Music During Times of Conflict
全科essay作业代写 Over the years, the song gained popularity and many different verses were added to it, until it became highly……
Introduction 全科essay作业代写
Music has always woven itself into situations that cause unrest and call for hope or longing. Many songs have been written during times of conflict wither to give rest to the rising upheaval or to convey a message of peace to all parties. Similarly war has played no small part in the history of songs that were composed in America (Library of Congress).
The song that I have selected to talk about is Yankee Doodle. This is one of the most renowned songs that originated from the revolution. In the middle of the 18th century, British Troops composed this song in the colonies, before it was identified as the song for independence. Before the American revolution came, many people used to make up lyrics on British Melodies, and eventually Yankee Doodle, which originated from Britain, acquired many lyrics that celebrated the Americans and their independence and mocked the British.
Many sources state that the song was published in 1798, though some are of the opinion that it was a bit earlier than that.
The first version of the song as discussed was written by a physician in the British Army (Thomas Fleming, 2013). It was written during the Indian and French war, and presented a satirical view at the New England Yankees. 全科essay作业代写
Over the years, the song gained popularity and many different verses were added to it, until it became highly popular throughout the colonies. However, after the 1770s, one version became standard which was a country person reaction to the first time he visited an army camp. Though there was one particular verse that the American soldiers enjoyed and liked most, which explained the reason for Yankee Doodle’s popularity.
Yankee Doodle is the tune
That we all delight in;
It suits for feasts, it suits for fun,
And just as well for fightin’. (Thomas Fleming, 2013)
At Yorktown, the British were forced to surrender, and their attitudes exhibited the aura which pretended that the Americans did not exits, which angered the Infantry Brigade and thus, on his order the American army launched into the song. The British were shocked to see that the subjects they considered had now become their conquerors.
Even though the music was composed earlier, but it became so popular that it became adopted by the American people. 全科essay作业代写
And to date has been one of the most famous works. While the intention of the initial writer was to presented a satirical view of the British Yankees. The song evolved until it was considered to be the song of independence because it was played at the time of victory. From then on, it became a song of independence and was sung any time a war was won.
The music is simple in nature, and it is sung in the form of a melody. When it was originally introduced. It had simple music, however, the piece has evolved overtime. A meter is described as the pattern of the beats or pulses on which the piece’s rhythms are based. While the beat marches at a steady pace, the rhythm of the piece can change.
Yankee Doodle has two beats per measure. A time signature on the other hand, indicates what the meter is. And Yankee Doodle’s time signature is 2/4. The rhythm of Yankee Doodle is affected by the beats per measure, as they are divided into two parts. Overall, it makes the melody memorable, but not unique. 全科essay作业代写
The song is a good example of a simple melody and in my opinion with such a detailed history that has helped the song evolve from a satirical to song for independence. Over the years the song has been sung at many victorious occasions and it has become one of the most renowned and favorite songs which have a link to conflict.
Many songs have been sung during times of conflict, some to explain how the writer felt, whereas, others to try to bring calm and serenity to an era of destructiveness. Conflict gives rise to artists, and many musicians were brought forth because of the turmoil or destruction they felt around them and wanted to convey their feelings in words. And this song, is just one of many.
References 全科essay作业代写
War And Conflict, The Library of Congress Celebrates Songs of America, retrieved 20-2-18 from;
Yankee Doodle, Library of Congress, retrieved 20-2-18 from;
Thomas Fleming, A Short History of Yankee Doodle, retrieved 20-2-18 from;
Meter and Time Signature, AP Music Theory, retrieved 20-2-18 from;
Catherine Schmidt Jones, The Basic Elements of Music, retrieved 20-2-18 from;