New Zealand Diploma in Software Development (Level 6)
信息技术代写 Your client needs a simple application to Calculate the GST to be added and display the original value and the new value with GST added.
Course aim 信息技术代写
Course Aim: This course provides students with the basic concepts of programming, and different data and control structures in programming. Students will develop skills to design, write, test and debug computer programs and progress on to intermediate level.
The purpose of the assessment is to assess students' ability to create programs by applying operations on variables and implementing functions and control structures to enable modularity while documenting the code using best practices and standards to achieve quality objectives.
Assessment Information 信息技术代写
- Thisisan individual open-book assessment to be completed in an agreed environment which is worth 60% of your total weighting of the entire course.
- Youhave3 weeks to complete this assessment from the release date.
- Thisisa resource-based assessment. This means that you may have access to any relevant resources to assist you. This could include, for example, you’re learning materials, information on the internet, and so on. However, all work must be your own with no help from any other person.
- Toachievea pass in this assessment you will need to score a minimum of 50% for the whole assessment. 信息技术代写
Submission Instructions
You are required to ensure you have carried out the following before submitting your assessment:
- Signedassignment coversheet
- Assessmentssubmittedonline should use the following naming convention:
o Course Code_ Assessment Number_ Assessment Name_ Student Number_Document number
o For example, IT502_A1_Programming1 _1800XXXX_1
- Allanswersmust be written in your own words.
- Proofreadand spell check all written assessment work carefully.
- DONOTemail your document to your tutor, it must be uploaded to the NZSE LMS
- Uploadacopy of the database file to the NZSE LMS
Plagiarism 信息技术代写
- Allcases of plagiarism and/or cheating will be investigated and dealt with according to A08: Misconduct in Assessment Policy.
Learning Outcomes
This assessment is mapped to the following learning outcomes for this course:
LO 1 | Apply operations on variables to achieve desired output in various programs. |
LO 2 | Implement control structures and functions to enable modularity and make decision in programs. |
LO 3 | Document code using best coding practices and standards to achieve quality objectives. |
GPO’s (this assessment is mapped to)
1 | Analyse requirements, apply appropriate modelling tools, SDLC and HCI principles, to design and document software solutions for a range of problems in an organisational context, including creating accurate and clear technical and user documentation/resources. |
2 | Write and maintain complex programs using design patterns, data structures and algorithms to meet specifications and software development standards. |
[100 Marks] 信息技术代写
LO 1: Apply operations on variables to achieve desired output in various programs.
LO 2: Implement control structures and functions to enable modularity and make decision in programs.
LO 3: Document code using best coding practices and standards to achieve quality objectives. For Task 1 to 5 you must include the following coding standards and best practices
- Writetherequired Algorithm/Pseudocode, 信息技术代写
- DrawtheFlow Chart
- Pleaseensurethat you provide comments for your program and use appropriate coding standards throughout the programs.
- Makesureyou take a screenshot of the code of your program as well test results with sample data.
Task 1: Sum of multiples of 3 and 5 from 1 to 100 (16 marks)
Using the C# Console Application, write a program that will Calculate and display the sum of all multiples of 3 and 5 from 1 to 100 (both inclusive).
For example, if we list all the numbers between 1 and 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6, 9 and 10. The sum of these multiples is 33.
Note: A sample program output has been provided for your reference
Task 2: Factors of a number (14 marks)
Using the C# Console Application, write a program that will accept a number and display all the factors of the number (all the numbers that can evenly divide a number).
For example, the factors of 10 are 1,2,5 and 10.
Note: A sample program output has been provided for your reference
Task 3: Array manipulation (16 marks) 信息技术代写
Using the C# Console Application, write a program implementing a loop that will prompt the user to enter 10 numbers and store them in an array.
Modify the values of the array to the value divided by the index of the array plus one (index +1) and print the new values.
For example, if the user enters 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 and the new values of the array will be 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2.
Note: A sample program output has been provided for your reference
Task 4: GST Calculator (14 marks)
Your client needs a simple application to Calculate the GST to be added and display the original value and the new value with GST added.
- Initially client enters the Product name, Quantity and
- Enterproductcost, then select whether the GST must be added to it or that the cost has GST is already included.
- Oncethe value has been entered, the application should perform the calculation based on the user’s choice. GST 15% is charged for the product.
- AddingGSTto your prices (for example, $100 plus GST for a total of $115)
- TakingGSToff the price you receive (for example, $100 including GST, which is 3/23 of $100, or $13.04) - need to use formula as, product cost (included GST) multiply by
3 then divide by 23
Task 5: Grade Calculator Program (25 marks) 信息技术代写
Using the C# Console Application, write a program that performs the following tasks:
- a. Ask the user to input marks for 4 subjects (Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science) outof a maximum of 100
- b.Use a function to calculate the average of the 4 marks and return it
- c. Useafunction to find out the grade of the student using the average marks following the criteria listed below
- Marks>= 80 – GradeA
- Marks>=70 and< 80 – Grade B
- Marks>=60 and <70 – Grade C
- Marks>=50 and<60 – GradeD
- Marks<50 – Grade F
- d. Usingaswitch statement, print remarks listed below based on the grade 信息技术代写
- GradeA – ‘Excellent! Your grade is A’
- Grade B – ‘Good! Your grade is B’
- Grade C – ‘Satisfactory. Your grade is C’
- GradeD – ‘Pass. Your grade is D’
- Grade F – ‘Fail. Your grade is F’
- e. Implement using
- ObjectOrientedProgramming – Classes and objects
- Exceptionshandlingusing Try-Catch.
- GitHubrepository– Pull, Push, and Sync
Task 6: (15 marks) 信息技术代写
Usually, Software developers will adopt one of the many software development life cycle (SDLC) strategies, such as waterfall, spiral, iterative and Agile to name a few. Assume that you are a member of the new software development project and need to suggest Agile that best fits this project. According to you what is the working principle of Agile? What value is provided by Agile? How Agile helps to build a quality product explain with a suitable example.