Research Philosophy and Practice– C11BU
商科essay代写 Working with your research question(s), you must now decide on the philosophical position that would best inform your research query.
Your first assignment for this course is to write a Reflective Report. Your assignment should be submitted through Canvas only, in Week 8 on Thursday 3rd March 2022 by 4pm (in time zone of registered campus of study). Your assignment should be 1,400 words ±10%. The word count excludes the list of references at the end of the document. In-text citations, however, are included in the word count. The report should be written using 1.5 line spacing and be in a clear legible font (Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri are recommended).
Your task 商科essay代写
For this assessment, you are expected to write an individual reflective report that documents a critical analysis of your learning process for weeks 3-7. You are asked to reflect on and review how you have progressed with the learning goals of these modules while addressing the research elements discussed below.
1 – Selecting a topic (300 Words)
The research process begins by thinking about possible topics that you could focus on. Inspiration for research can come from previous studies, current events, engagement with community groups, and personal experiences. As a social scientist, the possibilities are endless!
In this case, you are asked to think about a topic you would like to research. Reflect on your reasons for studying this topic and why it is important. Now write a 300-word reflexive entry explaining the following:
1. What your chosen topic is
2. Why it is important and relevant
2 – Identifying relevant literature (400 Words) 商科essay代写
Your second task involves narrowing down the focus for your research study. To do this, you will need to search for relevant literature on the topic. Now write a 400-word reflexive entry commenting on the following:
- In view of your selected topic, come up with a list of 5 key words relevant to the topic and comment on your rationale for these choices
- Identify three good quality references that you could use in your literature review. Comment on how you went about finding these and explain why they are relevant and useful – are they journal articles, books, websites? Comment on their quality.
Can you arrange these in a Harvard reference list. This is a good place to begin your search.
N.B. Please note that this task is not about writing a literature review but about understanding the literature and demonstrating skills of identifying good and reliable sources.
3 – Writing a research question (300 Words)
Based on your reading of the literature and the useful sources you have identified, write a 300-word reflexive entry commenting on the following
- Outline the importance of developing research questions for a study.
- Can you formulate a research question or questions that would help you narrow down your topic and the focus of you study?
4 – Identifying a philosophical position and methodological orientation (400 Words) 商科essay代写
Working with your research question(s), you must now decide on the philosophical position that would best inform your research query. Your task is to write a 400 word reflexive entry commenting on the following:
- What philosophical position would you adopt to answer your RQ? Why is this a good choice?
- How is your chosen paradigm different from other paradigms you have learned about? What methodological implications could this paradigm have for your study?
Your assignment should be entirely written in your own words. If you must quote directly, you will be expected to provide the full Harvard reference for the quoted source to include in a list of references at the end of the document.
Submitting your assignment 商科essay代写
Your assignment should be submitted through Canvas only in Week 8, on Thursday 3rd of March, 4pm (in time zone of registered campus of study). Details of how to do so are provided on the ‘Assessment’ page on Canvas. Please do not email your submissions to your course leader; submissions are strictly through Canvas. Submissions not uploaded via Canvas will not be marked.
Concluding Notes
Students are expected to strike a balance between a subjective approach and providing objective evidence, and show ability to understand and apply the research concepts they have learned in this course.
This assignment will enable you to explore and reflect on the process of developing a research study. This not only involves making a number of decisions about your research including the topic to be researched, the literature to be reviewed, your research question and your philosophical position and methodological orientation but also reflecting on
these decisions.
This exercise will give you preliminary information that follows the research cycle researchers engage in when they are approaching a new topic of study. Pay close attention to this information, as it will shape the decisions you make later in writing your research outline for Coursework Two.