Critical Article Review and Response
It's not easy being green is a 2006 article written by Michael Adams and Keith Neuman. The authors' main goal is to provide insight and educate the reader on why Canadians have not achieved their goal of going green. According to the authors, this has not happened for three reasons. First, most Canadians live in 商业essay代做 neighbourhoods with few public transit options. Which forces most of them to use cars that contribute to greenhouse gases.
Second, Canadians' actions only produce adverse environmental impacts in the long term. Third, conflicting messages about environmental conservation. These factors combined have made it difficult for Canadians to fight against climate change effectively. My response is that the authors should have provided specific facts and figures from government reports on the actual impacts of climate change on Canada in the past five years at the time of the article's writing to provide the reader with an accurate picture of the problem. 商业essay代做
The article's title is generalised, making it appealing to everyone who understands the concept of climate change and why it is challenging to tackle.
The article's tone is critical since it appears that the authors are addressing environmentalists who think going green can be achieved overnight. In this way. The style of content execution is expository as the authors explain why they think going green is tricky and explaining using real-life situations. The central idea of the article is consistent with its title. That is, it's not easy to completely go green. I concur with the authors' assumption because going green in a capitalist society is not as easy as it seems. Capitalism requires people to be responsible citizens while at the same time maintain consumerism. In competitive societies, consumerism demands outweigh those of being a good citizen.
The authors are knowledgeable on the topic of environment and climate change. 商业essay代做
At the time of this article's writing. Michael Adams was the head of the Environics group of companies while Keith served as its vice-president. As a result, they present logical arguments that consider competing accounts regarding Canada's environmental conservation practices. They present evidence from past polls of Canadians regarding the climate change issue. According to the authors. Most Canadians have shown concerning attitudes towards environmental degradation in previous polls.
Despite this fact, many of them have failed to change their behaviours that cause environmental degradation. The reference to such polls serves as critical statistics that reinforce the authors' points. One would expect that a scathing condemnation of Canadians would follow this recognition. However, this is not the case because the authors take a neutral position on blaming. "Are Canadians hypocrites who talk a good game but, in the end. Do not care about the Earth? We think not" (Adams and Neuman). 商业essay代做
The article has a total of 19 paragraphs.
The shortest paragraphs are from paragraphs 7-10 and consist of single sentences describing Canadians' opinions regarding the environment reported from previous polls. The researchers use short sentences to help break down and summarise opinions, which are often long and complicated when reported directly. Paragraphs 1-3 focus on a single idea; Canadians' evolving perspectives on the environment concerning past disasters and economic difficulties. 商业essay代做
In this way, paragraph two is used to support the introduction. And paragraph three supports the ideas expressed in two. From then, each subsequent paragraph contains a unique idea or point. The authors also use transitions (i.e., first, second, and third), especially from paragraphs 13 to 15, to outline reasons why most Canadians are not succeeding in their goal of conserving the environment. In the concluding paragraph. The authors reaffirm the central ideas expressed in the article and provide recommendations on practical methods that can be used to push environmental conservation efforts forward.
In conclusion, Michael Adams and Keith Neuman's article is a well-written opinion piece that perfectly fits the ongoing environment conservation debate. The authors have not merely pointed fingers at those they believe are hindering conservation efforts. Instead, they have shown why Canadians are not making significant environmental conservation steps and what can be done to tackle this problem. The article is written in plain and straightforward English with brief paragraphs making it easy to understand for a general audience. The authors also support their ideas with primary sources, such as findings from past opinion polls conducted, reinforcing its credibility and reliability.
Response 商业essay代做
The authors have presented crucial insights into the state of Canada's environment conservation. Their arguments provoke Canadians and their government to work extra hard to push the conservation agenda forward. Before reading this article, I often believed that humanity could make significant steps in addressing climate change by being responsible. If I am responsible and my neighbour is, and so on, we will have more people being responsible. Which will lead to a more significant impact.
However, since reading the article, my position has changed entirely.
I have mainly learned from the article that individual environment conservation efforts may not be adequate to solve the climate change problem. According to the authors, while this has been the primary strategy that most Canadians have been made to embrace, it has not led to any significant environmental conservation gains. In this context, I have shifted my position to be consistent with the article that notable success in environmental conservation will only be achieved by collaborating with citizens and the government, and other relevant agencies and stakeholders. 商业essay代写
On the other hand, I also argue that the researchers should have provided specific facts and figures from government reports on the actual impacts of climate change on Canada. Specifically, they should have presented data from the past five years at the article's writing time. Such statistics would have provided the reader with a better picture of the problem's nature and why the authors' opinions matter in that aspect.
The absence of such data makes the article appear accusatory because they have not shown how Canada has suffered adverse environmental conditions. Additionally, a statistical projection of the possible environmental degradation consequences in the coming years if urgent measures are not implemented would have helped emphasise the problem's urgency.
Works Cited 商业essay代做
Adams, M. and Neuman, K. (2006). It's not easy being green. [online] The Globe and Mail. Available at: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/its-not-easy-being-green/article793767/ [Accessed 11 Apr. 2021].