


最先,大家应当敢于创新,即“情况句 表述扣题 观点论述”那样的强制方式,再去寻找提升;次之,大家应当考虑到,哪些的方法更能吸引住教师的留意。倡导应用排比句推动段首及全篇,不但可以使评委确立下面的文章正文段中会提到的论点论据,也可以使教师感受到扎扎实实的語言基本功和語言应用的协调能力。




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country.

此题观点应挑选不同意,解题思路应是明确提出除newspapers and magazines的别的learn about a foreign country的方法,例如:从在网上掌握、找外国人掌握、及其自身亲自环游掌握这些。在我们找到别的三种方法,而三个语句正好是组成排比句的必需,这时候大家就可以应用疑问句排比句(因为题型自身是了解“方法”的,合乎疑问句排比句的标准)。

疑问句排比句的基本句式是:Have you ever… ? 在添充內容时,特别注意內容的丰富一致性及其语汇的多元性。许多学员写的语句大多数全是单一的,如Have you ever visited other countries? 在这儿,提示大伙儿,在我们把别的方法别的状况分拆来探讨的另外,应当把题型之中带有的learn about a country中的形容词也依照大家所区划的各种各样方法或状况开展一一对应一一细化。将上原文中学员写的单一语句依照形容词的细化扩大开,就变成:Have you ever traveled in another country, enjoying the dreamlike scenery and learning the people and culture there? 这一语句之中,提升了在另一国家旅游能够见到和学得的內容,恰好相匹配题型之中的learn about a foreign country。



Have you ever surfed the Internet, catching a glimpse of the latest news happening there and appreciating the pictures taken in another country? Have you ever made foreign friends, studying their daily routine and trying to blend in with them? Have you ever traveled in another country, enjoying the dreamlike scenery and learning the people and culture there? 

排比句之后,大家必须得出中心思想:这种也没有做了,那怎能说newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country?


Have you ever surfed the Internet, catching a glimpse of the latest news happening there and appreciating the pictures taken in another country? Have you ever made foreign friends, studying their daily routine and trying to blend in with them? Have you ever traveled in another country, enjoying the dreamlike scenery and learning the people and culture there? If you have never done these before, is it way too optimistic to say that newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country?



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Patience is usually not a good strategy. We should take action now rather than later.

对这道题型开展剖析,大家可以看出,这道题型要想有物品可写,必须开展状况的区划,即有一些状况下patience很重要,有一些状况下taking immediate actions较为关键。例如:在我们必须选择专业的情况下,细心剖析比尽快做决定好些;在我们必须挑选爱人时,多一点時间交往比闪婚好些;在我们考試时,细心查验比尽早上交试卷好些。相反,假如要挑选take action now,我们可以想:在我们想学一项超级技能的情况下,尽快报名开始学习培训比拖至中后期他人都是会了的情况下好些;在我们应对一项工作中或学习任务时,尽早逐渐资金投入勤奋和時间去做比快到截至日期再做好些;在我们与别人市场竞争买房的情况下,看中就着手比再三考虑到被他人抢鲜好些。


(挑选patience) Have you ever regretted after a quick decision about the major when you lost all your interest or job opportunities in the university? Have you ever stuck in an unhealthy marriage after a hasty choice of the partner who is supposed to spend the whole life with you? Have you ever made numerous mistakes in a test after hurrying to submit the paper without checking the answers over and over again? If you have never encountered these situations, is it way too optimistic to say that taking action now is better than being patient?

(挑选take action now)Have you ever lost possible profits because of other competitors springing up after waiting for too long to start a new business? Have you ever missed the deadline after failing to take immediate action when having a working or learning task to finish? Have you ever regretted after thinking too much on whether to buy a house when others seized the opportunity and lived in the big house? If you have never encountered these situations before, is it way too optimistic to say that patience is a better strategy?

在这里2个练习题以后,针对这类疑问句排比句想来大家都没什么难题了。小结一下疑问句排比句的架构,由have you ever done something开始,內容上必须填补题型中能够依据状况分拆的形容词或者不一样状况的叙述;最后一句为If you have never done these before / If you have never encountered these situations before, is it way too optimistic to say that …? 来开展段首的完毕。这样一来,段首就看起来尤其新奇趣味了。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If you are selecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in whom to vote for.

这道考试题也是一道肯定词类的题型,因此 可以应用我们在上原文中讲过的疑问句排比句开始方式。剖析这道题型,考察的是一个学生社团的领导干部所应当具备的质量。除诚信友善以外,一个学生社团的领导人员应当具备沟通协调能力,解决困难的工作能力及其优良的管理水平。也就是说,沒有沟通协调能力,机构里别的的学员有可能会产生团体,进而对全部精英团队导致负面信息的危害;沒有解决困难的工作能力,这一领导人员就不容易在出現难题的情况下快速分析问题并寻找解决方案;沒有优良的管理水平,这一领导人员就不容易依据每一个学员的特性分配适合的工作中,或者在有工作中的情况下分派恰当。


Have you ever found out that the members in the student organization are divided into groups, having prejudice against each other or distrusting each other? Have you ever discovered that once there is something wrong in the process of a student campaign, your leader has nothing to do but wait for others to give analyses and figure out solutions? Have you ever stuck in some tasks assigned by your leader that you are not proficient in and found others in the same condition, making the student activity a total mess? If you have never encountered all these situations before, is it way too optimistic to say that voting for someone who is honest is the best choice for a student organization?

根据之上三个考试真题的疑问句排比句段首案例,大家可以看出,肯定词类的考试题最合适开展疑问句排比句,可以分状况探讨的题型也可开展疑问句排比句。疑问句排比句的方式由三个Have you ever句式构成,留意在这里三个排比句之中要反映出题目关键字的细化,必须依据每一个不一样的排比句內容或状况修改或添充里边的实际形容词主要内容,不能用裂缝的语句和语汇描述随意一种状况,那样会看起来排比句沒有实际性內容。排比句完毕后,用最后一个疑问句“If you have never done these / encountered these situations before, is it way too optimistic to say that topic改变?”来顺承排比句,并引出来全篇文章的主题思想。







