MSc in Business Management program
商业管理代考 The NYSE and Amex are primarily auction markets, whereas NASDAQ has historically been a dealer market. In auction markets, each
20-minute English usage paper 商业管理代考
20 分钟,必须在 20 分钟内完成答题并提交,否则考试分数作废。网 址 :https://fbweb.polyu.edu.hk/rpss/BMAdmissions/ Username:application number (i.e., 2XXXXXXXX)
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可能出现的题型有语法纠错、完形填空、阅读理解和小作文,一般是随机出现 1-2 类这些题型。
Example: John come to visit me yesterday. John came to visit me yesterday.
Question 1: John has 100 staffs under him. Answer: John has 100 staff under him.
Question 2: Neither Bob nor his brothers lies. Answer: Neither Bob nor his brothers lie.
Question 3: Most of the meal have already been eaten. Answer: Most of the meal has already been eaten.
Question 4: Because the heat, the windows were open. Answer: Because of the heat, the windows were open.
Question 5: Because I like it, so I did it. Answer: I like it, so I did it. 商业管理代考
Question 6: I suggested Mr. Chan to step down. Answer:I suggested Mr. Chan stepping down.
Question 7: Under the leaves were a nest of starlings. Answer:Under the leaves was a nest of starlings.
Question 8: The are wealthier than any family in the neighborhood.
Answer: The are wealthier than any other family in the neighborhood.
Question 9: My bedroom in the old apartment was bigger than the new apartment.
Answer: My bedroom in the old apartment was bigger than the one in the new apartment.
Question 10: I feel badly because I lost my game. Answer: I feel bad because I lost my game.
完形填空题示例: 商业管理代考
- We saw last
- award winning of French film
- A French film award winning
- an award-winning French film
- a film of French winning award
- The CEO announced that the company would take firm and action to counter their rival’s promotional
- subordinate
- stability
- punctual
- Timely
- I have lost my mobile phone. I cannot find it .
- everywhere
- anywhere
- nowhere
- somewhere
- This is a way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh perspective that unorthodox solutions. 商业管理代考
- suggests
- comes
- hits
- makes
- I have two sons, and of them like pop
- either
- both
- neither
- none
Use the following information to answer Questions 16 and 20
“The NYSE and Amex are primarily auction markets, whereas NASDAQ has historically been a dealer market. In auction markets, each transaction takes place directly between a buyer and seller or between brokers acting as their agents. In dealer markets, a market maker, acting as an intermediary in each transaction, buys stock from investors who want to sell and sells stock to investors who want to buy. Each intermediary transaction is reported as trading volume, so for an identical number of transactions between buyers and sellers, a dealer market reports twice as much trading volume as an auction market. 商业管理代考
The NYSE is not, however, a pure auction market. A single designated market maker for each NYSE stock—the specialist—participates as a market maker on one side of a transaction or the other in various situations. For example, the specialist may buy shares in the event of a temporary imbalance of sell orders to maintain an orderly market in the stock and/or to mitigate the price effect of an influx of sell orders. (Source: Anderson and Dyl, 2007, Trading volume: NASDAQ and the NYSE, Financial Analysts Journal p.79)”.
- If one wants to compare the trading volume of Stock A listed in NYSE with the trading volume of Stock B listed in NASDAQ, one should compare the trading volume of Stock A and that of Stock B directly.
- No adjustment is
- divide the trading volume of Stock B by
- divide the trading volume of Stock A by
- multiply the trading volume of Stock B by 商业管理代考
- Each NYSE stock is assigned with
- two specialists.
- three specialists.
- more than one specialist
小作文类(通常是一道 200 词左右的小作文)题型示例: 商业管理代考
- We should always use electronic cars instead of gasoline cars. Do you agree?
- In your opinion, what are the primary obstacles for foreign companies to do business in China?
- Since housing is an essential part of our living, we should remove all forests to meet the need of housing. Do you agree?
- How you see the differences between an undergraduate degree program as compared with postgraduate one in delivering their learning outcomes?
- How you plan yourself to complete our program(MSC in BM ) in one-year time?
*考卷的结束部分通常有一个部分需要签名的,还有建议在提交之前要把文档重命名为:名字+申请号码(如学校另有格式要求,以学校的指引为准); 商业管理代考
*If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Irene Chan at (852) 3400 2583 / fbmscbm@polyu.edu.hk.