Commerce 3FD3
Sample Final Exam Questions
商务Assignment代写 Plot the yield to maturity (YTM) of treasury bills over an extended timeframeb) Add a premium for the credit risk
The final exam will be a combination of 75 multiple choice, and true/false questions that will focus primarily on best practices, and the financial theory behind some of the chapters that we covered. The below 18 sample questions are fairly representative of what you can expect to see on the exam.
1. Good financial models have the following attributes: 商务Assignment代写
a) Documented, error-free, usable, and good output
b) Well documented, few errors, easy to use, and good output
c) Documented, few errors, usable, and good output
d) Well documented, error-free, easy to use, and good output
2. Building a model includes the following processes:
a) Knowing what the company plan is
b) Improving the model based on feedback
c) Using Visual Basic wherever possible
d) None of the above
3. The typical modelling process will: 商务Assignment代写
a) Identify the relevant drivers affecting the outcome
b) Use historic financial and metrics data for trending purposes
c) Assess against public comparable data.
d) All of the above
4. In the investment world, the analyst’s objectives are to evidence key understanding of XYZ company, and produce both a timely and predictive model.:
a) True
b) False
5. The top mistakes an investment analyst’s typically make, are: 商务Assignment代写
a) Unclear or confusing recommendations
b) Weak explanations of risk factors and mitigation
c) Cannot explain parts of the model, or the data used
d) All of the above
Source: Martin Butcher, MBA, CPA, FCSI
6. The present value of an annuity in arrears, or advance, can be modelled 3 ways:
a) Using the financial functions of Excel
b) Using formulas
c) Using a custom table
d) All of the above
7. Functions and formulas assume that cash flows are for equal length periods, and that they discount at the same rate of return: 商务Assignment代写
a) True
b) False
8. When using ‘Goal Seek’ in Excel, the user must:
a) Open the data tab, click on ‘What If’ analysis, and click ‘Goal Seek’
b) Then set the cell they wish to change
c) To value based on some other cell
d) All of the above
9. To data validate in Excel, the user must: 商务Assignment代写
a) Open the data tab,
b) Click on data validation,
c) Click on the allow, and data drop-down boxes
d) All of the above
10.There are 2 main reasons for programing in VBA; re-using formula is much easier in VBA than in Excel, and complex formula can be made a lot easier in VBA.
a) True
b) False
11.The price of a bond moves inversely to market yield to market, and we use concavity to measure the bonds sensitivity to a change in yield.
a) True
b) False
12.Credit risk recognizes that: 商务Assignment代写
a) Coupon payments and par value may not be received as they come due.
b) The more risk there is, the higher the discount rate will be
c) The least risky bond is a treasury bill
d) All of the above
13.To price a bond in a model, an analyst would:
a) Plot the yield to maturity (YTM) of treasury bills over an extended timeframe
b) Add a premium for the credit risk, and recalculate the yield curve
c) Discount future cashflow at the yield curve rate, and sum
d) All of the above
Source: Martin Butcher, MBA, CPA, FCSI
14.When we think of ‘risk’ we think of the following:
a) The uncertainty around the expected return
b) The magnitude of the potential return
c) The possibility of a negative return
d) All of the above
15.Market indexes typically include dividend reinvestment, and hence represent a total index return. This is?
a) True
b) False
16.An option is a derivative security where; 商务Assignment代写
a) The price depends upon the price of other securities
b) The option can be used to take on risk for speculative purposes
c) The option can be used to hedge an existing position against risk
d) All of the above
17.The Black-Scholes-Morton (BSM) model makes use of five price sensitivities; Delta, Gamma, Vega, Rho, and Theta. Is this accurate?
a) True
b) False
18.The key take-aways from the Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) Model are: 商务Assignment代写
a) The longer we hold a stock, the more uncertain we become as to what the actual final price will be versus the expected final price.
b) The longer we hold a stock, the less certain we can be of earning the expected rate of return.
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
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