Organizational policies and structures
医学论文作业代做 Improvement of healthcare facilities where machines are used for most of the operations within the institution as away of ……
The pressing issue in healthcare sector is high cost of maintaining healthcare due to higher living standards of living. High cost of healthcare being experienced is because of the competing needs that exists among different actors within healthcare sector.
The competing needs include the need for shareholders in healthcare sector to get high returns for investing in the sector. Which forces the healthcare service to be more expensive in order to increase the rate of return. On the other hand, patients require better healthcare services at ana affordable cost considering the higher living standards. The conflicting need results in a dilemma and challenges facing healthcare where most of the patients are unable to pay for the medication . Which in return paralyzes the operation of most of healthcare institutions. 医学论文作业代做
The second competing need is the needs for employees who are working within healthcare institution . And the patients requesting for healthcare services. Employees in healthcare sector require a higher salary which increases the cost of heath acre contrary to the needs of the patients who require better health care serve at a lower cost.
Another conflicting need is the need for the investors who are shareholders in healthcare institutions . And that of employees working on behalf of the investors. Investors are motivated by higher profits . Which enquire low operation costs for the healthcare institutions . Which forces the management to lower the salary of employees so that the overall profit can be maximized. The strategy of lowering the cost is ageist the need of employees who require higher salary to improve their living standards.
Healthcare policy
Higher cost of healthcare coverage in hospitals depends on the policy being implemented by the organization. As a way if improving work efficiency. The organization’s policy of motivating employees through increment in salary and other packages. The additional cost of operation with the organizational policy on motivation is the factor behind increases in the cost of healthcare services.
The best way of motivating employees through investing in better infrastructure and facilities that increases work efficiency. The implementation of upgrading the facilities contributes towards the identified issue of high oust of healthcare service provision because the organization will have to maximize profit and the only way to ensure that the operations are geared towards increase in revenue.
To solve the conflicting interest that arise due to high cost of healthcare. 医学论文作业代做
The organization is implementing insurance coverage programs to ensure that healthcare services are covered to enable citizen from low- and middle-class income level acquire healthcare services. With insurance cover, it is easier for the institution to get adequate funds to implement the increased operation without affecting the interest of the patients.
Improvement of healthcare facilities where machines are used for most of the operations within the institution as away of improving the efficiency have negative impacts to the employees. Machines affects the creativity and experience of the employees negatively. An example of the improvement policy is the implementation of artificial intellect technology where machines plays the role of employees in perfoming various tasks. the technology allows for improved services but at higher costs.
Despite an increment on the efficiency at the workplace. The cost of medical bill is high making it possible for those from low- and middle-class income level top afford comfortably.
The number of employees required per section within the institution reduced ads result of the adoption of artificial intelligent technology which influence social welfare of the members of the society negatively. Some machines have negative health effects when not used correctly by medical personnel hence their implementation posse’s heath risk that must be addressed. 医学论文作业代做
Critique of the policy
The policy emphasizes on the interest of the shareholders in healthcare sector without considering ethical needs of the employees and the patients found within the society. A though it is important to concentrate bon profit maximization . So that investors can be motivated to expand healthcare coverage. The main oath of healthcare personnel need to be given priority which is the save of life.
With increase in the cost of healthcare, individuals suffering from higher level of poverty are unable to access better health care services due to higher cost which results in loss of life which is against the professional as well as society ethics governing healthcare and the society respectively.
The implementation of artificial intelligent and emphasis on financial operations gives minimal support and development of ethical morals within the institution which affect the culture of ethics within healthcare institutions.
When the organization gives profit maximization first priority it may not focus much on the quality-of-service dekivery and as a result employee may engage in dishonest way in order to increase the total revenue collected. An example is where the institution buys sub-standard medical equipment which has low accuracy percentage as a way of maiming the profit at the expense of the quality of medication process.
Strengths of the policy in promoting ethics 医学论文作业代做
Improving the facilities and the adoption of technology in running healthcare facilities is important as it increases nonefficiency. The accuracy level as wells’ s the effectiveness of the medication process is higher . When the organization implement technological adaption policy as wells improvement in facilities and machines being used within the facility.
The policy contributes towards the achievement of universal healthcare program . Which is a primary pillar for the government in terms of healthcare sector. Use of modern technology despite being expensive. It allows the organization to cover wider scope of medical challenges as well as treating more patients within shorts time possible.
When the policy of technology adoption is implemented worth sir monitoring it promotes ethical considerations because it will only influence the effectiveness and operation of healthcare services which leads to saving more life within the facility hence promoting ethical behaviour of saving life.
Through modern technology in data management system controls the behaviour of healthcare personnel . Which discourages then from enraging in dishonest activities because everything is documented through data entry and available for auditing. When the technology promotes integrity then it is influencing the conservation of work ethics positively. 医学论文作业代做
Challenges of policy in promoting ethics
When the primary objective is about profit marination, employees give minimal considerations on ethical behaviour because using dubious behaviour the organization can maximize on the profit. Terre, to effectively protect work ethics. It is important for the monitoring team to ensure at that technology is being used to increase efficiency as a mean of maximizing the profit and not allowing employees to use dishonest means to maximise revenue.
Recommendation for upgrading the policy to solve the conflicting needs 医学论文作业代做
To ensure equality and balance between the needs of the employees, shareholders. And patient there is need to use the adoption of technology as an advantage of expanding the scope of medical services which will increase the total revenue received instead of using technology as a way of increasing medical bills which goes against the interest of the patients (Mohamadali, & Garibaldi, 2010, June).
The technology should also be interrogated and used to improve the efficiency of employees and not to relace them which reduced the demand for employees leading to lower wage scale which is against the interest of the employees.
An example on the upgrade of technological policy is where the institution implements the use of electronic data management. That allows for home-based care where doctors interact with a patient and share information through electronic data management. Through the implementation of the system. Human errors is minimized which reduces the loss of money hence allowing the institution to maximise the profit without increasing medical bills which allows the shareholder to receive higher returns. Employees receive higher wages and patients get quality medical services at an affordable rate (Hillestad, Bigelow, Bower, Girosi, Meili, Scoville, & Taylor, 2017). 医学论文作业代做
Shareholders in healthcare sector need to get high returns for investing in the sector which forces . The healthcare service to be more expensive in order to increase the rate of return. On the other hand, patients require better healthcare services at ana affordable cost considering the higher living standards. The best way of motivating employees through investing in better infrastructure and facilities that increases work efficiency.
The implementation of upgrading the facilities contributes towards the identified issue of high oust of healthcare service provision . Because the organization will have to maximize profit and the only way to ensure that the operations are geared towards increase in revenue.
When the policy of technology adoption is implemented worth sir monitoring it promotes ethical considerations. Because it will only influence the effectiveness and operation of healthcare services . Which leads to saving more life within the facility hence promoting ethical behaviour of saving life. The technology should also be interrogated and used to improve the efficiency of employees . And not to replace them which reduced the demand for employees leading to lower wage scale which is against the interest of the employees.
References 医学论文作业代做
Hillestad, R., Bigelow, J., Bower, A., Girosi, F., Meili, R., Scoville, R., & Taylor, R. (2017). Can electronic medical record systems transform health care? Potential health benefits, savings, and costs. Health affairs, 24(5), 1103-1117.
Mohamadali, N. A. K., & Garibaldi, J. M. (2010, June). A Novel Evaluation Model of user Acceptance of Software Technology in Healthcare Sector. In Healthinf (pp. 392-397).