博士论文申请代写 RP template State the topic of your research

RP template

博士论文申请代写 Will the study involve participants who are particularly vulnerable or unable to give informed consent (e.g. children

Number of words
[1] Topic

State the topic of your research


[2] Location

Describe where the research will be carried out


[3] Research questions

List no more than four research questions

[4] Importance  博士论文申请代写

Explain (a) why the research is important, (b) how it relates to existing discussions, and (c) what makes it sufficiently broad, deep and original for MPhil/PhD work

[5] Literature

Identify at least three broad areas of literature which you intend to consult.

For each area (a) explain how it relates to your research questions, and (b) provide no more than three key references.

Here you must show that you are looking further afield than the core literature connected with your topic.


字数最多的部分  博士论文申请代写
[6] Methodology

Describe (a) the research approach which you intend to employ, (b) how this will be translated into data collection or source consultation, and (c) how it is an appropriate means for addressing the research questions.


[7] Arrangements and access  博士论文申请代写

Describe what arrangements will be made for data collection or source consultation, with special reference to  access, and relations with participants or other bodies

[8] Special supervisory requirements  博士论文申请代写

If you intend to be away from University for more than one month for the purpose of data collection, source consultation or other activities related to your research, state (a) the duration and occasions of this absence, (b) how contact will be maintained with your supervisors and ( c) how you will be able to access the necessary library resources.


I would keep in contact with my supervisor at least once a month to report on research progress mainly through online meetings. I have all the access to the library resources via the online library.

[9] Research objectives  博士论文申请代写

State what you hope to have achieved by the end of each year of your proposed study.

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3

[10] Funding  博士论文申请代写

State how you intend to fund this research.


[11] Ethics, Police and Occupational Health Clearance

Will your research involve human participants as your research subjects?  Yes √ No o

If yes, please respond to the following questions

· Will the study involve participants who are particularly vulnerable or unable to give informed consent (e.g. children, people with learning disabilities)?  Yes o No √

· Will it be necessary for participants to take part in the study without their knowledge and consent at the time (e.g. covert observation of people in non-public places)?  Yes o No √

· Will the study involve discussion of sensitive topics (e.g. sexual activity, drug use)?  Yes o No √  博士论文申请代写

· Will the study involve invasive or intrusive procedures such as blood taking from participants or the administration of drugs, placebos or other substances (e.g. food substances, vitamins)?      Yes o No √

· Is physiological stress, pain, or more than mild discomfort likely to result from the study?         Yes o No √

· Could the study induce psychological stress or anxiety or cause harm or negative consequences beyond the risks encountered in normal life?  Yes o No √

· Will the study involve recruitment of participants (including staff) through a Local Authority Department of Social Services or through the NHS?  Yes o No √  博士论文申请代写

· Have you received Criminal Records Bureau and Vetting & Barring Scheme clearance?                Yes o No √

· Have you had a recent occupational health screening [students proposing to carry out research  in NHS or Social Care environments only]   Yes o No o Not applicable √

If ‘yes’ to any category a-g, or ‘no’ to category h & i, what steps are being taken to address these issues?

I will apply for the Criminal Records Bureau and Vetting & Barring Scheme clearance before the start of my PhD study.

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