信息技术作业代写 School of Information Technology & Business

School of Information Technology & Business

信息技术作业代写 What about cybersecurity? Is your information, which is all over the internet, safe? Should we be using similar technology to 


Course aim  信息技术作业代写

This course provides students with an introduction to the evolution of computing world       and the impact it has made on society at large, which further expounds the need for ethical ICT professionals. Students will work collaboratively with others to identify the technical      needs of the society and the impact these technologies have on the society.


The purpose of the assessment is to assess students’ ability to individually discuss the          evolution of computing frameworks and the need for technology in society and evaluate     various technologies including emerging technologies and its impact in society to provide   safe environment and vigilant individual’ . Students will also work collaboratively to present their opinion on emerging technologies.


Assessment Information

  1. 1.       Thisisan individual open book assessment and worth 60% of your total assessment weighting of the entire course.

  2.      Resources and/or equipmentthatmay be used for this activity:

  1.      You have 3 weekstocomplete this assessment.

  2.       Upto15% of the content may be quoted or paraphrased from other sources provided you acknowledge and cite the original source of the material you use.


  1.        Youhavethe opportunity for one resubmission for one failed assessment per course. The maximum mark available for any reassessed failed assessment event is 50%.

  2.       Youcanmake a request for the resubmission within three working days of the return of the assessment and negotiate a resubmission date.

  3.       Theagreedresubmission date will be adhered to, and no further extensions will be      given. In all cases, the grade achieved on the resubmission will be the grade used to calculate the final course grade.

  4. 8.       Failingtwoor more assessments within a course equates to a failed course and a re- enrolment of that course.

  5.       Youarerequired to keep a soft copy of the submitted assessment.

  6.    Youneedto submit your assessment through Turnitin via Canvas.

  7.    Students are requiredtocheck their course outlines in relation to assessment extension requirements.

  8.     Extensions   of   time   to   completeanassessment   are   only   given   in   exceptional circumstances.  If  you  anticipate  difficulty  in  meeting  the  due  dates  to  submit  an assessment  and/or  sit  tests  or  examinations  and/or  attempt  any  missed  practical assessment activity which  may have been timetabled to occur once only during the programme, you may request an extension of time.

  9.    A formal writtenrequestmust be made prior to the due date for an extension. The agreed extension date will be adhered to, and no further extensions will be given.

Learning Outcomes  信息技术作业代写

This assessment is mapped to the following learning outcomes for this course:



Learning Outcome 1Discuss the evolution of computing frameworks and the need for technology to create a better society.
Learning Outcome 2Evaluate various technologies influencing human decision making at individual and society levels.  信息技术作业代写
Learning Outcome 3Evaluate emerging technologies and its impact in society to provide safe environment and vigilant individual.
Learning Outcome 4Apply core academic skills and collaboration to improve efficiency and effectiveness within an organisational context.


Graduate Profile Outcomes  信息技术作业代写

The above stated learning outcomes are mapped to the graduate profile outcome (shown below) for this programme:




Analyse requirements, apply appropriate modelling tools, SDLC and HCI            principles, to design and document software solutions for a range of problems in an organisational context, including creating accurate and clear technical     and user documentation/resources.


Select, justify and apply architecture, patterns, services, technologies, and tools, to implement the software solution/s using current and emerging    technologies.
GPO 8Apply professional and ethical practices with integrity to meet the industry wide



expectations of a responsible IT professional, in accordance with legal, regulatory and organisational requirements.


Apply communication, information design, teamwork, personal, and               interpersonal skills, to enhance working effectiveness, efficiency, and quality outcomes in a variety of situations in an organisational environment.



Plagiarism  信息技术作业代写

All cases of plagiarism and/or cheating will be investigated and dealt with according to A08: Misconduct in Assessment Policy.


Submission Instructions

You are required to ensure you have carried out the following before submitting your assessment:

  • Signedassignment coversheet

  •    Namingconventionof the submitted file must be adhered to:

Course Code_ Assessment Number_ Assessment Name_ StudentNumber_DocumentNumber For example, IT503_A1_Report_78xxxxxx_ 1

  •    Allanswersmust be written in your own words

  • Proofreadand spell check all written assessment work carefully.

  •    DONOTemail your document to your tutor, it must be uploaded to the NZSE LMS




In recent years we have seen the rise in the use of technology in our social life.  It influences our thinking, our decisions, our ethical views.

When you think of how the use of social media platforms, such as Twitter or TikTok, by the so-called influencers has had such an impact on society particularly the in the way they use it to promote products.

We have seen the use of surveillance systems by governments throughout the world.  China, and many other countries, even New Zealand have  a  facial  recognition  system  which  i s used  to  detect  criminals  and  fugitives .

