计说明。
- 用数据(2015-2019)、事实和/或例子支持你的答案。
- 检查当地合法性的作用、与东道国政府的关系、子公司的企业声誉以及利润操纵的风险。
- 得出结论,在与子公司的关系中,利润操纵是否是母公司的主要动机。 国际贸易作业代写