CGS SS 103


哲学paper代写 The Digital Scholarship Project must contain three components to satisfy the requirements of SS 103: First, an original 5-10 minute

The Digital Scholarship Project must contain three components to satisfy the requirements of SS 103: First, an original 5-10 minute narrated slide show or digital video to be presented in class and/or posted to both your e-portfolio and to the SS103 Blackboard site; Second, at least 1,000 words of original text; and Third, rigorous Chicago-style citation of three types of research materials: at least two primary sources that are not on the syllabus at least two secondary sources that are not one the syllabus. And at least one (primary or secondary) source from the course syllabus. As you develop your Digital Scholarship Project, you will be required to give regular updates to your classmates on the materials you have discovered.


These are the five topic choices for the Digital Scholarship Project:  哲学paper代写


  1. Where did governments based upon consent develop and collapse in the ancient world, and why?


  1. What are the defining traits of tyrannical leaders, and the common traits of their supporters?


  1. How did the growth of science & democracy influence each other in the 17th & 18th centuries?


  1. Why did some political revolutions produce lasting democracies, while others did not?


  1. How did feminism and abolitionism influence each other in the late 18th & early 19th centuries?

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