We use biometric systems more and more, just think about your mobile phone in your pocket. It has fingerprint and facial recognition built into literally all the models on the market today.  信息技术作业代写

Facebook, now Meta, releasing the Metaverse, a technology build on Virtual Reality, which allows users to interact in the virtual world.

Cyborgs,  Hanson  Robotics  and  Boston  Robotics  have  been  developing  robotics  which although they look like something out of a Sci-Fi tv show but are they performing useful tasks.  Hanson Robotics developed Sophia, which is a robotic with AI (Artificial Intelligence), this robot was even granted citizenship of Saudi Arabia.  Boston Robotics have developed Spot, a robot which mimics a dog.

IoT, Internet of Things, has seen a major growth, from your smart home, tracking goods in transit to monitoring dairy herds, but are they being used in surveillance?

What about cybersecurity? Is your information, which is all over the internet, safe? Should we be using similar technology to cryptocurrency, blockchains, to protect it. Or is it too late? Just look at the number of hacking events that has tested cybersecurity.

Is social media just another way of data mining? TikTok has been accused of taking all the user’s data from their mobile phones and sending it back to the country it was developed in, China.  There has been calls in several countries, Australia, and the USA, to ban and block its use,  India  has,  because  of  the  fears  over  user  privacy.    Facebook,  Meta,  allows  your information to be used for advertising  even selling the data of its users to other companies.

But the problem with the use of such technologies has led to some major resistance in society. People are concerned about what the government are using the data they are gathering for.

Also, what is happening to all the old equipment?  What happens to your old mobile phone when you upgrade to the latest model?  We are starting to see mountains of old computers, mobile phones, televisions etc. E-waste is taking over.

Task 1

(70 Marks)




Learning Outcome 1Discuss the evolution of computing frameworks and the need for technology to create a better society.
Learning Outcome 2Evaluate various technologies influencing human decision making at individual and society levels.
Learning Outcome 3Evaluate emerging technologies and its impact in society to provide safe environment and vigilant individual


Thinking about the introduction and the way some of these technologies are being used, for good or bad, select one of the subjects mentioned below and create a report which focuses on that subject.



The influence of electronic gadgetsThe future of electronic gadgets
Data MiningData Profiling
Dark NetOnline Surveillance
Applying safe methods to clear oneself from the internet  信息技术作业代写Keeping IoT devices in check from


Digital FootprintBiometrics
NanotechnologyAR/VR (Augmented/Virtual Reality)


You should critically consider the following in the report.

  1. a)   Itspastand when did we start using it?

  2. b)Howis the technology emerging?

  3. c)In what way is the technology influencing decision making in society?

  4. d)What impact the technology is having on both the individual and society as a whole?

  5. e)Whatis your overall opinion of the effects/impacts it is having?


Your report is expected to be approximately 3000 (±10%) words and contain the following sections.

Front Page  信息技术作业代写

  •   Course title

  •  Students Name and ID number

Executive Summary

  •    Write this after the report is complete and aim for no more than 300 words

  •    Summarisestheaims, objectives, and main findings of the report

  •   Remember, the purpose of the summary is to give a comprehensive overview ofthe report aimed at those who want to get a quick idea of the main              findings and recommendations without having to read the whole report

Table of Content

Table of Figures (if figures are included)


  • Describes the subject and objective of the report.

  • Outlines the issues discussed (the content of the report).

  • Introduce all key points, issues, and concepts to be covered in the body of

the report

Main Body  信息技术作业代写

  • Headings and sub-headings which reflect the contents of each section.

  • The most prominent key concepts or issues are covered first.

  • Includes information on method of data collection (if applicable),

  • The findings of the report and discussion of findings in light of theory


  • What was the body of the report about?

  • What do you conclude from the information gathered?

  • Outlines the significance and impact of each key point.

  • Comments on the limitations of the report and recommend some future



  • A complete list of all sources of information used to compile your academic


  • Must be in the correct APA v7 format

Task 2  (20 Marks)

Learning Outcome 4 Apply core academic skills and collaboration to improve efficiency and effectiveness within an organisational context.

In this task, you are required to form a group with a maximum of three (3) members. As a group, you are required to collaborate to prepare, and present a presentation on the impact the technology is having on decision making and the various opinions of the group members have formed in Task 1. Also, include a summary of the research techniques use to gather the information and an overall summary of the group’s findings.  信息技术作业代写

The group will have 20 mins as a group to complete your presentation, which includes a Q/A session facilitated by the assessor. Each member of the group will be marked individually during the presentation; therefore, everyone must present for the equal duration of time. So please time yourself properly.

Report and Presentation Structure, English Writing and APA Referencing Style  (10 marks)

The report and presentation should be logical, well-organised with appropriate English, and aim for grammatical/and spelling error-free. Apply APA 7th edition as referencing style to both in-text citation and reference list


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