IB B392F Managing International Business
国际管理作业代写 The business(es) of the company in that host country and its current operation situation (such as its strategies to compete in
Assignment 1 - Group Assignment (Written Essay)
Report due date: 1 April 2022 (before 5:00pm)
This assignment is marked out of 100 and is worth 20% of the total course score. The pass mark for this assessment is 40. This is a group assignment. This assignment is used mainly to assess learning outcome 1 to 3.
The Scenario 国际管理作业代写
Assuming your group is a professional research team from a consultancy company. You have a client which is a multinational corporation (MNC) with businesses in different countries. Your client has just asked your team to do a comprehensive study to evaluate the existing performance and the potential for future development of its business in a specific host country. The objective of the MNC is to develop the specific host country to become its cash cow in medium term.
Your team should focus on:
- The business(es) of the company in that host country and its current operation situation (such as its strategies to compete in international markets; market entry strategies; international marketing, production, human resources and corporate social responsibilities strategies; no need to discuss organizational architecture.)
- The problems or challenges the company is now facing in that host country.
- The potential of the host country as a major source of revenue in future. 国际管理作业代写
- Recommendations to overcome the problems and challenges.
- The resources implications regarding the recommendations.
The host countries for selection are Argentina, Australia, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Poland, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States and Vietnam.
After team formulation and country selection, your team will propose a MNC that has already been operating in the selected host country as your client.
You have to observe the following time schedule:
- Team formation and country selection – complete in the 2nd tutorial.
- Proposal of the selected MNC – complete in the 3rd tutorial.
Your team formation, country selection and selection of MNC for this project will be subjected to the approval from your tutor.
Requirements and Expectations
In the study, your team should focus on the chosen MNC in the specific host country. The following information and analysis should be included: 国际管理作业代写
- An introduction on the company background and history in general, and its strategies (corporate level strategies of the MNC, international strategies, entry and corporate social responsibilities strategies for the host country). The current operations in the host country, such as marketing, production and human resources.
- Its business portfolio in the host country with an overall evaluation, e.g. its successful or problematic business units and analysis; strengths and weaknesses; opportunities and threats. The strategy adopted in this country and an evaluation of its appropriateness. The execution of the strategy and an evaluation of the effectiveness.
- Your recommendations for the company to overcome the problems and difficulties, from both strategic level and functional level.
- The resources required for the successful implementation of the recommendations.
A systematic presentation of information and analysis is expected. Appropriate frameworks of analysis should be used. Your group is required to submit a written report on 1 April 2022, and conduct an English oral presentation (as Assignment 2) in 11th and 12th tutorials to explain your findings and recommendations.
Group Formation 国际管理作业代写
- All students should form into groups with 5 – 6 students.
- All group members should come from the same tutorial group.
- Each group will have to study a MNC in their assigned host country.
Written Report
- The length of the report should not exceed 3,000 English words (excluding content page and appendices).
- It should be in a report format with tables, charts and relevant figures as appendix.
- The report should be well organized and have adequate coverage on the key issues/topics.
- The written report accounts for 100% of the marks of this assignment.
- You should be mindful of the over-length essay and late submission.
- Over-length essay: 10% of the marks will be deducted for every 10% (i.e., 300 words) exceed of the word limit.
- Late submission: 10% of the marks awarded to the assignment will be deducted for each calendar day overdue until the soft copy of the assignment is submitted.
Submission Procedure 国际管理作业代写
- Submission of soft copy: Students should upload a soft copy of the assignment to the OLE of the course by 5:00pm on the submission due date. Files uploaded to the OLE should be prepared in Microsoft Word. As a mechanism to maintain academic integrity, the file must be submitted to Turnitin via OLE. Please refer to the quick start guide for submission of assignments to Turnitin.
- The submitted assignment should be covered with the Assignment Cover Sheet.
The University takes academic honesty very seriously and all assignments will undergo plagiarism check. Plagiarism involves copying from another source without acknowledgement. Students should make sure all the sources they used in the assignment are properly referenced. Even if there is proper referencing, students should not make excessive use of the works composed by other people. They should also note that each member of the project group has the responsibility to ensure the whole assignment is free from plagiarised materials. If plagiarism is confirmed, all members of the same group will be penalized. 国际管理作业代写