Analysing Financial
Assignment: Frequently Asked Questions
分析财务代写 the first two part of the assignment are quite technical and rely on company data and your interpretation of it. In this sense
Here is an updated version of the frequently asked Qs: scroll down further to see the new questions that have been added to the original document.
Q: do I need to put in some background about the company/industry?
A: that is up to you although it would be odd to have a report launch into financial details without any context being set.
Q: how many ratios should I use?
A: as many as you think fit and on which you can provide a meaningful comment.
Q: must I only use the ratios in the lecture or can I calculate others?
A: you can calculate whichever ratios assist the most in the analysis.
Q: where will I find gross profit in the accounts of IAG?
A: you won't. Companies in services industries do not as a rule have gross profit since they do not buy and sell things.
Q: does it make sense to calculate inventory turnover in the case of IAG? 分析财务代写
A: no, for the same reason given above.
Q: Should we not use average figures for the balance sheet items?
A: Yes, strictly you should but that would entail going back another year to get the opening figure for the comparator year. You can do this, if you like – the earlier annual reports are available through the company’s website. What you must NOT do is use the average for the current year, and the year end figure for the prior year since that would not be consistent.
Q: where should I show my calculations?
A: put all calculations and ratios in a table and present as an appendix to the report.
Q: do I need to explain why I have not included some ratios?
A: No – focus on the interpretation – you do not have the word space to explain the mechanics or rationale of the ratios.
Q: In some text books, the turnover ratios are calculated another way; which is right?
A: the formulae may be expressed differently but the result is the same.
Q: do we still calculate some ratios even where there are negative numbers?
A: you can still calculate loss per share though price/(negative) earnings ratio would make no sense (see example of Twitter, https://markets.ft.com/data/equities/tearsheet/summary?s=TWTR:NYQ). Negative rates of return could still be calculated though are difficult to comment on.
Q: Do we have to use the report format you had shared
A: absolutely not – this was a demonstration though of course if you would like to, that is fine too.
Q: How can we use sub-titles:
A: The assignment asks you to address three distinct aspects about the company – I think it would make sense to have a separate section (and so a sub-title) for each of the three sections, though of course, if you want to do something different, the choice is yours.
Q: I am struggling on what can be potential references for the assignment – can you guide? 分析财务代写
A: the first two part of the assignment are quite technical and rely on company data and your interpretation of it. In this sense, we are not expecting an extended list of references – just the core text or other texts you may have sought out. The third part is a little more academic in orientation – you can bring in academic references for this section. What has been shared with you will suffice though of course, you can seek out further materials.
Q: On the future outlook session, should the focus be on the environment?
A: Dont just focus on the environment - you also need to think about what the company has planned to improve its financial performance – this is what a potential investor will be interested in.
Q: for the section on corporate governance – do you expect us to focus specifically on diversity or on the board composition generally?
A: Diversity please – as the question specifically states.
Q: can I bring in material from prior to 2019 as there is much more aligned to what was happening in 2019?
A: the focus should be on 2019 – 2020 as stated in the assignment. As an explanation for the changes here, if you want to draw on the past without too much distraction and perhaps by presenting longitudinal data in graph form, then go ahead.
Q: Word count: can we go up to 2,200 word as we are allowed to exceed the word limited by 10%?
A: yes