供应链管理代写 Efforts to create true sustainability often results to an overall development of totally new practices. According to Utterback (1996)
Introduction 供应链管理代写
Supply chain sustainability is one topic that has attracted a great deal of interest in the field of academic as well as in the practitioner’s world. A chain of supply comprises of many parties who have the same goal of fulfilling the orders of a customer. This process involves more than one person in the making of decisions management of resources and information which may not necessarily be under the docket of a particular company. Sustainability of supply chain management can be described as an improvement in the management of chains of supply (Gold et al. 2010).
The supply chain must, therefore, have a long-term goal especially for the environment and the society. This improvement starts through integration of several supply factors which comprises of the environment, economical, and community related issues. Excessive pressure on companies is also on the rise spearheaded by regulators in the governmental institutions, social activists, and non-governmental institutions. This is stirring increasing demands for more information in this field and consequently the sprout of researches within a span of a decade.
Critical Review of the Article
This topic of supply sustainability has risen through several stages with the accelerated consumption and the increasing emission and dumping of pollutants into the natural resources serving as the main transitional drivers. These dynamic changes are a result of massive growth of the economic development and the rapid urbanization. This extensive degradation of the environment demands an embodiment of the principle of sustainability. This principle backs all the aspects of the environmental preservation and improvement as issues of high importance in matters pertaining decisions in any business (Pagell and Anton 2014). 供应链管理代写
Recent developments and other activities in this field are acceptable. However, the radical changes in the supply chain management and a massive research underway are not satisfactory. It is unfortunate that the presently available knowledge is insufficient in efforts of creating a supply chain that is truly sustainable. In terms of the theory in this field of sustainable chain management, all the previous researches are focused on issues that are similar and can work together.
They are oblivious of the trade-offs and other issues such as radical innovations and investments fuel a dynamic shift (Carter, Craig, and Dale 2008). The approach taken in previous research focused more on the backward issues that in the end brings no impact. It is evident that a lot of researches revolve around this issue, but more issue focused research needs to take place. In respect to this, Mark makes a proposition which comprises of five major issues that should for incorporation into future researches and stir true sustainability (Carter, Craig, and Easton 2011).
Perception of Existing Research 供应链管理代写
Pagell, Mark, and Shevchenko (2014) argue that the existing research is retrogressive and does not address the main issues in the line of supply chain management. A supply chain management will pose no risk of harm or no damage to the natural and community-based system in the struggle of maximizing on their profits. A chain that is truly sustainable is customer oriented and has a focus of doing the business ultimately.
The modern chains of supply must make prompt changes in the business models and practices with the aim of rectifying the damages impacted socially and environmentally. Survival of these supply chains will be slim unless these changes take effect immediately. Its separation of sustainable supply chain management should be addressed jointly to ensure that the research initiated helps in creating a supply chain that is and truly Sustainable (Nasir and Muhammad 2014). Unlike the past researches on Supply chain management, future researches in this field should avoid over-focusing on economic issues.
It should give equal weight to the performance of the social and environmental aspects just as accorded to the former. 供应链管理代写
In practice and positive results, social and environmental aspects should receive more preference in supply chain management if need be. Therefore, future research in all its capacities must preferentially focus on bringing positive impact socially and environmentally in the supply chain. Propositions should be made to change all supply chain management research into sustainable supply chain management research. It is prudent to recognize the effort made towards this change so far, however, the progress is not significant enough, and the process is still lagging behind (Utterback 1996).
Several issues need to be addressed to show that current research in the supply chain management should have no future and that a new approach requires adoption. Available information about sustainable supply chain management indicates that there is an overreliance on manipulation and adaptation of old practices. This is in an effort to create sustainability instead of searching for new processes to make the supply chain truly sustainable (Arora 2014). These changes can be guided and generated through adoption of the following five main issues in the future researches.
Harm Reduction is not Harm Elimination 供应链管理代写
In an effort of disqualifying the existing research in the supply chain management, it should be noted that avoidance of harm does not amount to the total elimination of the damage. Most research focuses on reducing harm in the supply chains that are unsustainable (Pagell, Mark, and Shevchenko 2014). This is because presently, most supply chains are not sustainable. The main focus in this effort is to identify in the event that a supply chain becomes sustainable, the economic performance of the supply chain also improve in the process.
This question of economic benefits in relation to sustainability has attracted a remarkable attention by researches globally. According to Golicic and Smith (2013), conduction of a meta-analysis study supports the outcomes that may accompany the supply chain management positively in business performance. Likewise, it should be clear whether initiation of the practice can generate simultaneously and similar impact positively both economically and environmentally.
In most cases, environmental outcomes are a reduction and not elimination of the harm. 供应链管理代写
As an illustration describing this phenomenon, evidence shows that in the supply chain, lean can be adopted to lessen the harm impacted on the environment. This is because there are better resource use and emissions reductions when lean practices come in as a substitute. Contrary to this, the depicted reduction in harm is emanating from a supply chain that runs on a service with a swift rate of resources as compared to the rate at which the same are being replenished. Such a supply chain causes destruction of the environmental resources especially those which are non-renewable (Carter, Craig, and Easton 2011).
