The Mentors of Storytelling
哲学论文作业代写 The first obstacle that Naomi McDougall-Jones described in her TEDtalk is being a woman. Every obstacle, every challenge
Question 1 哲学论文作业代写
In “The Little Prince” a mentor is a nature which has everything in it. Mentor is the one who guides us. In the story, we find everything as something to learn from. For instance, a little prince was a mentor to the narrator. As he teaches him that people are unable to see what is important in their life, thus they run behind trivial things such as they remain completely absorbed by their occupations throughout their life. The narrator is a mentor to the little prince as he drew him a sheep.
Likewise, rose is a mentor to a little prince as rose teaches him how to fall in love. The little prince learned from the narrow-minded grown-ups of the world who became his mentors. He learned from the fox that significant things in life explicitly hit our heart just like a rose which was special to the Little Prince. Thus, the fox was a mentor to him. the geographer was a mentor to the prince because he told him that flowers do not last forever and he started missing the rose he fell in love with. Thereby, in the story, everyone in nature is a mentor to each other as everyone guides others about the reality of life (de Saint-Exupéry). 哲学论文作业代写
Question 2
The first obstacle that Naomi McDougall-Jones described in her TEDtalk is being a woman. Every obstacle, every challenge starts from being a woman. The male dominant society is the primary threshold guardian. A primary challenge for Naomi. People with their biased mindset are the threshold guardians as Naomi described that the characters women were offered in the movie were all trivial rendering women a fragile, weak submissive creature or a symbol of promiscuity.
When Naomi made her own film hiring an entire production team based on women she was told by the successful male production house owner that people do not want to see women films. This mindset was the biggest challenge Naomi has encountered. The helper was a success and motivation Naomi got when her movie on females named “Imagine I am Beautiful” became successful. The movie ran on festivals and got plenty of awards which helped Naomi to take over the demotivating thoughts stirred by the people and society. 哲学论文作业代写
Moreover, an Oscar-winning producer tells her that playing a woman card does not work which was depressing. Devastating and demotivating for Naomi. Sexism was an overwhelming obstacle for women. The impact of movies we watch is imperative. Thus a movie could be an obstacle or a helper.it depends on the influence it leaves on our minds. The fact that American cinema is male dominating (as shown by the statistics Naomi shared) poses a challenge for women.
On the other hand, revolution is a helper for women as it is the only way to change the long-standing, prevailing mindset of the society. Some contrary facts are helpers such as the existence of female filmmakers in the film industry. Likewise, the literacy rate among women is no less than men. Another she tells in the video is that films on women actually make more money. This can be a great source of motivation for women producers and directors and encourage them to put forward their work without getting affected by the threshold guardians (TEDx Talks).
Question 3 哲学论文作业代写
The two possible mentors could be nature and society. The two possible obstacles could be our own fear and mindset of the people around us. The two possible helpers could be self-motivation by looking at those who survived and a strong desire for revolution or an urge to change the prevalent phenomenon.
Works Cited
de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine . The Little Prince. 1943.
TEDx Talks. The Women in Film Revolution Begins with You | Naomi McDougall-Jones | TEDxBeaconStreet. 2016. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj2pWl1vjCY>. 哲学论文作业代写