商业金融代写 PACC6003 Business Finance

PACC6003 Business Finance

商业金融代写 Where you need to invoke a theory or calculation which you have yet to study within the unit, you are expected to consult the text or

Group Assignment  Trimester 1, 2023 (Weighting 30%商业金融代写

General:   This assignment requires students to apply concepts covered in the course in order to analyse a company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

Preparation and Assessment of the Group Assignment

  1. 1.Studentsare expected to form groups of 4-5 people. You can join a group on Canvas, using the groups function under People>Groups.

The deadline to finalise the groups is Week 4, 5.00 pm, Thursday 16 February 2023. After this date, any student not in a group will be randomly placed in a group.

Group selection and management are entirely the responsibility of the group itself.

Purpose and Function of Group Work

Group work facilitates peer learning and encourages students to develop collaborative skills. Studying collaboratively has been shown to directly enhance student learning by:

  • enhancingunderstanding;  商业金融代写

  • studentslearning from one another and benefiting from activities that require articulation and testing of their knowledge;

  •    providinganopportunity for students to clarify and refine their understanding of concepts via discussion and rehearsal with peers.

Group work can facilitate the development of generic skills valued by employers which include:

  • teamworkskills (skills in working within team dynamics; leadership skills);

  • analyticaland cognitive skills (analysing task requirements; questioning; critically interpreting material; evaluating the work ofothers);

  • collaborativeskills   (conflict  management   and  resolution;   accepting  intellectual   criticism; flexibility; negotiation and compromise); and

  • organisationaland time management skills.


Procedures for Selecting Groups, Roles and Responsibilities, and Conduct of meetings  商业金融代写

Group members will exchange contact details and formulate and agree on a project plan and timeline. The plan identifies member roles, group rules, allocated tasks and responsibilities, details problems and issues that may arise and how the group will manage them, and shows agreed project milestones.  Students  are  to  actively  manage  the  conduct  of meetings  and  record  member contributions. Each group is responsible for keeping records of details of dates, participants, and activities of each group meeting. The group record may be used to assess the processes of the project as well as the final report, should a conflict arises.


Conflict and Grievance Procedures

Group work functions best when everyone participates actively in the development of the project. However,sometimes you will need to address situations where one or more member(s) do not attend meeting(s) or did not complete the assigned work. In the first instance, such conflict and grievance issues should be handled within your group.

The project plan will provide the details that you agreed to at the outset. Should it be necessary, students are required to implement them.  If the grievance issue cannot be resolved within the group, the next step is to discuss the situation with your lecturer/tutor. If the situation cannot be resolved, a group meeting will be organised with the Course Coordinator. All members of the group must attend these meetings. Failure to attend these meetings may impact your final mark in this assessment.  商业金融代写

  1. 2.Eachgroup is then required to select a company that is listed on the Australian Securities You must email the Course Coordinator to seek approval for your chosen company. No two groups can select the same listed company for this assignment. Company selection and approval for each group must be finalised at the same time when the group formation is finalised in Week 4.

  2. Thisassignment will contribute 30% towards your final mark for the course. The assignment comprises a written report worth 25% and a group presentation worth 5%.

  3. Thedue date for the written component is 5.00 pm Monday 27 March (week 10)  商业金融代写

    . Check the Course Outline for the late submission penalty.

  4. The assignment has a word limit of 2,000 words.  Assignments that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will be penalised. The finished assignment should be in the form ofa report, therefore a table of contents, an executive summary, appropriate diagrams, charts and tables and, a logical progression through the submission should all be components of the submitted work.

  5. Individuallyevery member will have to submit the Self and Peer Group Assessment through SPARK (check Course Outline for more information) within 24 hours of the due date of the written assignment. NO SPARK NO MARK.

  6. Presentationof the report will be held in class or online (under advice due to COVID) in Week 11. All members ofa group must present. Length of presentation: 15 minutes per group.

  7. Itis a requirement that your group will consult a wide number of sources in completing this  assignment,  considerably  further  than just  the  company’s  website.  Those  groups accessing wider sources of information are likely to achieve a better mark than those that simply rely upon financial reports. Correct referencing is required, documenting the sources for any information used in your assignment.  Any text taken directly from another source must be identified and referenced correctly.

  8. Allformula and calculation expectations are dealt with in the text for this course.

    Where you need to invoke a theory or calculation which you have yet to study within the unit, you are expected to consult the text or alternate sources for information as required. Some helpful sources may include the following, however, your research should not be limited to these:  商业金融代写


-     Company websites (usually under “investor relations”)

-     Yahoo financehttp://au.finance.yahoo.com/ (company profile, downloadable share price data)

-    Australian Securities Exchange www.asx.com.au  (Company profile, ASX announcements)


  •    Reserve Bank of Australiawww.rba.gov.au(Government bonds and interest rates)

-     AFR market tools http://afr.com/markettools/  (share market data including dividend information)

-     IBIS Worldwww.ibisworld.com.au  (industry, market and company research)

-     Other databases available at UON library (DatAnalysis).  商业金融代写

  1. 1Theformat and presentation of all documents will be assessed. Your assignment should be prepared as though it were for presentation in a professional environment.   A high standard of presentation is expected of your work, including:

-     the structure and formatting of the assignment

  •     the expression, punctuation and spelling.


The Assignment:

The assignment requirements are:

1)   Provide a brief overview of your selected company. Indicate the industry the company operates in, its activities and discuss the company’s overall strategy

2)   Describe the company’s capital/financing structure. This should include a discussion of the recent financial history and the identification and description of any changes in the capital/financing structure that have occurred, or which are planned, preferably linking these to the  discussion in parts  1. What were the major debt  and  equity instruments that the company had outstanding for the past five financial years (2018- 2022)? Describe their key terms of issues.

3)   Analyse the past and present dividend policy of the company for the last five years (2018-2022).  Marks will be based on the dividend policy analysis and not just the dividend paid in a year.

4)   Use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to estimate the cost of ordinary equity for the company. Explain any assumptions you make and identify the source(s) of any other information used in your calculations.  商业金融代写5)   Calculate the company’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC).  Explain any assumptions you make and identify the source(s) of any other information used in your calculations.


Checklist  商业金融代写

coversheet completed

word limit (+/- 10%)

appropriately referenced (consistent)

carefully proof read

format and presentation reviewed

table of contents

executive summary

page numbers

consistent font/headings etc

charts/graphs etc clear


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