This goes against the principle of a truly sustainable supply chain management that the environment and social aspects should be conserved and prioritized in recipients of positive impacts. It is inevitable that such a move by a chain of supply will lead to a point where environmental resources are exhausted long before they approach true sustainability. Therefore, researches have for so long embarked on a fruitless journey of making less unsustainable supply chains out of the unsustainable ones. The increasing call for businesses to address the social and environmental issues should shift the research focus on social responsibility and sustainability of business supply chain (Utterback 1996).
Primacy of Profits 供应链管理代写
A lot of studies have taken place in the topic of primacy of profits. Researchers have come into agreements that are actually beneficial for the supply chain management to be sustainable. This issue has a long history among academicians and professional practitioners and., therefore, there is availability of understandable information. This information has evidence those social and environmental positive outcomes amounts to profits in the businesses unlike the existence perceptions that these actions are detrimental to the profits. The literature around this issue has limitations (Klassen & Whybark 1999). This is the main reason up to today; debate around the value of economic sustainability is inevitable.
Divergent ideas exist on the meaning of sustainable supply chain management practices.
However, all industry experts maintain that sustainable practices must guarantee a return to shareholders and management. It means that if a supply chain practice causes negative outcomes environmentally and socially, it remains unsustainable despite the benefits it has on the economic performance. The firms should focus on practices that bring economic performance and in the same time putting into consideration a clear environmental and social dimension. Several companies have been identified to have sacrificed the strict economic hardline by making trade-offs between noneconomic and economic performances (Davis, Eisenhardt and Bingham 2007).
In most cases, chains of supply have to adopt practices whose impact is economically uncertain to meet the environmental and social improvement. The approach of avoiding normative focus on economically viable and beneficial practices by supply chains enables informed response to its negative environmental or social impacts. Such a move can enhance a supply chain to be more sustainable. In the future, research will have to identify stakeholder's claim without economic stake in relation to the supply chain and treat them equal valid to the economic claim. Ways to address situations where no synergies can take place must be the main focus (Pagell, Mark, and Shevchenko 2014). 供应链管理代写
Focus on the Familiar 供应链管理代写
It seems that focusing on synergies in research clouds the familiarity especially when dealing with sustainable supply chain management associated practices. Familiarity is very clear when dealing with issues that had similar practices previously. The familiarity issue takes a retrogressive approach. In most scenarios, these practices are developed to address certain goals of the economy specifically.
They are inclined to favor the economic wellness of a company (Arora 2014). When a researcher focusses on familiar issues, they make the research limited and at high risk of missing new important practices that are more beneficial to both the firm, society, and the environment. Old known ways have been ruled out as retrogressive, and the new thinking ways and practices make the supply chain management sustainable. 供应链管理代写
Efforts to create true sustainability often results to an overall development of totally new practices. According to Utterback (1996), most researches in sustainable supply chain management employ traditionally developed approaches. It is true that existing firms rarely come up with new practices and ideas, a case that new entrants in the business environment portrays clearly. Researchers should make an effort of avoiding conducting research with a focus on traditional practices. They should explore the new entrants and new ideas that are the source of future practices that in turn are the basis of the powering development in sustainability of supply chain management.
Limits of Empiricism
It is absurd to believe in mythical accounts that the knowledge humans possess about their experience is doubtful and discounted. The greatest changes in the practices of supply chain for many years involved experience-based understanding of management and production systems (Pagell, Mark, and Shevchenko 2014). These changes are not research-based and therefore fall short of empirical research that is the main source of knowledge and practice development. 供应链管理代写
Despite these advances, required levels that can create true sustainability are yet to happen. Efforts to accelerate true sustainability are currently behind despite the contributions made by the current research calling for a new approach for the research (Gold et al. 2010).
Supply Chain Impacts 供应链管理代写
Profit focused leaders in a firm may give misleading or invalid answers about social and environmental issues. It is also very possible that their perceptions of good performance differ greatly with other stakeholders. Researchers have made notable advancement in synthesizing valid and noneconomic outcomes free from managerial perceptions and propagating sustainability.
These issues carry equal importance. They all present a barrier of incomplete understanding of a supply chain. These key problems have a deep root in the norms of sustainable supply chain management (Carter, Craig, and Dale 2008). In order to address the issues, parties must make changes on research methods and questions. They are also interrelated, and they seek to show that the existing way of research requires making a dynamic change to have a future.
It should adopt recommended approaches in research to ensure the creation of true sustainability of supply chain management in the long term. It is evident that research in the supply chain management is the key solution to effecting changes in achievement of supply chain management that are truly sustainable as reiterated in the essay (Pagell, Mark, and Shevchenko 2014).
Reference List 供应链管理代写
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